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Posts posted by Reaverofpeace

  1. Re: Character monologues


    Warmaster Fielan al Hakra



    Once I would wake and not have a worry in the world, I knew my father would be there for me, and my mother would sing me a tale to cheer me up. Once I was part of a family in the millions, one in which I shared my being day in and day out. Once I was a leader of armies and the men would be glad to serve under me, I craved the recognition that came from it. Once I served a living goddess who ruled with a just and powerful hand. Once I used my talents to maintain her rule. Then the darkness comes.


    Through the darkness I move, ever onwards to the light ahead, fleeing with the speed of an assassin. I stumble and land on the beach of a sea, with a storm brewing in the distance. To my sides I see breakers to try and stop the storm from laying waste to what’s ahead of me, but they do not seem strong enough. With a burst of light I fall through the sand and into a field of grass. Then the day is now.


    Now I am alone in a sea of minds, none of which can see. Now I have been dishonored and can never hope to greet my brothers and sisters. Now I devolve secrets that were trusted to me. Now I must sit and hope that a land that knows no discipline can save itself. Now I see beings that would have been stopped run rampant, resisted only by a few brave individuals. Now I see my shattered honor be broken further by a betrayal that I had no part of. Then I wake.


    Soon I shall bring the way to the minds of those willing. Soon I shall find my brothers and sisters in the brave of a world that is not ruled. Soon I shall cast aside old regrets and be what I was intended to be from the beginning. Soon I shall find what the path truly teaches. Soon I shall lend my aid and my voice to repel a twisted goddess and my enslaved family. Soon I shall join those few who protect the innocents. Soon I shall no longer be a bringer of death. Then the light shines through.


    I am a man of many years, I have served my honor as was required. This day I find that even though my mind is alone I can find companions that would make the great teacher herself proud to fight besides. I am a warmaster without a brotherhood so I will forge a new one, made of those willing to adopt the path and willing to walk a road of growth. For through this conflict and loss I have found what I was missing.

  2. Re: WWYCD #114: Ah, Love or Aw, Crud?


    All I got to say is I'm not in the middle of any love relationships as of yet. ::Looks around in panic at calling attention to himself::


    But for the question, seeing them together and in love I let them be, if it is mind control time will tell and only one member isn't or doesn't have the potential for immortality. And even that is iffy.

  3. Re: WWYCD #115: Xerox Paradox...Baby Blues!


    For the warmaster he would first rescue the kids and begin there training in the path, and be surprised that someone was able to successfully clone a non mind blind Ceran. Then he'd track the factory down, then calmly rip out all the information pertaining to this from the persons mind making sure that no way to copy this exists.

  4. Re: Die, Customers, Die!


    Magmarock, you have to understand a couple things, we didn't hide what we were doing, in fact the GM had to have known we would of gone after this. Infernous had orchestrated the slaughter and ritual canabalism of a town once. Helped someone be convinced the end of days had arrived, and I had made plans to kill all the PCs besides my loyal minion. (Who was basically mind controled to the depths) As for taking a risk, I had the demon and devil hordes of my lord ahriman scared crapless by taking an advanced Pit fiend out with one blow (I had a weapon that could once a month auto kill someone). Also he didn't care if he was killed, it was all for the glory of Arhiman.


    Also to let you know I originally was going to play a neutral character, a Thri-kreen monk, then the GM decided he wanted to do Pirates when by his rule my character would be dead in a week. So my next character was a I don't care I wanted to try something I did when I was much younger. And Infernous was born.


    As for leaving the game, we were going to until he gave his friend Devastator Spider Poison as an after thought. Also I make it a habbit to keep playing even if I am annoyed. So instead of hampering my character with morals he didn't have, I did what was required to complete his goal.

  5. Re: What would your character do #83 ?


    You have to understand, we made our characters so we each had weaknesses, but another player covered it. Sure that means we can respond to almost anything, but thats because were a team and thats how they work. In this case we would use Horus becuase the other two who could confirm or deny it are more suspect and have less public support.

  6. Re: New Sentinels stats


    The Ceran Honor Code


    1.) You must always strive for balance. The three piliars of strength are the Mind, Body, and Soul. You require a mighty Body to weather the storms of life, you also need a focused Mind to find the truths that are hidden, finally you need a calm Soul to guide you to wisdom.


