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Posts posted by Dragnfly

  1. Re: How to Build: Mecha-style bits/funnels/fangs/airds/etc


    Bubblegum Crisis was cool. Especially the original. It's still one of my favourite introductions to a series, with the concert and rampaging boomer. It really captured what the show was gonna be like. Tho this character is more on the Trigger Heart/Infinate Stratos style. Her face is only partially covered and the armour is more modular than the hard suits in BGC.


    Anyway, back on topic, he approved the method Lucius suggested. So I don't need to make a bunch of followers. Actually, last night he went over all the forms and the base character and, after fixing a handful of things (mostly with redundant options I was wasting points on) approved the whole character.

  2. Re: How to Build: Mecha-style bits/funnels/fangs/airds/etc


    Sorry. I'm not the GM for the game. Also, I've never even heard of 90% of those titles and, as my topic title shows, every series with these devices uses a different name for them. I'd have absolutely no clue what to even look for in them.


    The only one I knew that sometimes has something like this is Armored Core, and it's got no actual content in your link.


    EDIT: Thanks, Christopher. It's great to hear 6e will have it. It doesn't help me but at least other people won't have my issue. I'm gonna bite the bullet and start churning out a bunch of followers then.

  3. So my upcoming character (only my 2nd Champions character ever) is a multi-former who's 4 alternate forms are variants on mecha musume type. For those unfamiliar with the subgendre, it's basically a girl wearing a machine while still being stylistically distinct from powered armour.


    Anyway, I wanted her long-range form to have funnels (small flying laser turrets that act independantly). Looking into it I think I'd need to make them AI-controlled vehicles or automatons.


    My books are: 5e revised, Ultimate Vehicle, Ultimate Brick, Sidekick, Gadgets and Gear.


    Now, being a multi-former she's already about 10 pages of character sheet. I really don't want to add any more. Is there a way to do this without making a whole new sheet?

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