HERO System 6th Edition Rules Questions
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Please consider these as temporary, advisory answers until such time as Steve Long's health and personal circumstances permit him to resume answering rules questions himself.
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6,894 questions in this forum
How would a sleeping target be Affected by Mental Illusions
If a character was using Mental Illusions, how would you determine how hard the attack is to do on the target. I know that they will be at 0 EDCV and would still get any mental defense, but if the mentalist has no idea what they are dreaming how would he/she cause any changes in what they are experiencing and get the effect they want. Would they have to get EGO +30?
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Proper application of Mind Control
I may have missed this in the documentation, but outside of someone establishing mind control on someone, is the attacker require to keep applying Mind Control to keep the target affected -- outside of an EGO breakout roll? I see in 6E1-162, MInd control is "Instant" in duration...to me, that means only at that time the "Suggestion" is planted, it is in effect, just for that phase. Otherwise, if the suggestion succeeds with a Mind Control +30 and the attacker rolls well above it, won't the target follow that suggestion until: The suggestion is achieved -- Shoot your colleague whom is really your enemy; or EGO roll breaks them out of it …
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Sense Modifiers for Mind Scan?
Mind Scan is listed as a "Mental Power/Sensory Power", and I can find no mention in 6e1 or 6e2 that prohibits buying Sense Modifiers for it. So, would it be legal/viable to buy modifiers like Discriminatory/Analytical for it, and expect greater information to be gleamed? Possibly even before the Effect Roll is generated (and applied to the Target)?
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Auto-Resetting Triggers
If a power that costs Endurance has the Trigger Advantage with "Trigger resets automatically, immediately after it activates", does the resetting 'action' cost Endurance, or just the "initial setting" of the Trigger? If it does, presumably if the character cannot expend Endurance for any reason, would the Trigger reset fail? Since the trigger "resets automatically", would it do so even if the character is elsewhere (if tied to a location), Stunned or even Unconscious? If those could cause the reset to fail, would having the power cost Zero END allow it to reset despite those conditions? I'm thinking of a magical land mine that "recharges and rearms its…
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Constant, 0END Question
What puts out a damage power with Constant and 0 END? Is it depended on the total damage of all the dice? Countering the special effects? The user's will? I know when the character tagged takes damage, but not when it stops.
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Barrier limitation: BODY is for the whole barrier: Value? Rephrased
Sorry, my wording was very vague. What I meant was that damage done to the Barrier doesn't just make a hole in it, it takes down the entire Barrier.
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Barrier limitation: BODY is for the whole barrier: Value?
If a Barrier only has one set of BODY, regardless of where it is hit to damage it, how much of a limitation is that? I'm thinking somewhere from -1/2 to -1.
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Adjustment Power Recovery
Hello. When you hit someone with a Drain against END, you halve the effect, so, if you had 21 points of effect that would become 10 points, which would Drain 50 END. When it comes to Recovery, the target gets 5 character points worth back per turn (absent reduced fade rate), or 25 points of END. Is this right? Given that the effect roll is halved for Defensive Powers, meaning the target is already fully recovering twice as fast anyway as the target only has to deal with half the character points being Drained; shouldn't the recovery rate also be halved, otherwise Adjustment powers are nerfed twice?
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Multiple Focus Question...
I was posting on the Yondu's Arrow post, and the OP thought of buying the power with two focucs limitations (OAF for the arrow itself, and IIF for the control fin). I said that he could only take one Focus limitation for the entire power, and only the lesser of the limitation (the Control Fin). Am I right?
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Visibility of wounds on a character with defenses and Shape Shift
I'm building something like the T-1000 from 'Terminator 2'. It has Shape Shift (Any Humanoid Shape, Imitation, Sight, Hearing, and Touch Groups). It also has some Damage Negation and "normal" defenses. When the character gets attacked physically while imitating SOG (Some Other Guy), and is hit - would people see: 1. The character gets hit, and the wound/bruise appears fully consistent with the chosen Shape Shift form, or 2. The character gets hit, and the Damage Negation becomes apparent at that time, or 3. The character gets hit, and the Shape Shift becomes apparent at that time, or 4. Both #2 and #3? Would it take a Limitation on the Shape …
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Draining stats from growth and density increase
If you have the limitation unified power on growth or density increase and you drain a stat boosted by the power what affect does that have on the other powers with unified power. For Example, if you drain STR on a character with growth will that also drain the other powers with unified power?
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Killing attack question
So has the HKA power changed? I remember the deal with this power was the you couldn't do more than double the attack. Now it appears that I can have say a 50 STR but only spend 1d6 of a killing attack and get to do 4d6+1 total?! Am I missing something? Looks kinda of overpowered.
