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Posts posted by Kilted_Avenger

  1. Does anyone remember the name of the 4e book that an Australian superheroine appeared in named Sourthern Cross? She had a brother named Paragon, and both she and her brother were illustrated by Scott Heine.


    Your help is appreciated as it's bugging the crap out of me that I can't remember.

  2. Years ago I used to own the adventuer "The Island of Dr. Destroyer". I don't have it anymore. But one of my favorite traps from that booklet was a laser cage. I used to use it all the time elsewhere (even later in other adventures). I can't remember exactly, but seems like it did about 3d6 KA to anyone trapped inside and who wanted to try to get out. Does anyone have the actual stats for this cool trap? THANKS!

  3. Re: Destroyers Rewrite??


    Do you remember if this samurai had a full character sheet' date=' or was just an illustration?[/quote']


    Getting back late to this, sorry....oh he definitely had a character sheet. Any help you can provide would be great!


    Black Ops, yep, I'll bet it was Ronin from Enemies for Hire. THANKS!

  4. Hi guys, I'm looking for the 4th ed. source books where the following characters appeared:


    1. There was a rewrite of the classic Champions villain team the Destroyers (originally from Enemies II and the adventure Deathstroke). In this rewrite, the team hired a marketing rep who changed several things about the team (e.g. As I recall, Death Song was renamed Requiem).


    2. There was a samurai character in a suit of what looked like traditional samurai armor. It may or may not have been hi-tech armor. I think this character was drawn by Fredd Gorham. And the source book that this character appeared in came out about the same time as Allies, The Mutant Files, and Champions Presents #1 (and may have even been one of those books...I don't know). I realize this is vague...sorry.


    Your help is most appreciated!!

  5. Here's a very obscure question for you guys. Does anyone remember a villain team in Champions version 4 stats, showcased in a gaming magazine like in about 1989 to about 1990 that we centered around a weather theme?


    The team had an Amer-Indian villainess with water control powers named Deluge whose costume was somewhat camo-looking and had Aquaman'ish fins on the back of the legs.


    There was a quasi-Brick (like about a 50 STR if I remember correctly) character named Thunder who could fly and had a FF, had an architect secret ID and his costume was mostly black and Japanese like lightning designs on it.


    The leader had fuller weather control powers, was bald and wore a three piece business suit most of the time. I don't remember if there were other team members frankly. The whole team got their powers from magic crystals created by an ancient malevolent sentient reptile race aeons ago.


    Sadly, I don't remember the name of the team overall or magazine. I know all this is not much to go by, but I'm hoping one of you guys will know the name of the magazine and issue number as I'm trying to track it down (the team were regulars in my old skool campaign and I'd like to bring them back now). But I don't have the magazine any longer.


    I know it's a long shot...but you never know. Any how, thanks in advance!

  6. Hey, does anyone remember the name of a Champions adventure (3rd edition I think) where some Cthulhu-type aliens had crash landed in Norway long ago and re-emerged in modern times? I don't remember the exact plot, but I think the aliens were mind controlling people to get them to free them from the ice? One of the NPCs was a Norwegian engergy projector named Northern Star (or something like that). Any how, does this adventure ring a bell with anyone? I'd like to try to find it again as it was pretty unique.


    Addendum: Found the following notation of this adventure in the Champions Universe history:


    "50,000 BC

    A starship carrying Servitors of the Ancient Ones comes to Earth to investigate its potential for conquest by their masters. Due to an on-board mutiny, the starship crashes in what is now Norway and is trapped in the ice."

  7. Re: Protectors Pic Link


    Scott originally posted that link almost three years ago. That page has likely gone the way of the dodo.


    Look up this thread a few posts to Jeff T.'s contribution - he kindly Attached the illos. :hail:


    Are those illos still available by chance???? :D

  8. So being a noob, I hope I'm posting my first question in the right area. But I'm wondering if someone can help me find some updated (5th edition?) stats for Scott Heine's original hero Maelstrom from the old adventure To Serve and Protect? I saw some discussion about someone having updated he and the other Protectors. But then there didn't appear to be any follow up.


    Maelstrom was always my favorite character out of bunch...which is much to say as they all were very cool. Ace and Quasar and Doctor Sonic...oh the good memories!


    I'm getting back into Champions after many long years. And I'm interested in using that character as an NPC in my campaign. I used to have that adventure...but alas...I no longer do.


    Well, any help that you can provide would be appreciated!!

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