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Posts posted by gstarfelt

  1. Re: Adding damage to weapons


    A message from my GM:


    For some reason I can't post to the boards. Can you ask what the best way to have a supernatural (mutant, chi, whatever) power that adds to weapons damage. Like anything I pick up, I add 2d6HKA to its dmg.


    Any input to that question, folks?


    And since I didn't say it before, thank you very much for all your awesome, useful input!

  2. Re: Adding damage to weapons


    What about Martial Arts w/ the "Sword" Weapon Element & added Damage Classes?


    Buy AP as a Naked Advantage (swords only) for your biggest Killing Attack (or, if the GM prefers, the maximum active points for Attack Powers in the campaign).


    This seems like a painfully obvious solution. I haven't played HERO for a while, and I completely forgot about weapon elements.

  3. Hey gents, ladies


    I’m a newb to this community, so pardon me if I’m asking an extremely obvious question. I’m trying to build a power to reflect my character being this awesome, Exalted-style inner strength-powered swordsman. My primary attack power I had built as a HKA with a bunch of armor-piercing and an OAF (a sword). And I was happy with that. But then my GM put a bug in my ear about how it would be cooler if I built the power in such a fashion that I got to apply the sword’s damage as well as the HKA’s damage and AP. Then we started discussing how to build that.


    His suggestion was purchasing AP as a naked modifier and then buying Succor for HKA’s and applying it to whatever sword my character is using. That seems like it would work, but also seems inelegant to me. I was thinking I could buy AP as a naked modifier and then just purchase a bunch of hand-to-hand damage classes, but I’m not sure how to restrict those to only attacks with a sword, since it doesn’t seem like you can apply limitations to those.


    So how would you guys build the power? It should add armor-piercing and additional damage to attacks made with swords and swords only. Beyond that, I’m completely flexible.

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