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68 topics in this forum
- 79 replies
Hello everyone, I’d like to announce the availability of a new Hero System character sheet for Roll20 intended for heroic-level campaigns. “Hero System 6e Heroic” is available alongside Darren’s “Hero System 6e” in Roll20’s game options. This is an entirely new character sheet that uses no code from the earlier sheet. HS6e Heroic has a different design philosophy motivated by the needs of heroic settings such as Fantasy Hero and Star Hero. Over the last year or so I worked on a Star Hero campaign, but felt stymied because the existing character sheet was inappropriate for the setting. Eventually I decided I would either have to drop the idea or lea…
Last reply by Villain In Glasses, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Both of these are from Blambot.com. Which seems to work better, Budrick or Rocket Down?
Last reply by HeroGM, -
- 0 replies
I've skipped a lot of updates but I'm still working on the Deity Combat Manger. The latest release adds: mental combat extra actions (including easier GM actions) improved critical/fumble handling bleeding bugfixes https://deity-online.com/app/combat-tool?gs=HERO6
Last reply by bcwhite, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
This is a weird question, I just know it. I’m also probably putting the cart well ahead of the horse in terms of website design, but here goes… Back when the GG site was still functional (early oughts), I (like many others) was a big fan of the Master List of Limitations (now Complications). One of the things I liked was how the site displayed them - a (very) long column on the left, and a main “window” that would show each one you selected one right after another, as opposed to opening a new “page” each time; I assume that was for easier comparison. You could remove individual entries by clicking on the X button. I remember thinking it was a rather elegant bi…
Last reply by HeroGM, -
- 0 replies
I know it has been a while since my last update but I've been busy making Deity an official release! However, I did finally get around to adding support for "damage shields" into the HERO combat manager. When selected, it creates a reverse attack (that always hits) of a defined attack. Also present is the ability to "hold" only to the end of the current segment instead of always advancing to the next segment. As always, you can use the combat-manager completely free: https://deity-online.com/app/combat-tool?gs=HERO6
Last reply by bcwhite, -
- 134 replies
Howdy folks! I've been anxious to share this news with you until I had more than just promises to share. I am developing the Hero System for FoundryVTT, under license with Hero Games, and I am just wrapping up on the foundation before moving into automation. My goal is to keep this as simple as possible, focus on automating the things that have greatest impact (e.g., using/tracking END), and allow others to build on it. Hero for Foundry will take 2 forms: Hero 6E Basic will be a FREE ($0) system for FoundryVTT that will only include content from the Hero System 6E Basic Rulebook. You will be able to add skills, maneuvers, talents, pow…
Last reply by Sylvan5200, -
- 4 replies
For those who know, Alter Ego Software closed shop. They took everything off Drivethrurpg and everything. You may still get updates if you have MetaCreator, but support is minimal.
Last reply by HeroGM, -
- 3 replies
I started late to the http://udio.com party, but I've been having a blast making all kinds of music. It looks like making an original campaign soundtrack is now within easy reach.
Last reply by Steve, -
- 27 replies
There’s a new Roll20 project in the works with a Q4 2022 targeted release. The Champions Complete Bundle will include a combined Compendium of Champions Complete and Champions Begins, plus the Champions Begins tutorial adventure and an additional set of maps and tokens. If you’re unfamiliar with Roll20 Compendiums, they provide simple rules and content access with filtering and search capabilities. Additionally, Compendiums allow users to drag and drop character tokens directly into maps and access their character sheets. For example, a GM could drop a villain into a map and access the villain’s character sheet in seconds. The Compendium will use the currently…
Last reply by scoolio, -
- 0 replies
Since the last release, I've done work on improving entangles which now have full support for breaking out, including taking damage from "backlash" and when attacked (friendly or not) by other characters. There are also many small fixes for end/stun, linked attacks, and others. I use this for all combat in my campaign and now consider it to be "beta" quality. https://deity-online.com/app/combat-tool?gs=hero6 This tool is available online for no-cost. There are even instructions. Try it out! Comment here or on the Discord channel.
Last reply by bcwhite, -
- 0 replies
It's been a while since I've done any serious work on this but I've added support to Deity's Combat-Tool for entangles, grabs, and linked attacks. So far, I've used this for a Dire Wolf that bites and holds on. There are some other, less obvious, improvements as well. Import your own characters from Hero Designer and try it out. Feedback here or on the Discord channel is most welcome.
