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S. John Ross

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Posts posted by S. John Ross

  1. Re: Whats your view of PC expiry? What's your in-game mortality rate?


    As a GM or player: Whats your view of PC expiry? What's your in-game mortality rate?


    Varies a lot by genre and subgenre for me, but in most of my standard fantasy runs, there's probably a PC death every 5-15 sessions. I can't nail it down to a tighter range than that, since so much depends on how the players approach things.


    In fantasy campaigns, I see a TPK maybe once every 1-6 years on average. I see more TPKs than that in other genres, but I run a lot of games (like Fly From Evil, for example) where there's no such thing as a healing spell and there _is_ such thing as a Tommy Gun, so there's that.


    That's as a GM. As a player, it all rolls down into "I want my choices to have meaning in the context that they're made, and if that means I get killed, then that's what it should mean." The most cheated I've ever felt as a player was when my character risked everything in a very foolhardy move, and ... as far as I'm concerned anyway ... earned himself a fairly fiery and inglorious (though not ineffective) death. And the GM "let" him live. The character never felt legit to me after that, and I got the GM's permission to have him wander offscreen and be replaced with a different PC, a few sessions later.


    As both a player and a GM, I enjoy games best when there is no conflation between the success of the players and the success of the characters. A kick-ass session can be one where the quest is failed or gets set back, or even gets lost entirely. Similarly, a very drab session can be one where everything goes "perfectly." I think I became liberated as a gamer some years ago, when certain RPGs and campaigns taught me the value (the power, even) of keeping myself in character, but still cleanly separating the character's successes as an adventurer from my own successes as a roleplayer, tactician, puzzle-solver or shameless ham.

  2. Re: [Review] Pulp Hero


    Dagnabit' date=' stop wastin' yer time gamin' and stuff and finish [i']Fly From Evil.[/i] ;)


    Well, see, that's another thing I'd be able to run for them ;) I've been itching to get an FFE campaign started here in Denver ...

  3. Re: [Review] Pulp Hero


    I don't GM.... but you know' date=' I game with a couple different groups. Maybe one has an opening. Especially if one of said groups wants to game PH; I mean how awesome would it be to get you into one of those :)[/quote']


    Sounds good to me (and I'm available for GMing duties, too, of course, it's just that my Hero chops are still under construction so right now I'd just offer to run CoC or something) :)

  4. Re: Medieval Doctor Package


    Depending on how detailed you want it, a specific skill to represent dental-work would be appropriate, since the skills of the "adubedent" were prized and marketed on their own (but frequently combined in the same man who cuts your hair and your leg).


    ... and there are other possibilities that would be more dependent on the character and less universal. For a fun (I hope) read on one such quasimedieval fantasy doctor, here's a piece I did for CityBook 7 back in the day. I didn't limit my medical-history references to the medieval, however, a few of the details are nods to later centuries (anything slightly creepy or ridiculous was fair game), but it's all based on something someone at one point took seriously:



  5. Re: Question about "Pulp"


    In that case' date=' it might be time to consider hiring a few more freelance writers. Save yourself a bit of time and money, put out a little more product, and take a starving game writer or two off the dole for a couple of months. ;)[/quote']


    Yeah, I'll look into it seriously for next year and in the meantime start looking around with an eagle-eye for writers with something approaching a Cumberland-style vibe. But we've suddenly veered way off the Pulp topic ... :o

  6. Re: Question about "Pulp"


    Today [...] freelance RPG writers get, on average... 2-5 cents per word.


    Holy leaping cats :(


    When I stopped freelancing (right around the turn of the century - I love saying that) I was holding a steady average near 6.5 cents/word, with a 7.5 negotiating baseline and occasionally (with that one WotC project, for example, and a few high-speed emergency jobs) getting 10 or more at the top end. Now, I know I was above average, but I also knew folks who were pulling a lot more per-word on a regular basis ... And standard "grunt rates" of the time were 5-6 depending on publisher, with a few publishers (like a certain pale canine) lowballing the newbies pretty cruelly, but overall newbies were getting 3-5 (which is where I was started out, as well), and if you were getting 2 cents a word it was for a startup or a magazine.


    I ditched freelancing (with occasional exceptions to keep the muscles flexible) and moved to PDF because it allows me freedom to write better and blindtest more ... I had no idea I was also moving into the more lucrative end of the pool :confused: I've been avoiding hiring writers because I didn't want to insult anyone with lower rates ... I could blow those rates out of the water.


