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Posts posted by buynoski

  1. ...that is, a sphere that anything impinging on a point of said sphere, is instantaneously teleported to the opposite point on the sphere and then continues unchanged in speed and direction. I thought of teleportation with an area effect advantage with the "fixed point" of the teleport being the "opposite side of the sphere". However, a sphere has a lot of points on it :-)

  2. Maybe the organization could have been different in the Grimoire


    It's a tad hard to get to all the, say, protection, spells as they're scattered about between the various categories as Fire magic, Earth magic, etc. That's OK if you're doing magic based on elements, but not everyone is. I'd have preferred that the spells be grouped more by the power used (Armor,

    or Force Field, or Change Environment, etc) or by intent of the spell (protect character, damage others, find out information, etc)


    The spells themselves are pretty good. If I had to make a suggestion here, it'd be to put in a section of "really neat" spells (either in effects or in method of construction) just to demonstrate the true versatility of the system.

  3. Answerng Opinions Wanted for "What's to be in FH"


    Steve asked what we'd all like to see.


    Everything that Steve listed in his book, both the in-list and the out-list sounded pretty good.


    Since magic is the major "aspect" of fantasy gaming that is different from other genres, I'd suggest that perhaps more emphasis be placed on how to build magic "spells". Especially with some of the known "problem areas" where newer people (or vets. who slip up) tend to get "stuck" or "mess up the system". Examples of bad construction than has ended up derailing games could also be good, i.e. what to avoid.

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