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Posts posted by dmallonee

  1. Re: Galloping Galooper


    Andy Robinson created and owns the rights to the Galooper.


    The Galooper was a joke. But he was a very serious joke, the point of which was that a hero can be far more than a name.


    I should make it clear that Heroic Publishing's policy has always been to make certain rights are vested with their creators. Any characters and concepts used in the comics, both old and new, were and are used with creator permission, and therefore come directly from the source.


    As far as we're concerned there's no bad blood between Heroic Publishing and Hero Games. It's just a question of maintaining separate identities.

  2. Yes. The same style for rights notifications would apply for the GSVC, characters from Enemies III, the Primus/Demon material, Terror Inc., Flare, Icestar, Icicle, and various other characters Hero Games used with permission during the early days. Just make certain that the trademark is attributed to Heroic Publishing Inc, and that the copyright is attributed to the person who actually created the character, i.e. Primus and Demon would be copyright Andrew M. Robinson, Professor Muerte and Terror Inc would be copyright Steve Perrin.

  3. If you'd like to post a version of any character from the Coriolis Effect, or for any other character I created, please append a notice in this form:


    Name of character is a trademark of Heroic Publishing Inc, and is utilized with the permission of the copyright holder. ©2003 Dennis Mallonee.



    Dennis Mallonee

  4. You might want to read some of the comics. The published adventures rotate on the Tales of the Arcane website, with a different one appearing every two weeks, at http://arcane.heroicpub.com Donnah Hannah also appears regularly as a supporting character on the Flare website, at http://flare.heroicpub.com

    There are also new stories in the works, with the first new issues tentatively scheduled for release in the latter half of 2004.

    The Coriolis Effect, being designed for a gaming environment, follows a much different path than the comic books. But the background information contained therein is indeed the proper and correct history of Doctor Arcane, Lady Arcane, and the Black Enchantress.

    The London setting is not out of place. The family actually hails from Northumberland, where stands the ancient and somewhat mysterious Manor Arcane. But Clinton Avery was the younger son, and therefore did not become Lord Arcane. That title went to his rather amoral older brother, Albert, who has been missing for the past three decades or so.

    --Dennis Mallonee

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