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Posts posted by Rhys

  1. Re: The cranky thread


    What does Godiva do to its employees? On a related note' date=' there's a company in Michigan that has a new policy: Employees are not allowed to smoke at all, not even in their homes. It seems the company doesn't want to pay the higher cost of insurance. Three people have been sacked already for refusing to take a test to determine whether they are smokers. I see a lawsuit taking place.[/quote']



    Time for a new union contract.


    My mother tells of the times when she was a kid her dad had to neak his cigarettes in the closet so the school board wouldn't find out he smoked and fire him. They also had to play cards with all the shades drawn.

  2. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    No. I write the title and the plot, and the editor does his best to make the title as bland and incoherent as fecking possible.


    Ah well...



    Whatever, it seems to be working. I've never read any of your stuff, but you're getting excellent reader reviews on Amazon. Now I'll have to read you myself.

  3. Re: The cranky thread


    I got called by a company for an interview after the recruiter saw my resume. A few days later, I get a letter telling me I don't fit their criteria. THEY CALLED ME!! They couldn't send a letter saying, "Your interview sucked."? Or something like that.

  4. Re: A Thread for Random Musings


    Took my daughter to school today so she can spend the morning and first part of the afternoon taking a pre-TAKS (TX Assessment of Knowledge and Skills) test. That way they can spend more time going over it in a week or two. Now they're talking about giving the kids who pass an extra two weeks off from school so they can bring the other kids up to speed.



    Man, I hate standardized testing.

  5. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    Pap (?) machines are prescribed often if they don't think surgery is the viable option.




    My dad was on one of the machines and had a pacemaker put in. His heart would stop everytime he stopped breathing, or vice versa, I can't remember. Sleep apnea and sarcoidosis is what killed Reggie White.

  6. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    Does being awake til 4am count? That's what time I finally nodded off. That does NOT count me being woken up at 7:30am by the little f***ers upstairs again.


    Hence the reason it's now 10am and I just got up.







    Works for me. Can I get a ruling from the judges?




    Judges say yes, that counts.

  7. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    Great. I intend to make the Bush administration sound bad, but I end up being called the racist.


    Shoot me now.




    Too many other people to get to first, sorry. Probably should have said something on the thread, but I was seeing to much red and not enough sense.

  8. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    You had to remind me we are the laughing stock of the world.


    I DON'T see this ending well. Can you say at least four years of TRULY HATEFUL partison rancor?


    I have to admit it, though it make me happy about myself... :stupid:


    I have a suspicion that the "found" 700+ votes from King County are fraudulent. Otherwise they should have showed up at least in the FIRST recount. Shouldn't they?


    Recount until you win?


    Christine Gregoire won 50% of the votes, DESPITE the fact that her department as state attorney general was blatantly shown to be incompetent. They didn't bother to file an appeal, so the state had to pay a multi-million dollar fine. They then fired the woman who "was supposed to file it" and LOST a WRONGFUL TERMINATION suit by her!!!!!


    I seem to recall there were a few other incidents...







    Reminds me of the situation in Kansas years ago when everyone voted for the challenger because we thought no one could be worse than the incumbent governor. Boy, were we wrong.

  9. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    Magmarock, you commented on the people who take the Davinci code too seriously?


    I heard an interview on BBC with a priest who has the lunatics who BELIEVE THE BOOK IS NON-FICTION coming to his church to see the spot where "the girl was murdered by the Opus dei monk" and accuse him of "covering up for it" when he says that NEVER HAPPENED!




    People frighten me. :(



    I heard an interview with a guy who interviewed Dan Brown and asked him point blank if the stuff was made up. He phrased it something like, "Now these documents and events you refer to are fictional, right?" Brown's answer was that the documents had really existed and many of the events actually occurred. He apparently wants people to believe it's real.

  10. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it...


    Wind Rider's Oath by David Weber. It's the third book in the saga of Bazhell Banakson, Horse Stealer Hradani and Champion of Tomanak. Tight up there with the other two. It's been a long wait since the second book, but it's been worth it. I'd give it a solid 3.5 out of 5, maybe even a 3.75. Now if George R.R, Martin would just publish, I'd be happy.

  11. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    Letterman's not a comedian, he's a salesman.


    He's sold the idea that he's funny and a talk show host. He's about as funny as a root canal, and he is the absolute worst talk show host ever.


    What he is is an attention whore.



    Liked him a little when he was on NBC. Can't really stand him now. Interesting that his strong point is supposed to be that he's hipper than Jay, but Jay has a larger audience in the 18-34 range.

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