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Snake Gandhi

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Posts posted by Snake Gandhi

  1. Re: The Official Handbook of the Marvel Bunnyverse


    DocSamson, Dan is right -- we retconned the whole evil Fantastic Four thing out of existance with the reboot.

    You did? Aw, that's kind of sad, as I thought it was a neat encounter..


    Oh well, it happens. Though I had a lot of fun plans for Victorious and his little friends.

  2. Re: X-Men: The Next Generation campaign on Hero Central


    Maybe that was your mistake' date=' not going with your first instinct. Generally, I find that when I second-guess myself, I end up worse off than if I went with my first choice.[/quote']Naw, my mistake was real life issues interfering with the game. The games seemed to be going well until I vanished.



    Judging by the success of the Bunnyverse games, I don't think people mind the continuity rewrites.
    I think the success of the games is more an aspect that you have good GM's and good players.
  3. Re: X-Men: The Next Generation campaign on Hero Central


    Plus, HC is an open playground. Even if it might not be an 'official' "Bunnyverse" campaign, there's nothing stopping someone from opening up an unrelated campaign with a similar pretense.


    Or even a DC: The Next Generation series of campaigns...:smoke:

    That's funny, cause before I started the Marvel game my first idea was a DC game with the same premise, because I'm more of a DC guy.


    I ended up going with Marvel because I figured I'd be re-writing continuity anyway, might as well use continuity I'm not as familiar with.

  4. Re: X-Men: The Next Generation campaign on Hero Central


    I'm considering doing a Crisis on Infinite JLA/Avengers Forever mash-up' date=' but it would be my first HC-ran game. I'm a little concerned I may bite off more than I can chew. I'd hate for my debut to be epic fail.[/quote']As someone who's first 2 HC games 'failed' (in a sense, more like I failed) it does sting, but you get over it.


    Helps that, at least in my case, other folks took up the mantle of GM and ran with it, so at least the players didn't get left out in the cold.

  5. Re: Cap is dead!!!!


    The problem here, again, is not Brubaker. I would bet MONEY that Brubaker didn't come up with this. This is like Strazynski and the Norman Osborn/Gwen sex stuff, where they TOLD him to write it.


    Strazynski was like WTF? You want to do WHAT to Spider Man? He almost quit.


    I'll bet that Brubaker went home and said "I can either do this cheesy, or I can pray that the fans trust me enough to do this the right way."


    Keep in mind, if this is the case, we shouldn't be kicking his ass. I think we should diss Quesada and Millar for being morons, and give Brubaker the support he needs to bring HIS hero back.


    You know Cap is his favorite, right?

    Brubaker himself has said that it was his idea to kill Cap. And in the same interview said he thought Millar hated America, so I doubt he just said it cause they told him to.


    But even with that, I don't hate Brubaker for killing Cap.

  6. Re: [Third times a charm...] Any interest in a Defenders PbP game?


    Sorry everyone, after my last post I kinda ignored the thread figuring no it was a dead idea. But if we've got some people really wanting to play, I'm more than willing to run it.


    Everyone's free to post some ideas, and we'll see what looks good. And what the hell, let's go for broke and say characters are 950 + 250, with it being perfectly acceptable to take less if you'ed like.

  7. Howdy all. Me again. Some of you might remember me from the Avengers PbP game I started a while ago, or the Thunderbolts game a started some time after that.


    Anywho, I was kinda reluctant to post this, as my last couple games had me dropping out due to personal crisis. But said crisis are finally done with, and since I actually got some folks asking if I'd be willing to run the game I figured I'd bite the bullet and see if anyone was game.


    The drill is, it's the present day in the Marvel U, but instead of time standing still for our favorite characters it moved on normally. So most of are favorite folks are well into their golden years, and it comes down to the next generation of heroes to take over.


    This particular flavor is based around everyones favorite weird and wacky team, the Defenders, who roster has lncluded the likes of founders Dr Strange, Silver Surfer, The Hulk and Namor, to folks like Prof X, Ben Grimm, Nova, Valkyrie to folks like Hawkeye, Spider-man, Daredevil, Iron Fist, Hercules, Black Knight, well, the list goes on and on.

    Now, here is where this team will be different. First, 4-5 players, tops. Second, characters are going to be based on about 1000 points, maybe as high as 1200, still debating. (note, you don't have to use all those points if you dont want. Still, I can see some folks here coming up with 1200 Daredevil and Hawkeye legacies :) ). Thirdly, this will not be your average 'fight the supervillians' team. The Defenders don't do anything that pedestrain, at least not on purpose. Think 'strange' and 'weird', those will be the standards of the day for the Defenders, from fighting extra-dimensional vampires to psychic carribu from the year 11,000, a day in the Defenders is like a day on LCD, you never know what the hell you're gonna see.*


    This will be the type of game where, should Mephisto and an army of demons appear in Central Park, this group goes "Is it Tuesday already?"


