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Posts posted by theAxe

  1. in the MHI setting, PUFF= Perpetual Unearthly Forces Fund an off the books fund set up by Teddy Roosevelt to pay bounties on monsters. The monster needs to have corporeal remains for the party to claim the bounty, and the bounty is

    relative to the difficulty of the monster.


    For example, a Banshee is worth $250,000  and a hobgoblin is only worth $10,000. Some creatures like vampires scale, vampires are worth $20K-100K depending how powerful they are with Masters being kinda at GM's discretion. A few

    creatures are exempt per the book, currently Elves, Sasquatches, and Pixies.

  2. Hey all, I'm running an MHI campaign in about 2 weeks and I'm world building. I picked up the Bestiary so I'd have more options than just what's at the back of the MHI book. I was wondering if pretty much everything in there would be puff apllicable and if you guys had any suggestions on how to come up with a puff for something that isn't listed in mhirpg.




  3. Hi, I'm new here, recently got the MHI rulebook and I'm going to start running an MHI campaign in about 2 weeks. So my friends are character building and one asked some questions I was wondering how to answer. We've all done D&D and other RPGs for years but have no prior experience wtih HERO.


    What he asked is:

    "Machine guns are included in unusual modern weapon familiarity but all require strength 14+ to use. I don't see Chuck walking around with a PARA but I'd like him to be able to use a turret or tripod mounted weapon should the need arise. Would he still need a strength 14 if he doesn't have to lift the gun? Likewise, could he at least help crew a multiperson weapon without strength 14? Ammo boxes are heavy but he could fire, feed the belt, or something."


    "Martial arts with a gun: The book lists rifle butt as reach(m) but bayonet as reach(s). Is that reach with the bayonet when it's not attached? Shouldn't the back end and front end of the rifle have the same reach? The shotgun butt to the face scene in pulp fiction makes me think that perhaps rifle butt should be reach(s) and bayonet reach(m). I have no problem using the rules as written for simplicity and balance reasons I'm just saying...bwha?"


    It looks like a great system and I'm looking forward to trying it, I'm glad to see it looks like a supportive community.



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