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Posts posted by earlrk

  1. Greetings,

    Once play has begun, can a player use experience points to increase the character's multipower reserve?  For example, if the multipower was bought with a 60 point reserve during creation, could it be increased as the character became more experienced?  I'm trying to mimic a character who either by means of training or simply sheer practice becomes more powerful in the powers in the multipower.


    Thank you.

  2. I've also been working on a series of small scenarios to use to introduce some friends to the 6E system and MHI. But I do have a question about what creatures to use. I missed the kickstarter so I have to wait for the book and PDF to become available. In the meantime, what's the general opinion on using the creatures as they appear in the bestiary - monstrous spiders, ghouls, etc? Will the MHI varieties be much different than those in the current bestiary? Thank you.

  3. I'm new to the heroes game system and am using a book published back in 1989. Add to that, I just finished the 4th book in the MHI series. Your template really looks good. But I have some questions. First, will I need to purchase the 6th edition core rule books and if so, where can I get them? My local game shop doesn't have them. Second, what is the point base for MHI characters - that is, are they heroic or superheroic? Thanks!

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