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Posts posted by gfrobbin84

  1. Still fairly new to hero but was wondering how one would best represent a character like the Mastermind Archetype from City of Villains.  For those unfamiliar they commanded groups of minions of various strength.  Anything from mercenaries, ninjas, robots, or zombies.

  2. Were you looking for free compendia, or are you up for spending on some of the published sources?

    Looking for both actually as i love reading fansites and what not but seems most of them are non longer maintained if not completely down.


    There are 3 volumes of Champions Villains available on PDF.


    Champions Powers is also helpful. Champions 6e includes both Heroes and Villains (the stand alone genre book, not Champions Complete).


    There are a number of adventures available in the Herogames.com Store. Those include Villains and other NPCs.


    Other Timesavers include Hero Designer (and the many character packs available)

    Thank you I had seen the NPC files but not the adventures, kinda wish they had a better way of sorting through the  store.

  3. Hey I'm thinking about running a Champions game but have limited prep time each week so was wondering if there are any adventure modules and/or NPC codexes or bestiaries out there. Also I'm interested in fan sites and what not where people blog about their games and champions in general, as most of the ones I have found seem to be down for the count.

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