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Posts posted by Nezmaster

  1. I have exported several different combat records, to try and upload them to hero combat manager, and everytime i attempt to open one i get the same error message, no matter which characters or how many. 


    "A fatal error has occured. Please review the Hero Combat Manager FAQ. If the FAQ does not provide you with an answer, submit an bug report to Hero Combat Manager Website. Include the Combat Record File that was being used during this combat session. Also include the error log file, hcmlogging.txt, which is found in the folder where Hero Combat Manager was installed.

    (( XMLParsering) Utilities.XMLParserExceptions: Utilities.XMLParserExceptions: While converting the ATEND field the exception java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "[2]" occured (XMLParser.getIntValue). ATPOWERS was being processed at the time (ArrayListOfPowers))"


    I am enclosing my full player file (which includes one summoned creature) but i have tried with every variation i can think of including one or two characters. Nothing works. Please help! I nave also added a file with just two of the simpler characters. These are fantasy hero characters (with tons of xp), but theres really no crazy rules, except that i have extra disads on the humans for homebrew reasons. 

    players.XML kerickandmanny.XML

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