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Posts posted by DJWebb

  1. So I'm building an NPC for my low powered supers game (300 points), it's a street level superhero with actual powers, not just martial arts and utility belts. This NPC has "the strength of three to five men" with "rhino hide" toughness.


    Game terms, how would you gauge this?

  2. Re: Questions about the Champions 6E core rules book


    Sooooo....if you bought it at a FLGS....*had* a reciept for your purchase...this would mean you had a chance to look through the book and see what it contained BEFORE making the purchase....


    And several people who have posted before me are right..both volumes are worth picking up....

  3. Re: You Make the Call


    I've got the sheet and looking at all of the possible combos that can be pulled the character is easily 8-900 points for 5e...maybe a few points shy in 6e, hence the reasoning behind my wanting a second opinion rather then come off as a draconian GM.

  4. So a prospective player who might be joining my group hit me with this:


    18 pts Zeitgeist: Variable Power Pool (Knowledge Pool), 11 base + 7 control cost, Cosmic (+2) (26 Active Points); Limited Class Of Powers Available Very Limited (Skills, Talents & Martial Arts Only; -1)


    *Right off the bat I got a twitch because, to me it feels like jobbing the rules a bit. This would mean access to ALL Skills, Talents, and Martial Arts - when added together we are talking a metric ton of points for...18 points. Am I being too critical here?


    A follow up to this, since I usually don't allow VPPs but you only have the amount of points to spend on "fill in the blank here" that is your BASE right? Example above the player would only have 11 points to go to a skill or skills or what have you. Correct?


    In following the same vein this would mean that he could buy a skill at a base of 3 with +4 added to it if he wanted - and having a INT roll of 14- gives him an 18- on ANY skill, plus the overall levels he has purchased.


    Looking for a little insight on the mechanics here, plus to see if anyone else has run across this as a GM and how you handled it.





  5. I need help building a power. The special effect is a earth/stone manipulator can create objects from said materials (example would be stone support structures for a falling building or stone slides for rescues from a burning building, etc).


    I was thinking of using Barrier, but would that be:


    A.) Correct

    B.) The most efficient/cost effective way


    Am I overlooking a power entirely that would simulate this better?


    Please help ObiWan, you're my only hope.



  6. Re: Passing the Torch Power


    You should go to your local comic shop and search the old issues for copies of !mpact's Black Hood comic from the early '90s. It's a pretty similar idea.


    Renegade got his powers from his father, Captain Thunder, right? So, what powers did Captain Thunder have (sounds like an obvious powerset I know), but we only see Renegade having the standard brick set up (high STR, durability, etc).

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