    (for the pulp comparison, I was using 1935 Writer's Digest listed rates, comparing those to my own rose-glasses version of the RPG industry, and speaking more in writing-rate-relative terms than dollar-strength-relative terms, but I had no idea that RPG-rates had dropped near the "campus typist" level) :(

  7. Re: Mounted Combat, and a Question of Historical Accuracy


    In truth' date=' although all these things almost certainly were done (by a few people, at least), it was also almost certainly something you did to impress your buddies and chicks (like Celtic warriors running out along the chariot yoke) - not because it made you a more effective combatant. [...'] But having said that, if the player wants to buy "cool riding tricks", then as a GM, I'd be inclined to alow him.


    Ditto on that. When I first saw this thread, my response was "My god, someone's found the American history version of the dreaded what-can-a-katana-really-do question!" :)

  8. Re: Mounted Combat, and a Question of Historical Accuracy


    Well' date=' he insists that it's an established fact, end of story, and even when I say "I can't find anything about it despite hours of research", he just again insists that it's entirely historically accurate. It's a long story, but I don't know if basically saying "prove it" would be the most productive approach. :([/quote']


    You don't have to put it quite so bluntly if he's likely to be sensitive about it; make it an implied part of the design process: "Alright, but bring a book or two about it, and we'll design the abilities based on the material directly, that way we're working from common ground and it'll save confusion in play."


    "And you'll need to let me know what your pet raccoon eats."

  9. Re: Question about "Pulp"


    About the lack of real world detail- I'd read in' date=' I believe, [i']Danger Is My Business[/i] that pulp writers were actually sticklers for detail, although that may have only applied to the higher profile magazines like Adventure.


    Sure, some were (and some weren't, and some notorious ones pretended to be, and some were sincere but desperately needed Google); I wasn't commenting on the pulpsters' own habits, just on their needs and resources. A 5,000-word short-story needs only a finite amount of detail (well-researched or otherwise), and the author gets to decide what those needs are ... While an RPG GM, by contrast, doesn't get to make those decisions except in a very preliminary form, until the PCs show up and change the story's needs on the fly with inventive roleplaying.


    And even some of the hardcore sticklers were hamstrung by poor information, especially on overseas matters or matters outside their focus (Erle Stanley Gardner knew the law firsthand and could run circles around other writers attempting legal drama, but he wrote some very embarassing things about firearms and foreign countries, for one example) :)


    Reading pulpster biographies is always a bit eerie because the pulpsters were a lot like RPG writers in many respects (up to and including gaming together -- a lot of the pulp writers in New York City did naval miniatures) ... the same kinds of cliquishness, the same crappy pay, the same (unfortunate) tendency for many of them to hold their own work in contempt because they'd rather be writing for the slicks, etc ...

  10. Re: What kind of fantasy campaigns do you love?


    Interesting. So mages would be buying things like the energy gems (I'm guessing non-regarable magic batteries basically) to supplement casting spells.


    They recharge naturally, but they can also be pushed and burned out. They can both supplement and enhance, though what that means in any given game system varies according to what the system has to offer (I've GM'ed this world in 8 other game systems so far, with some of my testers GMing it in several others, and I never hesitate to massage it a bit this way or that to bring out the best in the game I'm marrying it to that day).


    In that instance, though, you probably will have to watch out for wizards stealing the show, depending on how powerful and broad in scope the magic itself is.
    Or the other way 'round ;) Since the world is (to say the least) friendly to very cinematic approaches to any sort of character, it really reaches a point where the distinction between a "wizard" and anyone else is more aesthetic and social than practical (with the social distinction being pretty important in some places). A purely non-magical warrior could become - functionally - a wizard with sufficiently flamboyant Stupid Archery Tricks, for example. Even speaking in sober cosmological terms, it's a world where the distinction between high skill and "magic" is sometimes an artificial one, and any skill (cooking, poetry, calligraphy, underwater basket-weaving) can concievably be twisted into something potent in adventuring terms, if the player is sufficiently perverse and/or whimsical about it.


