HERO Combat Manager
General discussions of the HERO Combat Manager software
25 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
Is there a method to skip an entire phase for everyone? The only way I can find to do this is hold, activity, hold, activity over and over until everyone holds and it asks to go to the next phase. I am not really using HCM to its full abilities, but playing a low-skill/stat campaign with a lot of identical SPD and DEX that have to be randomized each phase, so a skip phase option would be great.
Last reply by bluesguy, -
- 11 replies
So I am running one of the Pulp Hero adventures and I was trying to create one using Randall's Raiders but the program gives me an error message every time. I tried using the program not using the Raiders and it works. How can I make the characters acceptable?
Last reply by bluesguy, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
Hello, I'm having an issue were it appears that windows launched in Combat Manager or Hero Designer melt into each other and I am unable to use them. This isn't happening on every machine, but it is on the desktop where I run games. What are my troubleshooting steps? Thanks in advance. Rex
Last reply by RexCelestis, -
- 2 replies
Hey all, Are standard maneuvers included in Combat Manager? I was wondering how to include things like basic strikes and grabs. Thanks in advance.
Last reply by RexCelestis, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
I fear that I am missing something and I hope someone can help. In the attached screen shot, I have the second target of a power blast with area of effect. Looking at the information provided, it looks like it will do 12 points of body damage against a character without any resistant defense. It would seem to me this would bring the target's body down to -2. However, the Combat Manager shows the resulting body damage at 6. Why? Thanks in advance. Rex
Last reply by bluesguy, -
- 6 replies
Running HCM 1.13 on Windows 10 (also tested on Ubuntu 20). If a character is entangled, and attempts to break free, the entangle never takes any damage. Attached is a video file showing what I'm attempting. I've also attached the log file with trace level debugging turned on. 2021-06-29 11-24-06.zip hcmlogging20210629110718.zip
Last reply by bluesguy, -
- 0 replies
Release Notes v1.14: Defects fixed: Defects fixed: STR can't be used to break free from an entangle. After breaking free from an entangle the wrong character is highlighted as being next. Thank you for your purchase.
Last reply by bluesguy, -
- 1 reply
So wanted to run a very large combat session on HCM but don't know how many I can load on it.
Last reply by bluesguy, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Release Notes v1.13: Defects fixed: HCM won't start on a Chromebook because System Icons are not valid for ChromeOS / Linux Documentation errors have been fixed. Features added: Resize windows and UI elements resize as well - Partial implementation. Main window is now sized based on the display resolution. Resizing the windows will not automatically change the UI elements.
Last reply by bluesguy, -
by Ashura- 1 reply
Does anyone know how to put Combat Manager on a Chromebook?
Last reply by bluesguy, -
- 3 replies
I have exported several different combat records, to try and upload them to hero combat manager, and everytime i attempt to open one i get the same error message, no matter which characters or how many. "A fatal error has occured. Please review the Hero Combat Manager FAQ. If the FAQ does not provide you with an answer, submit an bug report to Hero Combat Manager Website. Include the Combat Record File that was being used during this combat session. Also include the error log file, hcmlogging.txt, which is found in the folder where Hero Combat Manager was installed. (( XMLParsering) Utilities.XMLParserExceptions: Utilities.XMLParserExceptions: While conve…
Last reply by bluesguy, -
- 2 replies
Hi there all, I have recently purchased and installed (no problems), the hero combat manger to help with the latest game I will be running this weekend. I have created all the files in Hero Designer as usual (latest version). However, After I have exported the files to to the xml format that is needed for the combat manager and then go to load the file within HCM it cannot see the file. Strangely it sees all the other HDe files and Html files but none of the .xml ones? Interestingly Hero Designer does not see the xml file export option from the export folder of combat manager only the ones from within hero designer. I have downloaded b…
Last reply by bluesguy, -
- 7 replies
Some of my combat files will work, but more do not. Can anyone help? A fatal error has occured. Please review the Hero Combat Manager FAQ. If the FAQ does not provide you with an answer, submit an bug report to Hero Combat Manager Website. Include the Combat Record File that was being used during this combat session. Also include the error log file, hcmlogging.txt, which is found in the folder where Hero Combat Manager was installed. (( XMLParsering) Utilities.XMLParserExceptions: Utilities.XMLParserExceptions: While converting SPDEFENSES field a null (XMLParser.getNodeList) occured while converting XML element into the SPDEFENSES field.) bilbo.XML bi…
Last reply by bluesguy, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
One of the combatants in my game is a dual-weapon wielder. What's the procedure for that? Should I use GM attack for attacks after the first?
Last reply by bluesguy, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
I see the martial arts on the combat abilities of the attacking character but don't know how to use them.
