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American Valor

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Posts posted by American Valor

  1. Good stuff guys! I like the 'warhammer' gavel choice for the judge. I think if it's a British character, you should go more authentic, but if not, I think the look works.

    Ruby looks to be a great drawing for one of my favorite character archetypes (ahhh, I'm full of BS, they're all my favorites!) I'm greatly enjoying this thread!

  2. Wildcat, I like both designs, but I favor the chainmail more. It has more of a 'techno-norse-berzerkor' feel.

    This is an older drawing of mine, with a little help from a certain 'photoshop fairy' I know who sometimes graces me with a magical assist here and there, they've really made a difference in a lot of my work.

    The character's one of my favorites, a very straightforward energy manipulator with all of his celestial powers in a multipower reserve and the ability to traverse open space.

  3. Looks cool AV. I downloaded it, but for some reason, only part of the image shows up in my image viewer. When I look at the thumbnail though, I see the whol image (which looks awesome, btw).


    Hmmmn, let me try this again...


    Ok, this one's a little smaller, but I'll get the hang of it!


    Jayde Tiger, I think your work looks great and the background on silver fox is awesome! For that matter, there's good work all over this thread! I'm thouroughly enjoying it!


    Dark Patriot is a hero I used in one of my cmpaigns that coupled an armored super-patriot with an urban level hero. He was an older character who been left jaded for govt. work due to actions witnessed since the Vietnam Conflict but still retained his patriotic fervor and refocused it towards aiding the common man.

  4. The whole point of Batman and the Joker is that he would love to kill the Joker! He, as a young boy, watched his parents die right before his eyes! He wants every criminal, every thug that stole his life and the lives of many others to pay! But he's a hero. He won't become the type of monster that he hunts. The moment that he does, he'll never stop. He'll be just another costumed psychopath, except his shtick wouldn't be birds, jokes, hats, cats, or riddles...his would be 'justice'.

  5. In my opinion, killing should banned or accepted upon the basis of the game that you're running. If you've advertised a 4color game, then no. If you're running Dark Champions, of course. And if you're running a campaign in that grey area, ask yourself if the game is about heroes or paranormals. It's not the powers or the skills that make a hero. It's what they do with them. The Punisher kills. Fine. Batman doesn't. Fine. Team-ups between 4color characters and dark heroes have always been absurd to me but anything to make a buck. Ask yourself what you want to run and make sure that it jibes with what characters want to play and it makes for a great game.

    Personal peeve-If you must kill, at least ROLEPLAY it!

  6. A requiem of worlds...


    Ah yes...


    It wasn't easy leading such a powerful team of individuals. Avatars of ancient gods and extradimensional sorcerors don't take orders well! (chuckle)


    Mayday- What can I say? She's the first through the door and the last one to leave. She has the greatest potential for leadership that I have ever witnessed from a fellow teammate, and her wide-eyed innocence and enthusiasm, her open and inquisitive mind made the awesome and raw power of her psionic abilities several times more effective than they might have been in a less imaginative individual.

    There are companions in this struggle that make you feel secure in what you're fighting for, that give you some faith that your common goals may some day be achieved.

    And then there are those boon companions, like our young Mayday, that remind you of what you're fighting for.

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