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    Austin reacted to unclevlad in didn't know where to ask this question.   
    The article says the weapon form would be the Death Arm, which is here:
    From the article...bonus to SPD and OCV.  The attack power would be a multipower...mostly HAs or HKAs, with some various advantages perhaps.  Building up an attack over time can be done in a stacked attack, where, say, its base is 2d6;  +2d6 (delayed phase);  and +2d6 (full phase).  Or something like that.  Maybe full phase, then extra segment.  
    The list of moves...thing is, these are tied to the game controls.  Like...the Beowulf Combo I and II are multiple attacks in Hero.  Punch, punch, then upward kick (double KB with the target flying UP...which would be a PITA in Hero, as the KB would be scaled back by the target's mass, and by vertical movement rules);  or punch, punch, kick that adds Target Falls.  In Hero, you'd buy attacks or maneuvers for each of these...but you can combine em any way you want.
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