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Posts posted by psychonaut_raz

  1. Re: Advice on how to gm 9 to 10 players in a Superhero campaign.


    I think if all your players are friends anyway, there's no issue....it's only if people don't actually like each other outside of roleplaying it could get awkward.


    When I ran groups with more than 7 people in the past, I laid the law down from the word go that people just weren't allowed to be disruptive; there's too much to focus on to have to worry about shushing people up or keeping track of where you were 5 minutes ago or keeping suspension of disbelief etc etc....I also figured out the following stuff while planning the game out:


    *different power levels; if you have Batman on the same team as Superman, it can work, but you need to be prepared for them. If one of your players can lift continents, then give him a continent to lift while the lower level players are kept busy fighting the goons.


    *keeping people interested - it's very rare that you will keep 8 or more people engrossed in the one situation. I used to organise games so that they could talk about how they wanted to approach things as a larger group, but then actually do it in smaller groups; make sure that group A finishes on a cliffhanger note before you move to group B, and you keep the level of excitement. Sometimes you can't avoid having to focus on one or two people for an extended duration, but you should know in advance whether it's going to be something that other players will genuinely be interested in watching play out or not. There's no shame in just saying "hey guys I'm gonna be busy doing stuff with Cap, Hawkeye and Wanda for the next half hour or so, if anyone wants to head outside for a break and a chat, now would be the time to do it". I find that players appreciate knowing they're not expected to sit there mutely and watch someone else's little drama play out, and it also lets them be human beings and relax and chat etc without really impacting the game.


    Some ideas anyway.. :)

  2. Re: What's in the moon?


    More seriously' date=' if I were going to have people digging on the moon, I'd probably either have them find a monolith or the cthulhoid "watchdog" from Warren Ellis' run on [i']The Authority[/i].


    The Warren Ellis thing was the first thing that popped into my mind too... :)


    Steampunk dinosaurs are my favourite so far....

  3. Re: Just the thing for a costal team...


    AHHH I am torn!


    On one hand, the nerd in me says that is SO AWESOME!!!!!!


    On the other hand, the comment at the end about messing about with sharks and whales made me cringe a bit....it's kind of like "hey there's some part of the world we haven't screwed with yet, but I can fix that!!"


    So yeah...divided. :\


    From a fiction point of view though it is ace, and if I were playing a team with an underwater member, I would demand that this thing be in our vehicle pool. ^_^

  4. Re: When your superhero group became powerful enough to rule the world?


    We stopped playing.




    I was running a game set in the Marvel Universe where most of the characters had reached Authority levels of power, and the players were half-joking about taking over the Shi'Ar Empire because they were sick of aliens causing trouble on Earth....I moved interstate around the same time though, so the game ended.


    When I moved back too much time had passed for us to pick up where we left off, so deus ex machina allowed for all the heroes to have been kidnapped a la the original Secret Wars to explain why nothing had happened in so long. The players all took on new (much lower-powered) characters with the new direction of discovering what had happened to their predecessors, and when the predecessors were eventually rescued, they mostly took on a backseat role as NPCs to help train a new generation of heroes.


    I like playing with big concepts, but I don't know if I'm really prepared for that much of a shake-up of the status quo to let them actually take over the world/galaxy...

  5. Re: superuseless superpowers


    I love useless powers....dunno what it is about them, must be all the Legion of Superheroes comics I read as a kid.. ;)


    Bleach was a character I designed whose one and only ability was to bleach the color from anything in her surrounding area, leaving it white. She herself was Aboriginal, but stark white due to a side-effect of her own power.

  6. Re: Help me get into Bricks.


    I know what you mean.....I think straight bricks can be boring, the trick is to give them something secondary which doesn't detract from them being a brick.


    Colossus from the X-Men is an example of someone who power-wise is just a boring brick.


    Rogue on the other hand (talking about when she had Ms Marvel's powers permanently here) was a classic example of an interesting brick. Her prime use in combat was to lift heavy stuff and punch/charge with almighty force, but she also had the power-stealing thing to fall back on as an alternative to just punching stuff.


    Other examples would be Marvel Comics' Sub-Mariners: Namor, Namora and Namorita.....they are super-strong, can fly, can breathe underwater, swim at high speeds....depending on who writes them they can conduct electricity harmlessly and inflate like a puffer-fish.... ;) A bit silly maybe but you get the drift. :)


    A couple of characters I always liked using in my games who fit the bill:


    Chrome Kisses: chrome skin, massive strength and defences, also has an uncontrolled power that turns people into metal when she touches them (thus the name).

    Landslide: takes on a super-strong earth form, also has earth control to make walls, earthquakes etc..

