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Mrs. Sketchpad

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Posts posted by Mrs. Sketchpad

  1. Re: Video Games


    You know ... there's irony in me finally checking this forum and finding this thread ... when my d20 Urban Arcana ends (I nearly pulled a Total Party Kill last game), I'm probably going to do 'Videoland HERO', based very, VERY loosely on the old 'Captain N The Game Master' cartoon.


    The basic premise is that video games have kind of created their own little reality ... all the characters are there, the game-worlds being linked through Warps. Unlike the Reboot cartoon, the characters are simply the characters ... Mega Man is always Mega Man, rather than the Reboot's technique of adopting a persona. And he gets to interact with everybody from Q-Bert to Cloud Strife.


    I adore video games of all kinds and have actually been trying to plot out something similar for the tabletop group I play with. However, I was going have the players pick characters fairly close to themselves and use the old "Earthlings get transported into the videogame dimension" plot, rather than have them be video game characters. Once there, they find out something has gone terribly wrong within that dimension and they have to make things right. For instance, for the Legend of Zelda story arc, I was going to have Zelda and Link be the bad guys and Ganon be the sole hero left in Hyrule. The PC's have to put things back in order before they can move on to the next game, but can use any of the neat power-ups they can find along the way.


    I also thought that it might also be fun to have them play no-name video game characters instead, such as the "greeters" at the front of every city ("Welcome to *insert name here*"). Video game characters that no one really pays attention to... but who, if given the chance, could make really interesting characters. What would happen if video game "greeters" finally got sick of saying the same thing over and over? What would happen if a Shyguy found the courage to fight back instead of just letting veggies knock him out over and over? why should the big name heroes get all the press... maybe they are all vain like Simon Belmont on Captain N? Videoland's lackeys uniting against a common goal...


    *shrug* I thought the ideas might be fun if executed right. My biggest problem right now is getting the courage to actually run the game. I have the time to work on material and such, but I just don't know where to start. That, and I'm trying to get all of the players to give me a listing of what their favourite video games are... it's like pulling teeth from a Garcoil Rooster, but I want to make sure that I include at least one favourite game from each of the players. Makes things more interesting that way, I think... more frame of reference to understand obscure jokes.


    I don't suppose this will be an online game that you'll be running, CrosshairCollie? If so, I'd be quite interested in playing in it, if you are looking for people to join, that is. :)

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