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Posts posted by Archmage1

  1. Ok, I'm at the point where I don't think that the character can really be fixed without remaking him.

    I would rather move on to a different character, without the baggage, and have the current character do something else.


    Character concepts: 

    Paladin/Cleric.  Basically, a guy in heavy armor with a weapon and clerical magic.


    Something like The Witcher.  If you haven't played the games, he is a light-medium fighter, who uses potions/weapon oils to enhance his combat effectiveness.  He also has a limited repertoire of magical effects.  I'm currently thinking that we can convert the potions and stuff from the game, with some ommissions.  This is currently my favorite idea.


    Druid:  Basically, stereotypical d&d druid.

  2. I was using the powers as more of a guideline of what I wanted the character to do.  

    In retrospect, it is too powerful, when converted to Hero.  But, at the time, I didn't really know that.  I looked at each of the pieces, figured that it was inline, and went with it.  What I didn't consider was the combinations.


    As Ndreare pointed out, heavily limited powers are very effective in the situations when the limitations don't apply, and this ends up with a lot of limitations.

    (The multipower that handles most of the powers cost something like 25 points, with the powers inside it included.  It's a 55 active point power, with 8 or 9 55ish active subpowers inside it.)


    Unfortunately, I'm not sure if Aversil is willing to consider making a new character.

  3. The question in my mind is this:  Is it time to abandon this concept, and make a different one?  We just finished the first storyline, so now is the ideal time to be introducing different characters.

    If we go down this path, producing a more balanced character should be much more doable than fixing what is broken.  Sometimes, the best solution is to just start over.  The character hasn't been much fun for me either, so I'm not too attached to him.  The idea, I think, is awesome, but the implementation isn't working.

  4. The character is based on a character in d&d 3.5, of roughly 11th level(Or so).

    Basically Shade, from Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, and Warlock, from Complete Arcane.

    I'm not sure what the site rules are on posting copyrighted content is, but here are the highlights.


    A shade gets an AC, attack, and damage boost in darkness.(The Aid was from this)

    They can control the level of light around them.(Darkness)

    They recover 2 hit points per round(equivilant to a phase).  The shade can't regain hit points in bright light.(Regeneration)

    They can cast invisibility once per round.(Invisibility)

    They can create images of themself three times per day.(The images)

    They can teleport up to 500 feet once every two rounds as a move.(The non megascale teleport)

    They can teleport anywhere once per day.(The megascale teleport)

    They have SR(Ignored)

    They have some boosted abilities and skills.(Ignored)

    It is a CR +2 template, which makes it roughly the same as gaining 2 levels(But not exactly the same.)


    Warlock gave me the idea for the following:

    The base attack, and the item creation/use


    The flash was a holdover from an older version of the character.

    The desolidification was turning into a shadow.


    It would have made a fairly cool, if somewhat underpowered 3.5 character.  In Hero, however... it was something else entirely.

  5. Ok, I did not think of it from that perspective.  My thought processes were more along the lines of: "Huh, you know, that could be cool".  The only thing that I did do in response to the game situation was add scent onto invis and images. 


    This... was not what I was expecting the issue to be.

  6. You are correct, a specific argument on the thread does not make sense, but I can perhaps shed some light on things.


    I was thinking that my character was 1-5th level spells.  The teleports are 4th(dimension door), and 5th(teleport), whereas the rest are much lower(With the exception of desolidification, which should be removed)

    What I wasn't considering was the duration of heroes effects being effectively infinite, which changes things.

    Rather than having 1-5th level spells, I was making 7-12th level spells, and thinking they were balanced.

    I also wasn't thinking of things in combination.  I thought along the lines of one thing at a time, which was not reflected in the character.  Teleport or desolid or invis isn't so bad.  Make it an and, and it becomes much worse.


    However, at this point, I don't want to present any changes to the character, since I'm afraid that you will throw me out, even if they make the powers weaker.  However... I'll send you an e-mail when I get home, and can look at the sheet.

  7. Hi, I'm the player in question, and I am enjoying the game a lot, but if I'm really making the game less fun for everyone else, then you should ask me to leave.

    I want to play, but if I'm ruining everyone else's fun... that's not something that I want to be doing.  I didn't think that I was messing up this badly.


    I think I'm in a relatively bad position as far as character building goes.  I know the character creation rules fairly well, but what I don't know is how powerful things are in game, which makes it hard to know if something is over the top, or if it is useless.


    I would be happy to talk with you about character design, and go through things with you, and we can try to work things out.  Alternatively, I would be quite willing to send you a list of what I want the character to be able to do(Which will probably be based on a 3.5 class), and you build him as you want, and I will then play that character.  


    I want to play, and I'm hoping that once the character is finished, things will be fine.

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