Last reply by starblaze, -
- 1 reply
Hi all, I am rather new to 6th Edition Champions and I am curious of what Combat manager is used for. Does it keep track of phases? Can you add and remove buffs/debuffs on characters? I read the product info on the store page but I am not fully sure on what all it does. Is it worth getting for a inspiring Hero campaign GM? Thanks!
Last reply by bluesguy, -
- 1 reply
I'm using the HCM from the latest hcm-package.zip file in download (seems to be 1.12) and HERO Designer 6 [build 20180806] and I have a weird error : (( XMLParsering) Utilities.XMLParserExceptions: Utilities.XMLParserExceptions: While converting SPDEFENSES field a null (XMLParser.getNodeList) occured while converting XML element into the SPDEFENSES field.) Since the support forums given by the HCM seem to be down, here's the files... I have literally no idea where this could come from and since it's the first time I'm using the software... hcmlogging20191031122451.txt test.XML EDIT : I downloaded the latest version of HERO Designer and ever…
Last reply by bluesguy, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
I am the creator of Hero Combat Manager. If you purchase (or have purchased) Hero Combat Manager, thank you. The installation process has changed for HCM. There is a ReadMe.txt file in the zip file you will download if you purchase the latest version. Or you can read about it here
Last reply by bluesguy, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I just recently purchased HCM and HD and I really like them both. However I can't use HCM on my "main" PC which is hooked up to a 4k TV Monitor as the font is so small I can't read it. Hero Designer fixed this problem via a command line telling what size font to use. Specifically the following: javaw -jar HD6.jar 18 (Yes I know that points to Hero Designer and not Hero Combat Manager) Where 18 is the size font to use (I personally use 45) Even more specifically in Windows 10 I created a shortcut to the Hero Designer program and added the font size in the "Target Window" for the shortcut properties tab like so: "D:…
Last reply by bluesguy, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
I am working on a new release. I have completed the following bug and feature updates: Stunned characters are recovering actual stun which is incorrect (Bug) [#41] Any attack that is d6 "-1" can not be read in (Bug) [#76] GM Attack - AoE selection does not allow multi selection of targets (Bug) [#109] One Hit Wonder was miscalculating (Bug) [#108] Presence Attack (Feature) [#22] I am working on this feature right now: Combat Notes (Feature) [#37] - I am implementing this as something simple where you can access this from the main window and attack dialog. The combat notes will not…
Last reply by bluesguy, -
- 1 reply
I've been running a Champions campaign for the last couple months and using HCM to help organize the combats. Overall, it's been working rather well and has way better functionality than the spreadsheet I used to use (no surprise). There's just a few things that I would like to see in a future iteration if at all possible. No idea what your road map looks like right now, but I thought I'd go ahead and throw these out there. Haymakers - Basically an additional attack option that will track when the Haymaker is declared and against which target and then pop up a dialog when the attack actually goes off at the end of the following segment. Currently I'm using…
Last reply by bluesguy, -
- 1 reply
I just wanted to check if Hero Combat Manager has been updated to be compliant to the Hero System 6E ruleset with the current errata (dated January 01, 2018) that Steve Long posted in the following thread... ...or if there any any discrepancies that we will need to work around within the program
Last reply by bluesguy, -
- 0 replies
If you are getting the following error that means you are running HCM 1.1.11a and it has the wrong Combat Record export files which you used to export your characters from Hero Designer to be used by HCM. If you are using the HCM 1.1.11b (at this time the latest version) you shouldn't have the above problem. You can either download the new version of HCM or you can go to this link and download a zip which has the HCM export files you need. Sorry about that folks.
Last reply by bluesguy, -
- 2 replies
I bought HCM the other day. Installing it was easy. No issues getting it to work on my Linux machine. The launcher created is not working, but I am going to have to play with that. I started to play with it right away and ran into several issues. I mean, who needs manuals when you have YouTube? Turns out it was an EBKAC error (Error Between Keyboard And Chair). At first I was getting import errors because of the strict parsing of HTML/XML. To make things easier to understand for my players, I had replaced the display text of spells with some simple HTML. It complained that I did not close the <BR> with a </BR>. Correcting that and adding…
Last reply by Christopher R Taylor, -
- 1 reply
Team: I just purchased Hero Combat Manager, and it looks very comprehensive and very powerful. That said, I was wondering if there is a way to add two new stats - Sanity(SAN) and Sanity Defense(SD). These are new elements, which SAN is like Mental Body and of course, SD is the natural defense for it. It is for shock, horror, etc., which is part of the Campaign I am running. I noted the Hero Combat Record, much like the Hero Designer rules and templates are XML form and could be modified--of course, another file copy of the original. I've read on the site for this and also in the forums, but can't find anything of significance on this. …
Last reply by bluesguy,
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