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Posts posted by Martin

  1. Traveller


    I have been using the Hero System to run my Traveller since the 4th Edition came out. I started off with the classic character generation but never liked the randomness. I made up my own system for generation but ended up changing to Hero. Unfortunately I don't run a classic Traveller game. When I started I felt that the Traveller Universe was too big for what I wanted to do so I prepared my own map (e-mail if you would like to see it). I do have a lot of the published planets in my Universe but there are slight differences. anyone who has seen the Keith Brothers Sky Raider Trilogy should recognise the left hand side of the map as that was the first big adventure I ran. I would say that I tend to start out players at very low level for Hero, 50 + 50, but have never found this to be a problem. In fact I have just finished grandfathering some characters and they are coming in at around 200pts (although they have been through quite an adventure, freeing an enslaved race, uncovering a plot to take over the Empire - destroying a Naval Fleet and causing another to run into exile - and ending up with a knighthood from the Emperor, not to mention having a series of ships shot out from beneath them). Anyway hope this helps.

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