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Posts posted by Longrife7211

  1. I am trying to grapple with the finer nuances of this system and use this power (listed below) as an example to break-down and to analyze what is going on here and why. Also, specific rules references noting book, chapter and verse is also appreciated! Please don't make assumptions that I know the basics of the system as you do. I am not offended by a long and elaborate explanation that seems to be stating the obvious (to you)!


    For this power, there is a lot going on with drain, aid, unified power, only aid self, trigger, and linked:


    1.) Noting the "plusjoining the two powers: what ability or rule makes it possible to have the AID automatically follow the DRAIN with the very same dice roll effect? Is LINKED making that possible? Is the UNIFIED POWER making that possible? Or is it the TRIGGER making that possible (or a combination of all 3)? Where in the rules is this specifically stated regarding "pluseffect?


    2.) Also, how is it that they both use the same result of the dice and why aren't they rolled independently of one another? That would seem to be some kind of advantage, perhaps? Is this stated somewhere in the rules?


    3.) Noting that the two powers are LINKED: isn't LINKED essentially a kind of TRIGGER? If one is joined to the other through LINKED, then doesn't that constitute a TRIGGER and why would a TRIGGER be necessary then if it seems to be inferred? For that matter, is it possible, in game terms, to have a LINKED condition that doesn't have a TRIGGER or vice versa?


    4.) Would this power even work without a TRIGGER? If so, what would happen and how would it resolve itself, in terms of the rules, and the combat round? If TRIGGER was not added, how long would it normally take this power to execute? How long would it take to normally reset? Or would it?


    5.) I have read the main HERO rule book to get clarification, but this fine difference between LINKED and TRIGGER, in this instance, has me baffled.


    6.) Another issue for me is how ZERO PHASE actions work in relation to this power. Can someone elaborate on that, please? Does it apply in this situation? Does this need to be "turned on"? How do I identify a power that needs to be "turned on"?




    Effect: Drain BODY 3d6 plus Aid
    BODY 3d6, Only Aid Self
    Target: One character/Self
    Duration: Instant
    Range: 300m/No Range
    END Cost: 7
    Description: This power is similar to Life Force
    Drain II, but the power gives the drained life force
    to the character, increasing his own life force for a
    short time.
    Game Information: Drain BODY 3d6 (30 Active
    Points); Unified Power (-¼) (total cost: 24 points)
    plus Aid BODY 3d6 (standard effect: same roll as
    Drain dice), Trigger (when character uses Drain,
    activating Trigger takes no time, Trigger immediately
    automatically resets; +1) (36 Active Points);
    Linked (-¼), Unified Power (-¼), Only Aid Self
    (-1) (total cost: 14 points). Total cost: 38 points.



    I love this depth of this system and want to master it! THANK YOU TO THE VETERAN RULES LAWYERS WHO CAN CLARIFY THIS ONE!




  2. 8 hours ago, Christopher R Taylor said:
    2 hours ago, Christopher R Taylor said:


    Yeah, I was trying to give him the intro version so he understands the distinction between the two modifiers, like he asked.  Instead of blasting him with calculus when he wants to know what 2+2 is.  You gotta ease people into this stuff, not dump it all on their heads all at once.


    So Longrife, if you're still there and not running away screaming, the full rules are more complicated so you can make really specific builds, but you don't have to worry about that with what you're asking.


    Thanks for the encouragement, Christopher!


  3. I should clarify this more by also asking how UNIFIED POWER works with TRIGGER. Does a UNIFIED POWER also always use a TRIGGER? What if LINKED is used? Could a power be made that uses UNIFIED POWER and LINKED that does not use or require a TRIGGER?


    Thank you.

  4. I  am trying to understand the subtle difference between these two. I have seen them used together and also individually without the other.


    For example, looking at the Champions Powers book, on page 300, they are used together for LIFE FORCE TRANSFER. Since LINKED combines two or more separate power into one, does that mean that LINKED is always used with TRIGGER?


    Can someone who share with me what the difference is and when to use them together as well as when it is acceptable to use them separately?



    Thank you.

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