    So, any interest in something like this?


    *Note, this is also sort of a challenge to myself, to see just how well I can run a different sort of HERO game. One without real limits or structure or occasionally logic...

  8. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3


    This one came in through a PM...


    It should be noted that Nethan is a little rough because for the life of me I could not find either my HeroDesigner disc or my copy of Fred, so I had to make him from memory. His backstory, to summarize, is such...


    Some 20 odd years ago Namor found an infant swimming in a lost, out of the way part of the ocean. The really interesting part was that he was a few hundred feet below, and seemed to be having the time of his life. His curiousity perked, Namor took the child and visited his old 'friends' the Fantastic 4. After a few simple tests they found that the child was a mutant, though it was a bit odd his powers had manifested so early in his life. If asked today, Namor has a hard time explaining why he decided to take the child with him to Atlantis (though there are theories abound, depending on who you ask), but he did, and after a time he began to think of him as his own.


    A few decades later, and the child, named Nethan, is not only the crown Prince of Atlantis (as benefits the adopted son of the King), but he is Atlantis's envoy to the world, Namor having long ago grown disgusted with the surface dwellars. But as alike as the King and the Prince's powers may be, their demeanors and attitudes could not be more different. Where as Namor is detached, cold, even arrogant, Nethan is compassionate, inviting, and very humble. He harbors no ill will towards the surface world, and often times has to calm his fathers rage at what he sees at yet another tresspass.

  9. Re: Civil War


    I though the first issue was okay and I was wanting to see where it went, but after #2 and the tie ins, sorry, they completely lost me. I mean,


    -Tony practically blackmails Pete to come out, and then hires Titanium Man to lose to Pete so that he can look good in front of the cameras.


    - Tony also contracts Baron f-ing Zemo and the Thunderbolts to go after villians, as him and his friends will be to busy hunting down Cap and his crew, and not just catch them, but recruit them.


    - SHIELD, the wonderful folks that are going to be in charge of all superpower people if this goes all the way, decide the best way to bring in Patriot, the unpowered grandson of Isiah Bradly, is to hit him with dozens of tranq darts form a chooper. When that doesn't work they launch some type of KO grenades that level an entire floor of the building Patriot was in.


    - Reed Richards somehow goes from supporting the act because he doesn't see an alternative to being super gung ho for it, and working on some super-secret '42' project he doesn't even want Sue to see.

  10. Re: x3


    I cannot figure out what a Magneto movie would look like without the X-Men. Magneto exists only in relation to Xavier and the X-Men. A film about a villain is not going to be effective without the other balancing forces. Even in films with strong anti-heroes, you still have to have a real bad guy for contrast. Even if they cast Magneto as a tragic anti-hero, the only this they could do is make the government or humanity at large the villains. Yawn!!!

    I believe the idea is to show a young Erik Lenshur, and to show how he became Magneto.
  11. Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game


    Game question: In your game-universe, has Emma Frost turned hero? Argent's drive to make amends for the evil done by the White Queen makes a lot more sense if Emma is still "Psychic Aryan B*tch from Hell". So could we please stick with Emma as unredeemed villain?

    It's never come up, so if you'd like, I don't see a problem.


    My, my, five of the eight of us in the Thunderbolts are women. I'm tempted to reverse Argent's gender just to even things out (and besides, gender-bending in a role-playing game can be a lot of fun).


    As I'm female in the "real world", my character default is female. I didn't even give any thought to Argent's gender...but maybe "female mentalist" is just a bit of a cliché?


    Maybe Argent is the White Queen's son, rather than her daughter.


    Thoughts, anybody? I really DON'T want to creep anybody out with this.

    I certainly don't mind.
  12. Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game


    Okay, this was a hard choice, even harder than the Avengers team. there where some great characters, but some very different ones. I found out that some would work great with certain characters, but really clash with others. It was a real balancing act to find a group that could concievably work together and still be fun to play with. This is what I finally settled on.


    Haven Walker

    Argent (mentalist)



    Eva Von Doom (powered armor)



    Invictus (martial brick)



    Stilt Girl (power armor)



    Batroc ze Fightaire (martial artist)



    Crusher (brick)



    Electron (energy projector)



    Journeyman (brick)


    You have 3 elitist heirs of 2 world infamous villians and one laughing stock, one heir to a snobby ***** of a woman who was a vaunted villian before turning hero, and 3 kids of working class losers. I think the clash of world views will be interesting, as will the reasons for this crew to keep working together.


    Power-wise we have a nice mix. 2 power armors, but each very unique. We have 2 very different bricks, a true martial artist in Batroc and Invictus* is right in the middle of the Brick/Martial artist slider. And rounding it out we have a mentalist and an energy projector.


    The game is up on Hero Central, folks who made it, go ahead and apply your characters. Once everyone is on board we'll hash out things like how they got together, where their base is, et cetera.


