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Capt. Walker

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Posts posted by Capt. Walker

  1. Re: Tell me about your GLC


    The universe that I run is one where Meta-Humans have just recently started to appear (in 2004). Our version of GL is a young man that came upon a metallic sphere which came down from the sky as part of a meteor shower over L.A. When he touched the sphere it liquified, flowed up his arm and faded into his skin. He quickly learned that it was a nanite based battlesuit designed for law enforcement. Now he fights crime as Sentinel and is a founder of our worlds first super team, The Guardians.


    As for where the suit comes from (my version of the Corps) - The Confederation is a vast society of thousands of worlds that reaches across an entire galaxy far removed from our own. In the Confed there are select beings that are able to succesfully interface with the nano-tech battlesuits. These beings are Confederation Star Marshals and function as a special branch of Confed. Law Enforcement.


    The suit that Sentinel wears was being transported to a prison world to be merged with one of the prisons guards. En Route the ship was attacked by Pirates that wanted to get their hands on the suit. The Pirates damaged the ship so badly that there was an overload in the Singularity drive, which tore a hole in space time. The exit point of this new, stable wormhole was near the Earth's moon. Most of the exiting debris sprayed across the surface of the moon, but some of it managed to pass by and get caught in a degrading Earth orbit. This is what eventually led to the meteor shower over LA (which also resulted in another PC and several Villians developing their powers, due to the radioactivity from the singularity drive.) After a few months, Sentinel detected signals coming from near the moon and upon investigating discovered the wormhole. The Guardians decided to access the info with Sentinels suit and discovered that it was infact the suit sending and receiving info. It had finally managed to reestablish communications with the Confed's Galactic Net. This got the attention of CLE, which sent another Star Marshal, Kalitan Drax, to investigate. Once he met the PC's he explained about the suit, the Confederation, the Star Marshals and what happened to the Prison ship. The PC's asked what was on the Prison ship, to which Drax responded "the greatest threat the Confederation has ever faced, an intelligent computer virus called Mechanon IV".


    So there you have it...our universes version of GL, the GLC and a little Mechanon(my players often tell me that they will call in sick the day they have to fight Mechanon).

  2. Re: WW2 weapons in Champions


    Thanks for the website suggestions. It looks like there is some useful stuff on them. If nothing else it will give me a good starting point to convert other allied and axis equipment. Perhaps if I have some time once done I'll post them somewhere.

  3. Does anyone have a good site or book that gives HERO system stats for various weapons that would be common in WW2? I could go dig through my ww2 library and start converting them, but if something already exists it would make life much easier :)



    EDIT: also....could someone with the Vehicle Catalog tell me if it includes things like the Tiger Tank, Sherman, P-51 Mustang, ME-109, etc...? Just want to get an idea as to wether if has what I need before I shell out the $$ for it.




  4. Re: Superhero Images


    Here's an NPC team, Freedom Guard, that will soon make an appearence in my campaign. From left to right they are


    Citizen-1 : An experimental combat robot


    Glory - Magnetic controller


    Anthem - Sonic Blaster


    Constitution(to the rear) - The Brick of the team


    Colonel Flagg(front center) - A master tactician, team leader


    Liberty - Cyborg martial artist


    Monitor - A battle suit that Freedom Guard is testing in the field.


    They were all made using City of Heroes and Photoshop.

  5. I'm usually pretty good with names, but for some reason this one is stumping me.


    It's for a team of villians made up of


    Cremator - a walking inferno


    Binder - a high tech power armor type with entangles


    Threshold - a teleporter/dimensional traveller


    Agent 72 - A TK Bullet thrower assassin


    Blockbuster - a living pool of concrete that is nearly indestructable and incredibly strong


    Alexander Hammer - Their leader, a powerful businessman and psychic


    They are really the first super villains in this world and have come into the public eye at about the same time as the worlds first heroes. The heroes have formed up into The Guardians.


    Any suggestions on a team name?



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