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Review The Dragon's Gate before it's released. Go ahead. We dare you.

Gold Rush Games

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Gold Rush Games is looking for talented writers and honest reviewers to take a look at our soon-to-be-released book, The Dragon's Gate: San Angelo's Chinatown.


"But how can someone review the book if it's not out yet," you ask? Simple. We will send you a PDF version of the book for you to read through and critique, with the agreement that you will not distribute the file to anyone else and that you will destroy (delete, remove, wipe, erase, etc.) the file when your review is written.


In addition, we will be happy to send you a copy of the printed book for the asking.


Thanks to digital print-on-demand technology, we have a small batch of pre-release copies of the book already on the way, which are earmarked as author/artist comps and review copies. Most of these are already designated for specific recipients, but we will ship all reviewers one copy, as well, just for the asking.


"What if I tear the book apart in the review," you ask? No matter. We want honest reviews of the book. Go ahead. We can take it. Besides, if you don't like the book, the odds are you won't want a printed copy any way.


"Can I get more than one copy, say for use as a gift?" Sure! As long as you buy it from your local retailer. You see, the whole reason we want reviews of the book is for increased exposure, because in some marketing class I once hear that increased exposure can lead to increased sales.


So if you want an opportunity to review the book BEFORE it's released, drop us a line at mark@goldrushgames.com and include the following:


1. Put "Lemme review The Dragon's Gate!" in the subject line.

2. Tell us your full name.

3. Tell us which pub/site you will submit/post your review to.

4. Promise to indicate that the review is of a pre-release version.

5. Promise to write an honest review.

6. Promise not to distribute the PDF and to delete it after you've written your review.


The rules are simple, but rest assured that if someone cannot follow all of the above rules (including anyone who contacts us without having read this message fully) will be summarily rejected. (I mean, if you can't follow the simple rules above then it's logical to assume you're not very serious about writing a quality review of our book.)


We will select a limited number of people to receive the PDF of the book. When someone is selected we will contact them with a unique link to download the file.


That's it.


So who wants to review our book?

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My thanks to everyone who responded. It was nigh overwhelming. We have commitments for reviews to be written and submitted to quite a number of venues (publications and web sites). You can check out the list below.


Those marked with bold text indicate venues we are no longer sending pre-release review copies for. For the others on the list, requests for a copy of the pre-release PDF will be considered, but the priority will be for reviewers submitting to new venues.


If you would like to review a pre-release PDF of The Dragon's Gate and will submit the review to a venue not listed below, please contact us asap.


Alternity.Net discussion board


EN World (2)

Evil Game Master Society site

Games HQ newsletter



Guild Companion site

Hero Games board (2)



Roleplayers community on livejournal

RPG.net (4)

RPGNow forums

Science and Sorcery Magazine

Sylvan Crossroads E-Zine

The Hero discussion boards

The RPG Times


Women In Gaming web site


Thanks again to all of the people who contacted us all ready.

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