    It isn't a high powered setting (in raw D&D terms [the Interlingua of fantasy gaming!], I like to float it around the equivalent of 2nd-6th Level for most campaigns), but on the grittiness scale it's made of a kind of ultimate alien anti-grit. If a fragment of grit ever touched down on the surface of the world, it would be launched back into space at relativistic speeds. There would also be a farting noise, and perhaps some sort of potluck dinner where everyone wore rude t-shirts.


    So, power-levels are frequently modest, but within those limits the nature of a character's potency is pretty much unfettered. So, for that I need a very flexible system, which is (in part) why I've included Hero on my world tour, as it were.


    Aside: In case anyone's wondering (because someone usually does ask by now) this approach doesn't - at least in my own anecdotal experience - dilute the specialness of magic. Instead it (A) throws other character distinctions, like the social stuff, into sharper relief and (B) sometimes has the interesting side-effect of making actual PC wizards rarer ... because some gamers who habitually play wizards do so because they enjoy outre/unpredictable/fantastical character abilities rather than mundane ones, and some gamers who habitually play wizards do so because they honestly and genuinely love wizards. The net result here is that the wizard-lovers keep on playing wizards, but the outre-ability lovers tend to go hog wild exploring other avenues of outre (because they know if next week I run one of my more sober fantasy worlds, they'll be back to playing wizards).


    Hey, you're polite and not too proud to ask for advice on things; that's a good sign in and of itself.
    Nobody gets anywhere denying their limitations, and Hero swims in the vast and stormy sea of my own ignorance, as I like to say.


    Doesn't hurt that you had a hand in a couple GURPS books that I really love to steal ideas from ;) (I've so got to finish my Black Ops Hero conversion one of these days).
    Ooh, I'd like to see some of the scarier critters from Black Ops adapted; it could be a like a Rosetta Stone of overwrought monster-power!


    Hard part's character creation just because of the huge array of options. The key (as with probably most any universal system as I'm sure you're aware) is to nail the concept before thinking about mechanics. Once you're past that, the system itself is pretty straight forward, especially if you hold off on using optional rules until you're familiar with the core.
    And while we're at it: God Bless Hero Designer, yea verily.


    Well, I hope you enjoy it. I don't know how long you've been perusing the boards here, but we've got a pretty friendly & helpful community who are more than willing to offer advice; even if some of use have a bad habit of dragging threads off on tangents. (Sorry again, Jhaierr. :o)
    Ditto on the :o ... and I've poked in now and again, mainly following the release of Pulp Hero searching around for crumbs of ego-biscuit :) But this is the first time I've visited on any kind of regular basis, since now I'm officially engaging as a user of Steve Long's 592-page drug ...
  11. Re: What kind of fantasy campaigns do you love?


    Could work so long as the warrior types can't get as much mileage out of the minor magics as the mages can. Just like the mages can't get as much mileage out of a broadsword as a warrior does.


    A warrior won't have any use at all for the magic-use tools (the energy gems, the scrolls and so on). And then there are low-key magics anyone can use equally (healing potions, for example, or a pot of magic super-glue). But the price-list, in this case, was already designed from the ground up to do exactly what we're talking about ... insure that any ten randomly-chosen PCs of any type (wizard, warrior, or other), suddenly showered with ridiculous wealth, would benefit from that wealth more-or-less equally, in adventure-mojo terms. I'm a very careful fellow with my price-lists :)


    You're credentialed enough in the RPG industry that I'm willing to bet you'll make things work as well.


    I'm a good GM, but never let the industry cred fool you :) Sadly, a huge number of well-credentialed RPG writers don't (and don't even care to) game regularly anymore ... Hero gamers are fortunate to have a certain Steven S. Long, who is a for-real gamer in addition to being a sinister robot writing machine from Planet Wordcount.


    Heck, being a new to the system, a hard-core rules-based solution might not be the best fit for you anyway, and you'll get more effect out of asking your players to be reasonable and expect slight balance adjustments here and there until you're more solid on the rules.


    That's definitely the way I'll be proceeding once I'm behind the screen ... but the end-goal is an article for Blue Lamp Road, so I want to make sure it's mechanicaly sound as well, at least by the time I'm finished with it. There are lots of stages before that, though: first, I'll be a player in a local FH campaign, to get a feel for it from that side. Only once I'm comfy with the system as a player will I step up to the plate to GM, and then so on from there.


    This is a small project in terms of the scope/audience for the article, but it's a big project for me, personally, since I'm way, way overdue for logging some flight-hours as a Hero System GM.