    I apologize to the folks who didn't make it, and my offer of keeping your names for first crack at any openings still stands.


    * Pen, you said you prefered the first, less bricky version of Invictus, so thats who I went with.

  13. Re: x3


    The object isn't to prevent crimes (except indirectly); it's to make it possible to imprison them securely. We can very effectively imprison people who have hands; we've been doing it with great success for a very long time. People with superhuman powers are another matter entirely.


    You COULD build a non-metallic prison and work assiduously to make sure nothing ferromagnetic is smuggled into this expensive, one-of-a-kind prison which would enable Magneto to escape and wreak havoc again. Or you could dose him with the cure, and then put him in a normal prison, of which we have many.


    You COULD go to extraordinary lengths to keep Mystique imprisoned and unable to effectively duplicate others and thereby sneak out. Or you coud dose her with the cure, and then put her in a normal prison, of which we have many.


    Ditto for Juggernaut, Pyro, Toad, Sabertooth, Arclight, and any other mutant who uses his or her powers to assault, rob, murder or terrorize people. Taking away their mutant powers leaves them...human. Oh the horror!

    If ease is the deciding factor, why not just kill them? Hell, why not just kill every prisoner, it would certainly save time and money?


    I see this as no different than taking a smart guy who used his brain to steal a lot of money and lobotimising him so he's only as smart as a normal person.

  14. Re: x3


    Ah' date=' then we should sever the hands of thieves, then? They're using something they're born with to commit crimes...[/quote'] Or castrate rapists, or lobotimise anyone who uses their brains to commit a crime.
  15. Re: x3


    How much more could they have gimped Cyclops in these movies?
    Well, seeing as how James took a bit part in Singer's Superman, some of the Fox exec's though that they should teach him a lesson.


    No seriously, thats why. They where originally going to drop him from the film entirely, but IIR Ratner said he needed him, but his part would be smaller.

  16. Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game


    Okay, the Thunderbolts campaign has been created on the Hero central site. I'll study the submissions, and I'll post our team tomorrow night.


    Also, folks who aren't selected, if you'd like I can put you on the 'Reserve' list. It's a pretty common occurance for folk to drop out of online games for various reason, so there is always the possibility for spots to open up, and I'd ask folks on the 'Reserve' list first if they want any open spots.

  17. Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game


    Okay, the submissions as of now are,



    Andromeda (metamorph)

    Singularity (energy projector)


    Haven Walker

    Argent (mentalist)



    Invincible, (brick)



    Reckless (martial artists)



    Echo (energy projector)



    Eva Von Doom (powered armor)



    Stilt Girl (power armor)



    Nightstalker (martial brick)



    Batroc ze Fightaire (martial artist)

    Wolf (martial brick)



    Crusher (brick)



    Electron (energy projector)



    Journeyman (brick)



    Mole Girl (martial artist)



    Invictus (martial brick)


    Did I miss anyone?


    Submissions are still open until tonight, and then tomorrow I'll make my choice.


    This one's gonna be a toughy, as there are a lot of ways the team can go with such a diverse cast.

  18. Re: x3


    I saw it a little while ago.


    I thought it was okay. There was some good effects, and some very neat super-fighting. Also, Ian and Patrick where once again great as Magneto and Xavier, and Kelsey Grammer was a great Beast.


    However, the plot was odd, some of the things that happened seemed pointless to me, and as far as I can tell this is it for the X-men, cause I have no idea how they'ed carry on after this one, what with everything that happened.


    I'd rate it as not as good as the first 2, but still worth seeing, maybe as a matinee.

  19. Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game


    "MY FATHER . . . IS DOOM! He ruled an entire nation for years! He once stole the power of Galactus! He was the most feared man on the planet for decades!"


    "My dad got hit by lightning and wore a funny star mask with lightning bolts on it. He tried to rob banks every once and a while, but wasn't very good at it. Uh, nice to meet you."



    Could be worse. Could be Stilt Man's son:D

  20. Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game




    NIGHTSTALKER, aka 'John' Morlock


    I've noticed something.


    You took Arachne as a Rival, More Pow. Yet looking over both sheets, I'm having a hard time seeing as how she'd live more than a phase or two against him.


    Nightstalker is faster, stronger, invisible to her Danger Sense, has a better CV, and on an average roll can kill Arachne with one shot of that 7d6+1 KA.I like the concept, but I think you should tone down the powerlevel.


    And foe everyone, keep in mind that this is planning on being a shared universe with the Avengers team. We're hoping to have the occasional crossover, so it would best if folks tried to keep the powerlevel inline with them. It makes the obligitory 'teams meet, fight, then come together to fight a greater threa' a lot harder when one team completely outclasses the other.


    If you're curious, the Avengers team can be found here, and they're fairly powerful without being outragious.

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