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Posts posted by foxgate

  1. I found the sheet.  Attached is an initial scan, slightly cleaned up (600 DPI, rotated slightly due to the scanner, darkened some, exported to PDF using GIMP).  I haven't even tried to print it yet, so I don't know how it'll look coming out of the printer.

    Thank you!  It means a lot!  You have all been a great help!

  2. I have no idea what sheet you're referring to now. Are u sure it is 4e sheet? And was it ap

    Published one or fan made?


    I always used it with 4th edition but I guess it could stand to reason that it might have been a 3rd edition sheet, but I've tried every search combination I could think of from 1st to 4th edition with no luck.  It wasn't a fan-made sheet, I know that much.  Originally, I inherited my first 4th edition rulebook from my cousin way back in the 90s and he thinks the sheet came from one of the supplements, but couldn't remember which one.  There is a good chance it came from a GM Screen supplement or character sheet collection supplement, but I'm just guessing on that.

  3. I appreciate everyone taking the time to try and help me out in this.  The one that comes in the 4th edition rulebook is not the one I'm looking for.  I have that one (and I use rpgsheets for various games and it's a wonderful site, but doesn't have what I'm looking for in this case).  The one I'm looking for does not have the power section going down the middle of the page.  It has it on the lower left-hand side and is quite large.  The lower right-hand side was the character portrait.  Above the character portrait was the combat maneuvers section with the disadvantages above that.  I know it seems silly to be so nit-picky about this, but as I stated in the original post it's sort of an emotional tie to this particular sheet.  I've been searching for it for over a year now, which is why I started my recent supers campaign in Mutants and Masterminds until I can finally find it and bring it all back to Champions (nothing against M&M, I just prefer Champions).  Again, I thank everyone for your help in this and please know it is greatly appreciated.  Also (and I hate to ask but since we're here anyhoo) does anyone know where there's a list of all the Champions supplements pre-5th edition (1st through 4th editions).  I'm slowly rebuilding my collection and with our campaign starting in 1946 and spanning towards modern day (with flashback adventures taking place around the early 1900s) I like having some of the earlier adventures/source material to incorporate and build off from.  Thank you again!

  4. If this has been covered in the past I apologize as I'm new to the forums but I've been searching for quite some time now for a certain style character sheet for Champions 4th edition (I believe -- It's product #450).  The sheet was one sided, had the character portrait on the lower right hand side with the disadvantages section above it and a generous section for powers next to it on the lower left hand side.  The reason I want this particular sheet is because I started my gaming hobby with this version of Champions, have numerous books for it (I also own 5th and 6th edition, but I prefer 4th edition) and this particular sheet just... feels like home, for lack of a better saying.  Over the years and many moves I ended up losing the literally hundreds of characters I've used over the many years of playing and I want to start rebuilding them, but I have a fondness for this particular sheet.  I also would like to find the silhouettes for character costumes, but that seems to be a common thread and really the sheet is more important to me at the moment as I want to transfer my Mutants and Masterminds game back into 4th edition Champions.  Please help!  (An archive of various classic versions of Champions character sheets would also be welcome so I can select a 2nd preferred in the even this particular sheet is lost to time forever).  Thank you! 

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