  12. Re: What kind of fantasy campaigns do you love?


    That's the kind of thing we ran into when equipment was free. The only time we didn't was when everyone paid points for everything.


    Scared newbie here :) Questions:


    (A) When you say "free?" do you mean "free-free" (as in, any schmoe fighter could own a top-notch sword, barded warhorse and a heavy suit of armor right from session one and still have spending money left over) or "no points" free?

    (B) What kind of groovy free things (either kind of free) were available to the mages?


    The campaign world I'm adapting isn't a "magic is a special snowflake," kind of world, it's a "really awesome magic is a special snowflake" kind of world, with "ordinary workaday magic is available off the rack," which may help to balance things a bit ... Mages won't be able to purchase the Dread Staff of Badassitude on the blue-ticket rack at the thrift shop (or anything like it), but they'll be able to purchase energy-boosting gems and other non-fancy but useful tools that - on balance - will be as enhancing to them as good armor and steel is to a warrior (and approximately as expensive) ... the rule would be that normal stuff can be bought with cash, and that "normal stuff" includes some fundamental magical tools, not just mundane metal and leather. I'll be adapting the world right off the page, and the price-list is already well-stocked with low-key minor magics.


    My suggestion might not work for his group, and that's fine. Might not work for SJR's either, but it doesn't hurt to make him aware of it.


    Indeed, and I appreciate the differing viewpoints presented here ... It does little to quell my fears in the short term, but it gives me more to work with in the long :)

  13. Re: Question about "Pulp"


    Well' date=' yeah, but that's because it's made from radioactive pixels!!! :eek:;)[/quote']


    Only the modern stuff! The pulp-era material is fashioned from a special Martian version of argon-enhanced radio rays.


    The guy who sold 'em to me tried to explain, but he was interrupted by some angry gorillas wearing Egyptian head-dresses and had to go fight 'em. I was stuck babysitting the elderly professor's beautiful and nubile yet entirely innocent-in-the-ways-of-the-world daughter.


    It's so difficult being me.

  14. Re: Question about "Pulp"


    I think back in the days of Dave Cook's "Crimefighters"' date=' FGU's "Daredevils", and Hero Games' "Justice, Inc.", the pulps, in whatever flavor, hadn't yet bubbled back to the surface quite like they have in the past ten years or so, mainly attracting those that already had a familiarity with the magazines [...']


    I think that's true of Crimefighters, but I don't think it's an exaggeration to suggest that, if not for the release of Raiders of the Lost Ark in the summer of 1981, adventure-pulp gaming would never have gelled into anyting but a forgotten curiosity, and Justice Inc. and Daredevils might never have been published at all (the designers may well have wanted to design those games, but Raiders made them a reasonable publishing risk). Professor Jones got gamers interested in the 1930s as an action-adventure backdrop, and also defined a lot of the postmodern blending of movie serials, radio drama, modern cinema and so on that still defines pulp gaming today. Really, in some ways, for a lot of gamers, "Pulp gaming" means "kind of like Indiana Jones," in shorthand (or "kind of like [insert the title of something more modern that wouldn't exist without Indiana Jones, like Hellboy]. Certainly, at the game shop where I worked in the 80s, most of the folks snapping up pulp-gaming material were turned onto it by Raiders first, and then later delved into the serials, pulps and radio dramas to the extent that their curiosity (or obsession for campaign research) carried them ...


    And the early 80s was a good time to hit the books, too, since so many groovy pulp references had been assembled in the 70s ... Not just the Steranko and the Goodstone and the Goulart (I particularly dig the Goulart), but also books like "the Shudder Pulps" and "The Hero Pulp Index" could all be found in the public library in a small North Carolina town by then ... and it sure was a help that the public library shared a parking lot with the game shop ...


    Okay, I'm being autobiographical, now, but that's the anecdotal version according to S. John :)


    But seriously, I think Pulp (the RPG genre version) was fundamentally created by that one movie, and has been maintained by the small avalanche of things that were, in turn, inspired by that same movie ... and I think that's why (A) the RPG genre is the specific mix that it is and (B) why Nazis are a HECK of a lot more common as 1930s Pulp RPG villains than they ever were in the '30s pulps.


