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Posts posted by Notorious-5150

  1. Just an FYI - played a quick round over the weekend and the players have been testing the manuevers and it went well.   One thing that did come up is it looks like there is no option to modify endurnace for weapons with reduced or zero endurance.   I might be missing a modifier somewhere - but we werent able to figure it out...


    Next session - we plan on looking at hit locations and sectional armor - so I will give you feedback whenever we get a chance to play.   


    Also - if you PM your Roll20 email address - I would like to send you a thank you gift for all the work you have been doing.   

  2. Appreciate all the work you put into this...   I am going to run my first fantasy game in Roll20 – and your importer and character sheets have been extremely helpful.   


    It is a low-level fantasy game and to keep it simple for me – initially the characters will only have the standard combat maneuvers available.   I see them listed on the gear page – but there is no way for the player to select or roll for the maneuver?   Am I missing something or do the standard maneuvers need to be manually entered in on the Martial & Combat Maneuver page?


    Again – amazing work and thank you for making getting ready for my first game so much easier.  

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