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Posts posted by orinmoon

  1. I don't know which defines my like for superheroes...


    I don't know whether I don't like this genre or which hero fits my criteria. I know we went through with this already but my ideal character is someone with powers, a handful of gadgets and no flight powers.


    Instead of using skin to deflecting bullets or firing blasts from the hands, I like something with plenty of action.


    What do you think is my real problem...?

  2. Reading the X-men I've noticed that Warren Worthington's charming good looks and attitude towards crime fighting makes him more of an angel. However, Marvel doesn't imply that its characters are god-like. And then again, reading Kingdom Come from DC has made me realise that Hawkman, alongside the future JLA is called one of seven angels. I don't get it! Hawkman is more of an anti-hero, not an angellic hero! Weird, huh?

  3. What the heck is happening with this sexual revolution? And back then super females were perfect the way they were! If you had the job of making comics and you could remove this and another feature, what would the other one be? I would wanna get rid of the unnecessary blood that comes out when someone gets hit, even though it is realisitic...

  4. I mean look at us! We always want to come up with something new and some of us plainly dream of owning our own comic book company. Ever since the 70's, ideas have been taken by DC and Marvel. I want to create an original hero or heroine but I can't because my mind tells me to inspire other ideas!


    In the meantime, who here has ever wanted to own a comic book store?

  5. Re: Quick! Help me decide!


    I didn't get the game yet but I did however come up with an idea thanks to the last reply. My personality is that I feel patriotic, scientific and a little bit of an angelic/god type hero. I have hero concepts, which one matches me?


    The Griffin - origin: Zabe Zolac was banised to a near-eternity after betraying his race. The ancient talismans known as the Zola bands housed his spirit. Discovered by the enviromental scientist, called Naythan Newman, he was freed and his spirit merged with the scientist after an industrial sabotage. The Griffin, a symbiotic hero, uses the bands to convert magical force into increased strength and healing abilities. This hero wears wings to cleverly show his themes and has the powers of an ancient hunter.


    Silver Bullet - origin: After his neighbourhood was struck down by a violent rise in street crimes. Ex-police officer and scientist Cain Abel created a gravity-defying belt and bullet-shaped graviton helmet to fly and perform incredible powers. He then put his mantle to the test and defended the neighbourhood and Cardinal City from alien-based control devices that caused the rising surge of crime levels.

  6. Re: Quick! Help me decide!


    I don't know really...


    Sometimes, I think I really need to research various elements of the world to come up with an idea. I used wikipedia, dictionaries and looked at certain heroes and items and its still that hard. I mean look at Marvel! How do they do it!?

  7. Re: Quick! Help me decide!


    I was kinda thinking of something without powers like energy manipulation. I kinda came up with a crime fighter alternative to DC's Pied Piper. His magical flute grants him beneficiant powers that reflect musical moods. Like teleporting to a realm of relief (e.g. line-of-sight teleportation), the ability to hide angry feelings through music (e.g. invisibility) and vise versa. He wields a few small gadgets such as a grapnel and even possesses great martial arts and bird-like sensory powers. Mainly 'cause birds make music...

  8. I'm getting the game tomorrow and I can't decide which of all these would suit my playing style!


    - Superhuman or regular human hero


    - Flight, super speed or land movement vs vehicles


    - Weapons or super powers


    The themes I would choose for my hero are usually mythic and I kinda like flying sometimes, but only for wings. This does lead to a crisis where I figure out winged heroes are less superpowered.


    Other things I enjoy are powered armors, next to wings, and some gadgets like Iron Man's transistors. My favourite superhero has got to be the Flash or Green Lantern (I can't tell which one I perfer the most). Then again, I feel the need to add a universe or remodel the Champions Universe into my own design so everyone would look and feel like House of M characters.


    So the big question is...which hero would best suit me?

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