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Posts posted by starbeet

  1. story and combat is what make a table top


    the story is something I got but being new to champions I need a little help with the combat part


    -like creation cap for characteristic and powers (like dice pool, flash attack and mental attacks); there characters will be between 300-400 point superheroes 6 edition


    this is an example of the average boss I plan for them to face that I got from the villains volume one p. 107 (not a solo boss, but one with minions at play point level)


    avar-7 (will mod hit a bit to fit the story) 820 points paired with 2 400 point allies for a four man or 3 for five man

    20 str/ 22 dex/ 30 con/ 20 int/ 20 ego/ 20 pre/ 8 ocv/ 8 dcv/ 3 omcv/ 7 dmcv/ 6 spd/ 20 pd/ 20 ed/ 10rec/ 60 end/ 20 body/ 50 stun (20 rPD/ 20 rED) md 10

     powers and skills of note (at least the ones I caught)

    -density increase (+60 str, +12 pd/ed, -24 kb (not sure what kb is)


    -blasts 12d6, 10d6 aoe 8m radius, 10d6 armor pierce, 8d6 hits desoildfied

    -+3 to all combat


    a thanks to all readers and special thanks to all repliers (also thank you Halloween for the extra time it build)

  2. ty for the reply


    on 1) are you say it's op, if so as a gm should limit my player to 10d6 attacks and below in till say 600 point characters? other then there str based attacks


    on 2) your alternative looks interesting, I have to add it just to test it out


    on 3) be the hero is the str booster (should that be more powerful?), praise was made to go with it by draining the foe's str or weakening allies if needed. I do see how it could use a name change how about "step on there lines" (tlt begins to preform every word, grunt and gesture that the foe will do before they can; leaving them feeling predictable and exposed) or "tough love" (tlt tell the foe every thing they lack as a living being and as an opponent, then finishes by saying "but you got spunk"; leaving the foe feeling confuse and inadequate)  


    on 6) thanks for the info ill go with summoning's, makes more sense


    on the consider part I think I will add the fallowing


    "the show must go on" both the name and effect feel good


    your "queue"; but it'll need a name change how abut "feed them lines" (tlt squats and stage whispers words of triumph that the ally my have said if they had resisted the mind play) or "get in character" (tlt makes gestures of disbelief, fallowed by telling the target about there selves and about how there not behaving believably)

  3. ok well not sure why this was left comment less but let me be more clear on what I wanted to learn from this post; based on the 192 out of 400 points spent and that I want him to have the following skills, how would build his characteristic? (not all  the numbers if you wish, just where you think he needs to be above average)


    skill: acting, charm, conversation, cramming, disguise, mimicry ambidexterity and striking looks


    also do the powers have any validity for a 400 point hero?


    and most importantly do you see any mistakes? (not grammar mistakes)


    last min thought: skill a bit confused about END the costs mainly   

  4. I was setting up for my first game with my group, got stuck trying find a good support hero when I thought up one that got me excited :bounce:! his name is the living theatre a psychic actor/ director that couldn't find his place in the theatre and in stead found his place as a hero (rough summary). as a support he needed to be power based and to be honest I just threw together stuff that felt good; so I'm hoping of you people who know there way around character creation could help me take the living theatre the rest of the way.



    the powers

    80     the performance          multi power, 80 point reserve

     8f 1) love scene                   mind blast 12d6 (80 active points), incantation (-1/4),                -flood the mind with powerful emotions of love when he say "I love  you!"

                                                 standard range (-1/4)

     6f 2) criticism                       mind blast 8d6 (60 active points), incantation (-1/4)                   -the head fills with strong feelings of inadequacy while he say degrading things

     4f 3) praise                          drain STR 8d6 (40 active points), incantation (-1/4)                   -weaken their will to fight with a complement that they can feel in their soul

                                                 standard range (-1/4)

     6f 4) spot light                     flash sense group (sight), 8d6 (60 active points)                        -he raises a hand then powerful spot light shines on the hero

                                                 targeting, gesture (-1/4)                                             

     8f 5) ignore                          dispel 24d6 (80 active points), extra time (extra                        -he see power, then begins to act disinterested in the fight

                                                 phase -3/4)

     5f 6) Queue                         mind control (50 active points), gesture (-1/2)                            -he gestures with his hands that there is something that the enemy should be doing

    15     old pro                         can not be stunned                                                                     -an acting pro won't freeze up on stage

    30     be the hero                  aid STR 5d6                                                                               -he tell someone on the team (sometimes himself) how this is there time, they're the hero

    30     blocking                      teleportation 30m                                                                        -first thing you learn as an actor is to be where they need you


    well that's what I got, I could go try to further on my own but this just seem like a good point to ask for advice. :yes: want him to be a 400 point to match the other npc's

  5. i like to have ally npc's in a  table top rpg game (well in all games). because that way you can have member of the them that act in certain ways or have a certain history/ knowledge that will drive the story forward, which will keep a gm from committing the sin of tell a play about who there character which (at least it is  something that my friends  have never liked). to keep the npc from being the star give them a support role or build them a little on the weak side unless you got maximizes then a solid ncp couldn't steal the show if they tried. in the same way you limit there stats you can also limit there mind making them average intelligence, if its not common sense or in there knowledge forte then they don't need to know it.


    the last thing that you can do with a struggling group is give them a common sense option. :stupid:


    this is not something i personally enjoy doing but if you make a world that function even remotely similar to the real world then there will be options that some people will simply miss (especially if they approach table tops like they do video games  :weep: ). that maybe when you may want to give players the common sense option, because there are some players who find a hideout's front door and want to just walk in, some player who will want to stalk or chase random a npc with police and onlookers watching, and some players who will constantly act on assumptions without getting all the facts. of course these are only conclusions that any joe off the street could come up with and they are only suggestions. if some has a better system besides in game neon signs (which would be fun to try  :snicker:) let me know. because i got a shoot first player, a yes ok player, and a guy who can't help but build a frisky character. 

  6. so me and my group are looking to start a new table top role playing game, after the rigged feeling dungeon and dragons and the heavy story based world of darkness; needless to say that I chose champions as our next game because I hear it's action driven and has room for creativity. so I bought champions complete and have read though most of it and as the title says it has left me a bit confused.


    I hope someone (or preferably many of you) can help me work past this be answering some of my questions


    -is there a resource that can explain the character sheet more clearly and/or more in-depth (it's just something I would prefer to not make assumptions about)?   


    -should I focus on mastering the mechanics using premade character or make a few character and familiarize with the process so I can more easily guide me companions in creating the characters they want?


    -for a super heroic campaign what are average stats? are the examples in the book the norm with there 12d6 attacks? if so why do there defenses seem so low? 


    -how do you gamers go about building enemies (from a punk kid pick pocket to a world ending beast)?  


    these seems like a good start, thanks to anyone who read through this, and special thanks to anyone who replied.


    please feel free to give me any tips you would give any other new game master or player, for champions :winkgrin:

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