    But I think it's evolved into a very solid thing, the RPG genre ... People writing pulp RPG material right now (raises hand) are gamers who gamed in the heavily-Raiders-influenced 80s, but who also took the lead of the Dave Cooks and the Charettes and Humes and Allstons, Petersons, Stackpoles and others, and started delving heavily into pulp collecting, pulp preservation, and also spending far too many hours listening to radio shows, watching serials, and (this is the part where the gaming version really becomes distinct from all others) heavily exploring the history of the period. If you look at quality modern gaming resources on this genre-of-many-genres (stuff like Pulp Hero and the Iron Crown one from a few years ago and the GURPS one, likewise) you'll find more real-world detail on the 1930s than most real pulp-writers had a grasp of or interest in, partly because the world around them was ubiquitous, but also because gaming requires that more of the world be "real" for the characters to interact with, so the GM can reasonably respond to creative tactics and playful wanderings ... I think that gives the RPG genre of "Pulp" a special character that transcends a misunderstanding. It becomes something pretty awesome, something with its very own sanctity worth preserving. Of course, it falls on the GM to keep the history in perspective with the carefree fun (but that's another thing I got to write about in Pulp Hero) :cool:

  15. Re: Question about "Pulp"


    And Stevens' Rocketeer was' date=' in turn, based on the Commando Cody/Rocketman serials[/quote']


    Yes indeed :)


    I don't have any hard evidence, but I'd say that it was Stevens that single-handedly started the Bettie revival.


    Yeah, he's widely credited for it, and I've never seen anything to make me doubt it. And his ability to capture the sweetness/playfulness in her expressions borders on the supernatural ... These days, hundreds if not thousands of artists draw Bettie, but few come close to Stevens for really capturing her.

  16. Re: What kind of fantasy campaigns do you love?


    2). You can reduce the lethality by requiring the players to keep track of each wound individually, and allowing each wound to be treated/healed separately.

    A follow-on to that is to allow the Paramedics Skill (called Healing in Fantasy Hero) to restore 1 BODY per wound.


    Groovy, I'll definitely poke at those options; thanks.


    Few' date=' if any. I do thsi and it works fine.[/quote']


    Cool. I know Hero is much better at that kind of stuff than a lot of the other universals, so I'm not too worried, just a kind of vague I'll-feel-better-once-I've-had-a-few-sessions-under-my-belt worried (thinking of possible borderline cases where someone wants to design a magic sword with a minor power, for example, where the sword-part might cost more points than the minor-power part, which is an issue that cropped up when our Austin group was playtesting Sidekick).*



    * Our GM was an experienced Hero hack who knew a couple of spiffy ways to fix it with the full rules, but as part of the playtest he let us try to work it out for ourselves using Sidekick only, and I remember it hurt our widdle bwains :)

  17. Re: Question about "Pulp"


    Movies like Indiana Jones or The Rocketeer that are often referred to as being "pulpy" are actually based directly on the old movie serials' date=' not the pulps.[/quote']


    Or in the case of The Rocketeer specifically, based on a modern retro-styled Dave Stevens comic book created at least partly as an excuse to draw Bettie Page a lot :)

  18. Re: Question about "Pulp"


    It just don't seem right' date=' I tells ya![/quote']


    It definitely takes a bit of adjustment (I'm a pulp collector as well as a pulp gamer, and when moving from hobby-community to hobby-community the whole language changes a bit) :)


    I addressed this briefly in Pulp Hero (first paragraph, page 340, where I characterize my own take on the manifold nature of what RPGs call "pulp," with implied contrast to how pulp-collectors tend to divvy the matter) ... I wanted to make it clear that I was writing about an RPG genre above all (one which has only existed since the dawn of the 80s, more or less), and not any particular type of actual pulp-magazine story.

  19. Re: What kind of fantasy campaigns do you love?


    Unfortuately' date=' your players won't like it if you make it obvious that you nerfed the opponents because the paladin decided to rush into a goblin cave without his shield or weapon and somehow surrived without even a scratch.[/quote']


    I wouldn't like it (or ME), either ... I never "nerf" anything; that's why I like to be able to toggle the danger-level within the game's mechanics, before play begins, to establish the desired level of lethality before the dice ever hit the table. And that's why I'm approaching FH with care ...


    My preference is to do so with existing core-rules system toggles, though naturally I'll homebrew my own if the existing ones don't quite suit my needs ... I'd just rather not have to. I'd rather be worldbuilding or scenario-writing with that hobby-time. :)

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