    Narwhale was one I never actually got a chance to use, but I really like him so I hope I do get to use him one day; he's a mutant whale that has been artificially evolved into humanoid form....underwater breathing, big horn for killing attacks, also has sonar and can focus the sonar through his horn into a sonic beam attack. Primarily though he's a brick.


    Hope that helps! :)

  7. Re: the goblin glider


    The first thing that comes to mind when I think of the Goblin Glider is the original Green Goblin being impaled on it....that to me says vehicle.


    Not that there's anything wrong with doing it just as a power with OAF, I wouldn't do it that way though..

  8. Re: The Essential Bad Silver Age


    In that case I recommend you never Google "Space Patrol Canine Agency".


    I particularly recommend you never look at this page.


    That site......is a thing of beauty.


    I have spent the last half hour on it and I am sure more time will be similarly wasted away. Thanks kindly! :D

  9. Re: You, or your PC?


    Interesting question!


    I play characters for all different reasons......some specifically because they are so far from me and so I enjoy the challenge of getting into a vastly different mindset, others because they embody a facet of my personality and I can just enjoy playing that up...a lot of the time I like to know what the rest of the group dynamics are before I create my character so that I can work it for maximum interaction fun.

  10. Got the idea for this from reading about an obscure Marvel character called the Forever Man.


    Okay, here's the scenario....a child who seems to be about 13 approaches your hero and tells him/her that he's cursed with an unusual ability; he can't stay dead. Whenever he dies, his body turns to ash and then a new body regenerates from that ash, swiftly aging until it seems to be about the same age. This process only takes a few minutes, and once the aging process hits puberty, he slows down to a normal rate of aging.


    The Forever Man explains that at first he never retained any knowledge of previous incarnations. He would simply come into consciousness somewhere as a 13 year old boy with no prior memory. At some point though, memories and intellect started transferring across to each new incarnation, essentially rendering him immortal.


    The problem is, he doesn't want to be immortal anymore. His memories go back a couple thousand years, but he doesn't know how long this cyclic existence has actually been going.....he may be as old as humanity itself. He has spent hundreds of years trying new and inventive ways to kill himself, and every time he simply comes back to life again. His sanity is frayed, and all he wants is a release from this endless cycle of death and resurrection.


    He has a handgun on him, and if need be he will kill himself here and now to prove to your hero that he's telling the truth about all of this...what he wants is for your hero to find a way for him to actually once and for all die and stay dead.



  11. Re: Alternate Earth Characters #11


    Given the environment she grew up she could actually have mutant powers instead.

    True...I don't think she'd really fit this setting though; her whole thing is she's a bit of a valley girl, which means that both her personality and origin would have to change so much you might as well just create a new character...


    For character #2 however, this setting would be perfect: Hippolyte was dropped into the modern world from her own classical origins anyway, so it's just another variation on living in a world she doesn't understand. And she would probably take much more readily to this kind of environment than normal 21st Century Earth anyway because her skills at leading a tribe and helping them thrive would be a lot more useful and highly regarded.

  12. Re: What happens in Vegas...


    If he was actually meant to be there and decided a shag was more important....Hippolyte would break the door down, give him a right proper smack around the head and shoulders region for being a typical pig of a man, and at the same time give the woman a lengthy lecture about self-respect and keeping her dignity.

  13. Re: WWYCD: My Good Enemy


    Hippolyte would be appalled....this child would claim to be the offspring of herself and Hercules, the man she hates more than any other (my GM went for a more Wonder Woman-style backstory for the amazons where Heracles raped Hippolyte, so he's not exactly her favourite person in the world).


    She would refuse to believe that they could have had a kid together, and even when presented with DNA evidence will make the assumption that Hercules must have found some way to trick her or forced himself on her again.......she would take it as a matter of honor to find the truth though, and if the child is a girl, she would take the opportunity to train her in the ways of the Amazons.

  14. Re: The Passage of Time


    Good point on the villains, Tech! :D


    It is good to be able to have your villains actually develop rather than maintain the same static personality with every single appearance.....even goons have potential for growth.


    In the Marvel game I used to run, a few villains slowly became good or just gave up the capes altogether because it made sense as a part of their long-term character growth...and there were also those who grew more powerful or dangerous with time.


    Letting time pass allows your heroes to build a relationship with their recurring villains of a sort....

  15. Re: Disturbing Character premises...


    I had a character named Goo, whom I thought was quite innocent but according to my players, was actually kind of gross; she could produce a glowing sticky goop at will from her hands and fling it about. SOME people with overactive imaginations may have thought it wasn't coming from her HANDS........


