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Posts posted by ianthemoxious

  1. Hello,


    My name is Ian. I am brand new to this system although I have played dozens of other table top RPG's. My group recently started running a DC universe game that seems like it is going to be a lot of fun. My only concern is that my game master is using the old d6 DC Universe rules. I have only played one session with it, but already I am not liking the rules very much even though I think the idea of the game is awesome.


    I just bought the 5th edition Hero book only to find there is a new 6th edition. That is beside the point though. My concern when reading the rules is that there are ALOT of them. It is a 600 page book. My favorite systems have always been the simple ones like White-Wolf, FUDGE, and others. I have played and enjoyed GURPS before and I would consider it to be the most difficult system that I have mastered.


    While with a lot of reading I think I could figure the rules out, we have several roleplayers in our group that have never played anything except White-Wolf and FUDGE... I think this system might kill them.


    So I guess my question is: How hard is this system to use? What advantages does it have over a simpler system?

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