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Posts posted by eobard

  1. I've got a villian in an upcoming game that I'm not entirely sure where I should place it's base of operations. If you were a grotesque looking monster, grotesque enough that mere sight of you would cause people to run away in panic and call the police (which you couldn't afford to have happen because you need time to work on your detailed experiments without interference) and you were smart enough to know you need to keep out of public view but you needed a place that would allow you access to a lot of high-tech equipment (clean rooms, medical scanners, all kinds of high-end sci-fi stuff) where would you put your base? In the city in a run down section that sees little foot traffic? Convert a cabin out in the woods into a geneticist's dream cabin? Underground lair accessible only by the sewers? The location is flexible at this point so I'm open to any suggestions.

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