    2.) The strong rule the weak, the wise rule the strong. It is through strength that we learn rule, but you must also gain wisdom. Thus the Strong rule, but the Wise guide the Strong.


    3.) The duty of the strong is to protect and guide the Weak. Do not allow your power to make you forget that everyone started the same, it is your responsibility to gaurd those who are weaker then you, for we are all brothers and sisters.


    4.) Challenges promotes growth, it is through conflict that we find ourselves. Be weary of complacency and sloth, not a day should pass where you do not challenge your selves.


    5.) Do not cause pain for the sake of pain. We are the People, never forget this. When you strike aim to put your foe down as fast as possible. Do not allow your emotions to convince you that prolonging there agony will gain you anything, all it will do is cheapen you.


    6.) We are all Brothers and Sisters, never intetionally kill you siblings. We are family, we live and die together. Conflict may exist between us, but never allow it to escalate to murder.


    7.) Your honor is your own, cherish it. It will serve you in the long run, be wary of making oaths that you can't follow up on. For your honor is a shining beacon to the unenlightened.


    8.) Stay true to your lord and servents, but respond to trechery with death. Honor is a very slippery sloap, bind yourself to it and it will serve you, but if someone betrays you then you are honor bound to make the traitor pay.


    9.) Your body is a weapon, reliance on tools is a fools dream. There is a difference between relying on them and using them, you are as much of a fool to not use tools if the situation calls for them.


    10.) Always be wary of compromises or gifts, think long and hard about what you are giving up or recieving. Naquaros offered a gift, if we looked at the surface we would of been doomed. He then offered a compromise with his challenge, if we had accepted we would no longer be alive. Remember always act with caution.

  7. Re: New Sentinels stats


    Ceran History:


    Long ago, in another universe, a harsh and forbidding desert planet gave rise to a native humanoid species of minor telepaths. Things progressed normally in their development and evolution, in the pattern seen on most worlds with extreme survival environments -- tribal/clannish societies, nomadic culture, natural selection for the toughest and canniest. In those early days, before the coming of the Great Teacher Ceras, clan fought clan and brother fought brother constantly, with their crude weapons and crude minds.


    And then came Nekweros, Spirit of Despair, Herald Of Nullity, an Ancient entity of utter horror and malice. (Note -- Earth knows this entity as "the Death Dragon".) For the Death Dragon, avatar of The Dragon, personification of evil, comes to world after world and offers them a gift, a test, and a challenge.


    Ceras, clan matriarch and legendary figure of wisdom, saw through the evil one's gift, refused his test, and spurned his poisoned challenge.

    Instead, she realized that the challenge of the Death Dragon was designed to give the foul creature a chance to meet and destroy the greatest warriors of her race, one by one, slowly taking them from the pool... and that the inevitable law of averages would eventually give Nekweros final victory.


    Nekweros, freed from the restraints of his Tournament, struck this world with fire and war. Its inhabitants, under the leadership of Ceras, fought back as best they could, with weapons of body, weapons of the mind, and weapons of the spirit. It was this war that taught the followers of

    Ceras that to die fighting vs. corruption, even if it be to the last man, is still superior to embracing it.


    The rampages of the Death Dragon shaped society anew. No longer did clan fight clan, brother fight brother. Now, all warriors stood against a common foe, and tempered their killing with wisdom and their blades with keen wits. Yet still the Dragon brought clan after clan low, with outright assaults and with whispering evils of the mind and spirit, killing and poisoning.

    The survivors of this age became strong and proud and clear-minded, with Ceras and her unimpeachable brilliance and peerless mind at their head.


    Until Ceras made her greatest discovery -- the ability to not merely

    Link minds, but fuse them. To have all become one. To find the



    Every master of thought and adult warrior upon the planet joined together in a gestalt, in a blazing fury of psychic power never before dreamed of.

    They struck the Death Dragon with all of their might, and reached

    Through the avatar to do what no other people in history ever had... wound the Dragon itself, the personification of evil for whom the Death Dragon was a mere emissary. And Nekweros (as they call him), the Death Dragon (as

    Earth knows him), left Ceras, never to return. For this world had passed through the forge and the fire, and those that were left behind were nigh unassailable.