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Summon Questions (Superheroic)
1) when building a summoned entity, does the summoned being start with any default characteristics, like Str 10 or Running 12m, before calculating the cost? In other words, is the default normal template used as the basis for building the summon? 2) if you pay for multiple summons (let's say x4 as many) can you summon all of them in a single use of the power, or is a separate power use required for each one you want? 3) if you *can* summon many at once, would only being able to summon one per power activation be a limitation? I swear I've read the Summon power description, but I don't recall if these questions were addressed.
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Predefined Amount of Damage?
I recently thought of an idea for a Healing power that causes a small amount of Damage to the healer instead of costing END. Pretty simple idea, Healing with no END Cost and Side Effect limitation. I had never used the Side Effect limitation, so I went to go read it. And it has a listed modifier, Predefined Amount of Damage [-¼ less]. How do you do that mechanically? I can't find the rules for that anywhere and can't seem to find it online.
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Reduced Penetration Question
Simple one. This has bugged me for awhile. If your KA is 3d6, 9 dcs. How do you split that? Just curious. I did a search and it didn't bring up a previous thread. Sorry if this is redundant.
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What is a 0-BODY Entangle?
6e1 pg 216: Since the BODY of an Entangle is the BODY of the rolled dice, what does it mean if all 1s are rolled and that value is zero from the start? I can think of several possibilities: The Entangle fails. The Entangle succeeds but any breakout attempt is immediately successful. This is much the same as #1 since 6e2pg124 says, "If a character who’s trying to break out of an Entangle (which doesn’t require an Attack Roll) does twice the remaining BODY of the Entangle or more, he’s free and has a Full Phase in which to act," and 2x0 is still zero so he would have a full action. The character has only to reach (but not exceed) …
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Does "backlash" bypass protections?
6e1 pg 218 says regarding "backlash": Is protection from armor and/or other sources subtracted from this just as if it were an outside attack? What about hit-locations? If the character uses their hand to try to break the entangle, is the backlash x½ for everything?
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Held at weaponpoint combat manoeuvre?
Are there any rules for catching a character at (for example) knifepoint? I've had a look through the 2 corebooks, martial arts and the advanced rulebooks to no avail. I'm guessing it would be linked somewhere to the grab manoeuvre? An example of what I'm trying to describe is in Anima BF, where a character makes an attack at penalty to a vulnerable hit location, and should they succeed they can choose to 'put at weapon's point' and cause no damage. Instead, the attacker can then decide to 'complete' the attack outside of their turn, whilst the defending character has negative modifiers on attacks against the attacker until the immediate situation is resolved.…
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Detects that use a Discriminatory Sense
If a character has paid the points for a Discriminatory Sense, would any Detects built using that Sense also be treated as Discriminatory? For example, if a character has paid to make the Smell/Taste Group Discriminatory, would Detect Toxins (Smell/Taste Group) function as Discriminatory without paying additional points?
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Time Limit / Trigger
Does Time Limit allow a power with Trigger to be used for the duration of the Time Limit without the power needing to be reset?
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Damage after death
Does a character that is dead take BODY from attacks? The rules state that a character is dead when he reaches negative BODY equal to his starting BODY score. But does the character still take BODY after they reach this point. The reason I am asking is because of the resurrection add on for regeneration. Let say a character has 15 BODY and has 1 BODY regeneration per day with resurrection. The way the regeneration works is that the character gains 1 BODY per day. If the charter was hit with an attack that did 35 BODY or takes enough damage in attack to reduce him to -20 BODY. The Character dies at -15 BODY, but for regeneration purpose is he at -15 o…
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Constant / Persistent Advantages
I have 2 questions: If I take an Instant power, such as Aid or Attack, then make it Constant using the Advantage, am I then able to make it Persistent using the Persistent Advantage? If this is a yes, how exactly would that work? Would I make the Attack or use the Aid every Segment, on my Phases, or something else?
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What is a block's OCV?
From 6e2 pg 57: What is used for the OCV of the character making the block? Specifically, for a "martial block" with a weapon, is it still the blocker's base OCV or can it include some skill levels in that weapon?
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What is DCV and HitLoc Penalties When Recovering?
After being stunned, a character must recover. On 6e2 pg 37, the DCV Modifiers Table says: Stunned (DCV=)½ (HL=)½ Recovering from being Stunned (DCV=)½ (HL=)½ Taking a Recovery (DCV=)½ (HL=)½ However, on 6e2 pg 105, under Recovering From Being Stunned, it says: In the character’s next full Phase after becoming Stunned, he recovers from being Stunned when his DEX occurs in the Segment. He regains his full DCV (and Placed Shot modifiers return to normal), but he still cannot act until his next Phase — recovering from being Stunned is all he can do that Phase. The …
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Does Combat Luck work against Area Effect Attacks?
Considering Combat Luck's description, it states that the character can get away from some of the attack and take less damage, but would this also apply to an area effect attack?
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