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Posts posted by vacopchris

  1. Looking for Players in the ORLANDO florida area to start NEW campaign. I live in ORANGE CITY, but am willing to host or travel for in-person gaming. My campaign is a combination of various sci-fi/comic themes. DC/MARVEL/STARGATE/CHAMPIONS being big influences. Galactic adventures, local city adventures, etc.
    I have created my version of the Lantern Corp as 'galactic guardians' with each color controlling a section of the known universe. Campaign Earth has a Sorcereress Supreme. Hero's and Villians are slowly appearing in the setting. 'Shadow Organizations' exist like DEMON.


  2. Are you still gaming? If not, 

    Looking for Players in the ORLANDO florida area to start NEW campaign. I live in ORANGE CITY, but am willing to host or travel for in-person gaming. My campaign is a combination of various sci-fi/comic themes. DC/MARVEL/STARGATE/CHAMPIONS being big influences. Galactic adventures, local city adventures, etc.
    I have created my version of the Lantern Corp as 'galactic guardians' with each color controlling a section of the known universe. Campaign Earth has a Sorcereress Supreme. Hero's and Villians are slowly appearing in the setting. 'Shadow Organizations' exist like DEMON.
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