    And this, the legends say, is why no Ceran can ever know despair, for

    The very Spirit Of Despair itself does not dare to touch any child of Ceras lest it suffer the wrath of the Great Teacher and her children again.


    But a terrible price was paid. Barely any memory songs exist of this time, and none from the battle itself... for Ceras and every member of the gestalt died in the act, giving their very spirits to win this victory. Had not warriors left behind wives with children, and had not younglings been forbidden to join the Silvermind, the race would have died. As is, the Cerans continued on, grown strong from their experience, yet dealt a terrible blow.


    Several centuries later, Ceran culture was still in its Golden Age.

    Still primitive desert nomads they were, for Cerans have ever looked inward to forging their hands and minds rather than outward to forging new tools.

    Yet their telepathic skills had become subtle and manifold, and their arts of mind-over-body control had become legendary. To be a Ceran warrior adept was to have nigh-total control over both flesh and nerve and mentality, and to be able to use any of them as easily as normal men and women could use their breath and their eyes and their fingers. To be a Ceran was to be a member of a people that thrived on both war and wisdom, who could preserve memories and share minds so well that they needed neither books nor libraries to retain and pass on their traditions.


    And then the Slavers came, the planet pirates, the world-rapers. An early spacefaring species were they, who thrived upon the sack and loot and strip-mining and enslavement of primitive worlds. Yet vs. these "primitives", they were horribly outclassed.


    Despite their battle dress and their fusion guns, their exoskeletons and their terrible missiles, their raiding parties were savaged time and time again. Vs. warriors who could move squads in perfect mental coordination, who could cloud the minds and senses of their enemies, who could cast illusions and strike with mental blows, even high-tech raiders fell.

    And although the raiders' biometric trigger locks prevented the Cerans from taking their guns, their hullmetal monomolecular bayonets were still usable. These weapons, capable of cutting through even heavy space armor with a powerful enough thrust, became the first 'honorblades', for these tools of their fallen foes allowed Ceran warriors to crack their shells and kill the child-stealers.


    After almost a century of conflict, the slavers finally gave up, defeated. Although their procedures and the ignorance of their thugs had kept the secret of hyperdrive from the Ceran natives, they had managed to "read" enough and capture enough to begin the march towards industry. And the planet pirates were not a proper starfaring navy, and while they could have burned the surface of Ceras to glass, such an action would have had no profit. And so the Cerans yet again were left to their own devices, as they left primitivism behind to slowly find their way to modernity.


    And then another conqueror appeared... one far subtler, and Infinitely more powerful, then any mere band of slaver planets. The Empress Of A Billion Dimensions, Istvatha V'Han.

  8. Re: New Sentinels stats


    So I just found out we have a thread here, and I should proably post my character.


    Name Warmaster Fielan al Hackra

    Player Bob Kohnen


    20 STR 30 OCV 10

    60 DEX 30 DCV 10

    40 CON 30 ECV 15

    20 BODY 20

    20 INT 30 Phases: 2,4,6,7,9,11,12

    70 EGO 45 14- activation

    20 PRE 30 Total Defenses: 15Pd(6rPd) 20Pd(11rPd)

    3 COM 16 15Ed(6rEd) 20Ed(11rEd)

    3 PD 9 15 MD

    3 ED 9 10 Power Defense

    30 SPD 7

    -4 REC 10

    -9 END 42

    -10 STUN 40



    160 Trinity of the Self: 80 pt Variable Power Pool + 80 pt control cost; Cosimic +2, no end +1/2, Telepathic and Prana/Bindu Effects only - 1/4, Characteristics can't exceed Legendary -1/4, Cannot affect Machine class minds or non sentient targets - 1/4


    21 The Sight Mimics the Body - 10 pt Martial Arts pool + 11 pt control, Cosmic, Persistent, No end, Inherent, Marital Arts only -1,-0 can only use manuevers he has seen and had time to adapt to


    10 Perfect Shielding 15pts Mental Defense (9 free from Ego) hardened +1/4

    5 Perfect Shielding Lack of Weackness (5 pts) on Mental Defenses only (-0)


    8 One of the Greatest Stratagists in The Multiverse - Clairesentience w/ Precognition

    Precognition Oly (-1), Only to Predict Opponents Stratagy/Intentions (-1/2), Requires Minmum Amount of Data (-1/2), Requires Tactics/Deduction roll (-1/2), Extra time 1 turn (-1 1/4)


    5 The Planning Mind: 1d6 Luck


    11 Ceran Honor Blade: 1d6 Hka, NND (not vs Force fields common defence) +1/2, Does Body +1, 0 End +1/2, OAF Honorblade -1, Independent -2


    12 Ceran Light Battle Dress - 5PD/5ED 2XHard, OIF, and 14- activation (Note, I haven't aquired this ingame just paid the points for it.)