    Probably the most disturbing character I ever actually used though was Faustus Mandaeus; a sorceror back in the 1920's who seduced an Eternal (game was set in the Marvel Universe) so she could bear him a powerful child, then he turned the Eternal into a rose where she spent the next several decades going slowly insane. Meanwhile, the child grew up with immense mental powers as a result of his heritage, which was Faustus' plan all along....so of course Faustus then possessed the body of his adult son's lover for several months so he could go about stealing his son's power for himself...one of those things that didn't seem as wrong as it actually is until it was played out. :P

  16. Re: The Passage of Time


    I think the value in running an ongoing campaign is that you can have the characters age...we had an NPC in our game named Gabby who started off as effectively a hostage and kid-to-get-into-mischief, but throughout a couple of years of gaming got some training and eventually became Bucky to our Captain America. The slow transition meant that the players really actually cared about her, and it meant something that someone who was once just one of the other NPC's daughters had become an important heroine in their world.


    There are plenty of ways to keep characters eternally young if that's what you want in a superheroic universe, but IMO part of the fun of playing a long-running campaign is specifically seeing how characters grow and evolve... :)

  17. Re: Characters you've always liked but who never fulfilled their potential...


    Persona non gratis


    No one would acknowledge that he existed. :D



    Sort of reminds me of a third though....I did have a dude called Forget-Me-Not who had an always on mind-control aura which caused everyone around him to forget his existence whenever he was out of their field of vision....so his own team had to make sure there was always at least one teammate with him constantly so that he'd have someone to back up that that yes, they did actually know him....good as an NPC who appeared very infrequently....would be a nightmare as a PC.... :doi:

  18. Everyone has characters they've created either as NPC's or PC's whom for whatever reason, never really reached their potential. I can think of three off the top of my head:


    Streethawk: was an NPC when I was running an Australian Avengers game. She had wings, claws and enhanced vision, but wasn't really all that great a fighter. She was very much a minor character and she ended up pairing off with one of the PC's, but then the actual player stopped playing so his character retired as well. And when he went, Streethawk went with him....I would have liked to see her grow into a confident hero...


    China: looks like a Chinese porcelain doll in leather, has the ability to mimic the strength of any and all within ten feet of her. I don't think I ever got around to using her as anything more than a background character, but I think she'd be quite fun and challenging to play in the right game. It's the sort of concept though that works better in a comic than in a game..


    So what are yours?


    EDIT: I just realised I said three instead of two....D'OH...that will teach me to post at 4am... :P

  19. As the title says, who's your favourite NPC of any game you've been in or run? Tell us about them..


    Mine is Alex Conway...I didn't actually create her, she was created by another GM when I was playing (my group tends to share GM duties a fair bit). Alex started off as a love interest for one of the player-characters as well as the team's police liaison. Her importance as a character developed, and there were some really good storylines centred around her or where she featured heavily; eventually it was someone else's turn to GM, and they killed her off....nobody was particularly pleased because they all were quite attached to Alex and her death was quickly undone; from that point she became even more important. A cosmic being abducted all of the superheroes and supervillains from her world, forcing Alex herself to take on a costumed identity and assemble a new team of heroes. She became the lynchpin that they operated around, and her story progressed from there....not bad for someone who was originally conceived as just a DNPC/contact... :)



  20. Re: Who is your favorite character?


    I don't have ONE favourite....they're ALL my babies! :D


    Interestingly, I'm way more attached to characters I didn't create than I thought I would be....I played the Scarlet Witch in an Avengers game for a while, and got lots of good roleplaying out of her (she's also fun for power variety)....ditto for Fabian Stankowicz, who is an extremely minor Avengers/Captain America character in the Marvel Universe, but in the game where I played him had to become a superhero because there weren't enough superheroes left anymore. It was really fun taking him on the journey from Z-Grade loser to tragic hero.


    Of the characters I've actually invented, I love Hush the most for the challenge; she's a mutant with a sound suppression field which is always on, so she's functionally mute. Additionally, she was raised to think of herself as a weapon...so it was interesting exploring a character whose amoral nature conflicted with her subconscious desire to develop her humanity, all the while unable to communicate with her teammates outside of facial gestures and body language.

  21. Re: Can Openner?


    I play an ice-using character and find the NND is a good way to go for a quick attack, or the brittle drain as mentioned if the bad guy needs softening up for the rest of the team as well...

  22. Re: Alternate Earth/WWYCD - Enough?


    I didn't want to be the first one to reply and look all conceited because I post in these threads all the time lol... ;)


    But I actually quite like the WWYCD-style threads as well....it's interesting seeing how other people relate to situations, it helps me think my own characterisation through more, and gives me fodder for story ideas for when I'm running stuff as well.


    I'm with ghost-angel....you can tell by the thread title what it's about, don't open it if it's not something you're interested in, and contribute to threads that you are interested in...

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