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Starsong 2002

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Posts posted by Starsong 2002

  1. Open letter


    ill keep this short and simple


    i have deleated my rant it wa uncalled for and unhelpful

    and WAY out of context of the thread, im sorry i ever posted that one,


    this is a open apology to ALL of you who had to read this ( my post ) it WILL not happen again. if it does then you all have my permission to beat me !!!


    im not going to respond to Vangaurd or anyone else over this. im going to let it go.. i hope that vangaurd deleats his rant as well.


    once again im sorry i said anything. but hey we all make errors . and boy did i make a big one... :(

  2. heres one


    heres a pix to attack : )


    as far as the last post by Gwena kitten, i like the recolor job she did but it still is missing a few bits to make it more metallic and also there is the missing whips ?, or perhaps they were left out on purpose? in any case i cant really comment on the art itself due to the point that I did it ( grin ) but i think the recolor job gets the point across very well .!


    heres a pix of Arclight Attacking , the work was done in Poser 4

  3. Originally posted by Blue

    I gave up 3d modeling. I have NEVER had luck with mapping the costume to the object. I just don't get it.


    thats too bad ...


    i started without even a manual for poser and bryce i bought them second hand on e-bay from the USSR for about 40 bucks i use UV Mapper {free BTW ) and paint shop pro also i know what you mean about the map no always working it take a lot of work and tim i did line art for 20 years before starting this


    Poser ships with some templates. I got through and try to simulate what they've done with other textures and when I go and apply the texture the costume invariably winds up not matching the figure correctly.


    you have to make sure you are useing the correct template for the right model and that you are appling it to the right area see pix otherwise you get a royal mess most of the time i use a existing texture and modifie the heck out of it also renderosity carrys seam guides that help with the texture mapping


    I tried a few programs (free utilities) that are supposed to help you with this sort of thing but soon decided I should just stick with paper & pen.


    i would keep at it if i was you if you guys want i will post more Very simple instructions on how to use poser so that anyone who may have the program can use it if you want faster instruction then go to http://www.renderosity.com and check out the tutorails section they are a bit arcane so that why im offering to break it down to VERY easy to understand levels


    ok these are not very good quality due to forum restirctions but if you want ill send a larger and more clear ver. to you via e-mail

    my contact is blazer8@ix.netcom.com



    i know that this isnt exactly a proper place for this post but im going to post it anyway....


    for those of us that use poser or bryce we all know that DAZ3d makes most of the models that we use and they have some pretty cool stuff but sence they changed there store ( supposedly for the better ) i havent not been able to download my items when i buy them , i get a "cant write to cashe " or som som such error my last two perchaces have ahd to been handled by a tech later and i needed the items NOW .


    in anycase if you buy or were thinking of buying from daz DONT... not untill they fix the site problems buy from renderosity or other sites where you can accully get what you order WHEN you buy it not later after some poor daz tech has to hear about it they outsource the security protocols or somesuch and it interfears with downloading and then you have to writed them or CALL them and get it fixed ... i hope they do something about soon i sent them feedback and complaned but im only one voice lets make it a LOT of voices so they listen and fix the problem ( btw be nice to the techs who fix your problem its not there fault ... )

    and they didnt cause it in the first place ....

    and just so i accully post a pix heres is Bio-Hazard its kind of gross and scary so do not open it if there are kids present

  5. Originally posted by Warp9

    I probably can't compete with Poser and Bryce. My 3D software weighs in at under $100, and I don't have any professionally built models to work with (I have to make everything myself). But I guess we all have to work with what we've got.


    Here is a little scene with the Cosmically powered Super-Hero, "Kronos," up against a 35th century Combat-Droid.


    Normally a piece of hardware wouldn't give Kronos much trouble, but this Droid is equipped with a staggering array of ultra hi-tech weapons and sensors.





    nice work Warp ! you dont need heavy duty softwear i would like to know what you used , it looks just as good i bought poser4 and bryce 4 second hand ( there IS NO way i could afford them new) so do not think that Money=Talent ive seen some really sucky ( i can say that right ) ? art on the renderosity board by "professinal artists " and yours looks MUCH better i was a line artist for 20+ years ive been playing Champs sense the first Boxed set came out , i DO not like 5th ed nor millinium ( it bit hard core ) i have the big black 5ed book and my players ( rangeing from 21 to 48 nay sayed totally , but i have some other friends who run a game ( aged 19? to 38? ) that love it to death i still use 4ed and i think they did some really cool things with 5th but i still like 4th we run a game that has a 500pt lock off 90 active lock off and starting at 250 with 60 active lock off for new char and i only allow 1 framework of any type and outlawed power pools it levels the playing field a lot. Before battlesuits ruled the game. now it doesnt matter what kind of char thats made they can still be creative but they are not point crunched monsters. ok /Rant off. in any case Very nice work warp 9 i love to see art other than mine as it gives me new prespectives on what i do wrong or maybe a driffrent way to look at something ...art comes from talent not softwear IMHO


    BTW coming soon FoxBat , ESPER and the Golden Avenger

    i am also going to be doing the REAL champions as a tribute to 4th ed Defender , solitaire , seeker , Quantum, Obsidian and jaguire ( in human form ) also on the horizon is Viper Primus and maybe some other Agents till later !




    heres a teaser of solitarie

  6. poser and bryce


    as i stated before anyone who wants me to try to make charcter artwork let me know and ill see what i can do , im still learning so take this as a offer to anyone on this board, i will attempt to make art for anyone who asks FREE of charge just e mail me with a FULL discription or line art no matter how bad and ill see what i can come up with...


    e-mail : blazer8@ix.netcom.com


    BTW heres a pix of the Golden Avenger from Primus 4th ed

  7. Poser and bryce can be very frustrating, it took me about 2 months to learn how to do Transmapping in bryce i use poser 4 for basic creation and posing then import to bryce for enviroment and finishing, mainly because poser uses a "false" Raytrace system in there render engine, whereas Bryce uses a full Raytrace i have a friend who Still gets frustrated with both programs because of the time involved in crating poseing and importing i didnt use many of the tutorals i found because they were too much information at once and sence i bought both programs second hand ( who can afford 300 bucks a pop ) i did not get any manuals whth them im now working with Vicky 2 and mike 2 to make all my figures i guess ill post more images with a bit more info on how i created them. as i said if anyone has questions about eather program ill try to help at NO charge my e-mail is




    so feel free to contact me i live in Pheonix az and im up quite a bit so it doesnt take long to get a reply

  8. Poser 4-5


    i take it that you have poser 4 ? i would be happy to help someone out with this beast of a program, also i do heros on request ( or for pay ) the hardest part is creating the props and hair btw the pix i posted wasn't "finished" it lacked the Special effects ( whisper is also a pyro kinetic ) ans i was going to place a fireball between her hands ) arclights "clothing" is accully a texture map applied to the figures body (i.e. hes really not wearing anything and i have spend tons of time and effort to chase down props and clothing created by other people. also one of the best places to scrounge items and clothing is


    Renderosity http://www.renderosity.com


    and heres a tutorial on bryce

    http://hamfast.bryce-alive.net/tutorials/bmtut6.html and if you are really impatent i would be happy to create art for you if it can be done i dont charge a arm and a leg because every project is a learning experance i have about 20 years experance as a artist and about 2 with poser and bryce

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