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Posts posted by drewriggio

  1. I've had a long-running dispute with another player about END reserves. He says (citing that the rulebook examples in the margin are built this way) that END reserves MUST have a focus limitation (like an OIF "battery" or some similar item.) I say that they can be taken "naked" without a focus (like a MANA reserve for a spell caster, or the RAGE METER powers from the supplement book).


    Is there a definite answer one way or the other?

  2. Hi all, new poster here. I am toying with the idea of a robot character that is kind of a transformer or variable mech. I am basing the idea on a mix of Robotech Macross memories and that Transformer that turns into a flying transport that other Transformers can ride around in. Basically I am thinking of a guy with Multiform, but am struggling with how to build the "flying transport/drop ship" form. It would basically be a vehicle conceptually, but I don't think you can use multiform to buy a vehicle.


    Anyone done something like this who might be able to share some ideas?

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