Last reply by bcwhite, -
- 5 replies
Gemini Studio is the companion app for the Gemini game system. This app is available for iOS and Android via the app stores. I’m happy to announce that the app has finally entered an open beta. Open beta means anyone can use the app now. The beta will be running until the new year. Features of the app include: Build characters in the genre of your choice Use the built-in tools to play your character in a game Print characters using the built-in print templates Export your characters to Roll20® Share characters with other players or GMs by exporting them Use the help system to reference game rules Check…
Last reply by sentry0, -
- 0 replies
I haven't had a lot of time to work on this but I have made some improvements since my post about the previous version. Notably, Deity now has support for Aid and Drain attacks, including automatic timed recovery of those points. To move things along faster, it will try to pick the best action for a character, pretty much limited to "attack" or "recover". This saves a click for almost every action which can be useful. And since it remembers the last method and opponent of every character's attack, much of the action is already set up. For NPCs, you can pretty much just keep clicking "confirm" and let them fight it out without wasting players' time. …
Last reply by bcwhite, -
- 6 replies
I recently started running a Hero campaign for the first time in maybe 20 years. I picked up the 6e books, Hero Designer and Hero Combat Manager. But... I find HCM hard to use. I get that it does a lot but it requires a lot of clicks for every action and doesn't automate things like actually determining if an attack hits. This makes it very hard to use to simulate combat, like testing in advance if the party's opponents are too powerful or too weak. So I decided to try my hand at this and would like to get feedback on it. I've created a proof-of-concept here: https://deity-online.com/app/combat-tool To try it out: …
Last reply by Chris Goodwin, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
I'm slowly working on creating some html templates using paged.js as a parser. Will allow for easier PDF creation with actual page breaks, page numbers, headers etc. I'm going to try and comment the files well enough as well so they of anyone wants to do any changes, or uses it as a based for other sheets may as well and not get lost. Attached is a few pages I did, all html. Yeah I know it needs work but wanted to make sure the script worked in Firefox, Edge and Chrome.
Last reply by HeroGM, -
- 0 replies
If you didn't see my earlier post, I've been working on a new "combat tool" for managing combat under the HERO rule system; things have come a long way. Today I used it for the first time in a real campaign, importing characters from Hero Designer, and am happy with how it's progressing. Though it doesn't yet have support for things like Aid or Drain, it managed normal combat just fine with full BODY, STUN, and END tracking. And it's free! You can reach the tool here and I've created some instructions here. I'd love to get some feedback on it.
Last reply by bcwhite, -
- 1 reply
My wife found this online graph paper generator: https://incompetech.com/graphpaper/ Appears to be completely free at the moment. If you scroll down to the Patterns section, there's a Hex Grid option.
Last reply by ultrium, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Are there any dice rolling apps or online dice rollers that can generate Hero style rolls? I know aobut the Hero phone app and Hero TTS, but anything else?
Last reply by Doc Democracy, -
- 7 replies
I'm still determining where I'm going with this post, but I've been diving into the HSM code again, fixing some bugs, and it has me reflecting on the app itself. The app is coming up on its 5th anniversary, which is cool. Five years is a long time in development years, though, and a lot has changed in the React Native (React Native is a mobile app development framework, which HSM is built on) world in that time. Things continue to change in that world rapidly. When I built the app, I followed the suggested best practices at the time, which were then replaced by different best practices. Time has gone by, and I have built a few apps in that time…
Last reply by Ndreare, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Stuck it here just cause. Lately I've been printing the smaller hero books as booklet size 8.5x5.5 (11" on its side). Next up is the Pulp Hero adventures by Steve L. Along with some of the older modules.
Last reply by otudor, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
does anyone have this, especially from the BbB deluxe edition? Found my copy (along with Hero Creator) finally.
Last reply by HeroGM, -
- 10 replies
Hi there everyone. I've been working on a module for playing 6e Hero in Foundry for a bit now, and it's finally ready enough, I feel, to be used publicly. I've submitted it for approval to Foundry itself, but in the meantime, I've made the repository containing it public and if you're interested, you can check it out here: https://github.com/jared-l-vine/hero6e-foundryvtt Fair warning, it's pretty feature-light at the moment. There's a lot more I want to do with it, but it's taken some time getting these basics up and running and learning how you even develop a Foundry module in the first place. Feel free to take a look and submit and bugs you come…
Last reply by Legendsmiths, -
- 2 replies
I have a quick question that is computer related. I do not want to post this to the Hero Designer forum because this is a computer issue not a HD issue. When I load HD6 on the laptop I carry around the font is simply too small to see. The solution is to launch HD from the command line (or create a batch script) with the following: javaw -jar HD6.jar [font size] for example, the following would set the default font size throughout the application to 18pt: javaw -jar HD6.jar 18 Full thread here: https://www.herogames.com/forums/topic/94648-hd6-issues-under-windows-high-resolution-screens/ My problem is I cannot …
Last reply by Spence, -
Anyone else playing or just messing around with Talespire? I love the thing and I'm currently using to run a Star Wars game (Hero6th). I still use roll20 for Space combat but I love the system for 3D encounter environments.
Last reply by C.R.Ryan, -
by Steve- 12 replies
I recently came across an article for an AI-created art program called Midjourney and wondered if anyone on here had ever used it. The online art that it generated was pretty impressive.
Last reply by Pattern Ghost,
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