    Martial Arts Ceran Warrior Training

    (This was susumed by the MA power pool I have)

    16 +4 Dcs w/ martial arts


    40 Pain is Only a Thing of the Mind: 50% Damage Reduction, Physical and Energy, Resistant, Stun only


    5 Healing Trance: Regeneration (1/body an hour) 0 End persistant (+1), Extra time (1 hour) (-2) Only if resting thoughout the hour ( -1/4)


    12 Mind Over Body: Power Defense (10 pts) Hardened (+1/4)

    1 Mind Over Body: Life Support Longevity (live 250 years)

    10 Mind Over Body: Life support Immunity to all Diseases


    1 Desert Dweller: Life Support Diminished Eating (Needs much less food/water)

    1 Desert Dweller: Life support Safe enviroment (Intense Heat)


    40 +4 overall levels

    10 +2 w/ all int based skills




    12 Combat Luck (6Pd/6ED)

    10 Defense manuever IV

    5 Eidetic Memory

    4 Reputation Legendary Warmaster +6/+6d6 14-; Only among Cerans and the Imperial Court -1


    Agility Skills:

    3 15- Breakfall

    3 15- Climbing

    3 15- Combat Piloting

    3 15- Stealth

    3 15- Teamwork


    Intellect Skills:

    3 15- AK: Isvatha V'han's dimensional Empire

    3 15- Analyze Combat Technique

    3 15- Analyze Strategy

    3 15- Analyze Style

    3 15- Deduction

    2 15- KS: Ceran Culture

    2 15- KS: Ceran Martial Arts

    2 15- KS: Isvatha V'han's Court

    2 15- KS: Isvatha V'han's Dimensional Military

    2 15- KS: Military Strategy

    2 15- KS: Super Society

    3 15- Paramedics

    3 15- Power: Physiology

    3 15- Power: Telepathy

    2 15- PS: Instructor

    2 15- PS: Strategy Games

    2 15- SC: Physiology

    2 15- SC: Psionics

    2 15- SC: Psycology

    2 15- SC: Sociology

    5 15- Survival (Deserts, Temperate/subtropical, Arctic, Mountains, Space)

    3 15- System Operations

    3 15- Tactics

    3 15- Tracking


    Interaction Skills:

    3 15- Bureaucracy

    3 15- Conversation

    3 15- High Society

    3 15- Interrogation

    3 15- Oratory

    4 17- PS: General

    2 15- PS: Memory Singer


    Background Skills:

    6 Scholar, Scentist, Jack-of-all-Trades

    6 Languages: Ceran (native), Interlac (Completely fluent), English (Completely fluent)

    0 TF: Small Motorized ground vehicles, Grav Vehicles

    7 WF: Swords, Small Arms, Energy Weapons, Grenade Launcher, Heavy Machine Guns, Shoulder fired Weapons



    33 Experience

    10 DF: Blue Skin and red eyes (Concealbel Noticed)

    15 Watched: Intelligence community 11- (More powerful, NCI, Watched)

    20 Hunted Isvatha V'han 8- (More powerful, NCI, Kill)

    20 Hunted Dr. Destroyer 8- (More Powerful, NCI, Enslave)

    25 Psych Lim (Ceran Honor Code) (Total, VC)

    20 Psych Lim (Will not Surrender) (Total, C)

    10 Psych Lim (Sensei, will protect and get vengence for those he teachs) (Total, UC)

    15 Psych Lim (Hatred of People who abuse there power) (Strong, C)

    15 Phys Lim (Can not have Bio-wear) (Uncommon Fully)


    600 Base + 183 Disadvantages = 783 Total 782 Points Spent

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