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Posts posted by Silverswirl

  1. I'm new to this dimension. I'm trying to figure out who some of the most heroic figures here are; I need to ask: who are the life heroes of your particular hero / character? Not just heroes, but also historical figures. Coinsider this a short cut to research. ;)

  2. Re: Let's Do Lunch


    Gem: Absolutely . . . NOT. I do sing jazz. An audition would be nice. Just kidding.


    Blade: [He just gets up from the table, shakes his head.] Au revoir.


    The mogul says "But you can't possibly refu---!"


    [While the mogul speaks, he withdraws a blade and throws it---with perfect precision---at a designated target]


    Blade: Next time, it's your neck. Won't hurt a bit, 'cause you'll be dead. Au revoir.

  3. Re: Enter Fluffy (or "Aw, can't we keep 'em?")


    Gem: (physicist in alien suit): She'd echo the notion "Do we fight it, study it, or recruit it?" Her impulse: study, till we know more.


    (Speaking): "Hmm. Don't know if you folks without gloves should touch this little creature."


    Thinking: "If it's a shape-shifter, we put it under glass; give it a whirl under the microscope, then try the electron.


    Maybe the puffer fish analogy is a good theory, but I'm not letting it have run of the base til I know more. No, I don't mean chain it up in a dungeon. I mean treat it well. Find out what it eats. [under breath: Hope it's not us.]


    Blade: Olorin! Stop with the magical illusions, and . . . . All right, all right. Let's say it's real.


    Nice defense . . . Wonder what it turns into next if I throw a few stars then hit it with a thrown blade or three?


    I still say it's a trap. May even be some genetic reprod from VIPER. VIPER does that all the time. Alien ship, nothin'. Dime a dozen these days; best way to get sympathy is pretend to be alien.


    Ooh, no! No. You wanna keep it? YOU carry it. I won't be caught dead with a lavender Corgi. Especially if it really was one.


    [mutters in French]: Idiotes!


    [sigh.] Well, if it's gonna stay, best make sure my blades are sharp. Think we're gonna need 'em.

  4. Am thinking about a new character, who will bear my name (Silverswirl)and note that the Powers that BE have created Chaos / Entropy powers in Hero Game books. I'd like to create "the powers of Order." It would be "chaotic" but in a strange way; despite the Order framework, the powers should be unpredictable.


    Order implies growth, purification, concentration of effects, making something "more itself." This could be favorable or unfavorable.


    Could one control emotions, or create the usual "logic jam" (ala Kirk vs. various computers, in Star Trek?) Create more rage inside a criminal mind to the point of blasting him with his own internal hatred? Find a psych and trigger it?


    Turn a person into crystal or salt?


    What's the opposite of "entropy"? Maybe complexity? Extropy? Something else?


    How would Order manifest, esp. in a biological / molecular sense?


    Suggestions welcome.

  5. Re: Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens


    Silverswirl says:


    GEM likes jazz, a tall marguerita and quiet times with her family.


    Blade likes making knives, Classical music (when he's in a good mood), and French wine, cheeses and bread. Brioche is a favorite.


    Raptorian likes old fashioned Rock music (esp. Bob Seeger and the like), a good German beer and German food.

  6. Re: WWYCD #124 or so:Peace on Earth


    Blade's nemesis is Morgan, a druidic back-to-nature pagan who would probably rage about how the world is too dependent upon technology and needs to get back to the rhythms of the seasons. Blade's only response would be: "Fine. You be first to give up TP." Afterward, he'd be thinking up ways to trace this guy, once they let both of them out, and exact revenge.


    Gem doesn't really have a nemesis---maybe a Scientologist?


    Raptorian would probably be paired with a white collar criminal.

  7. Re: Story telling skills: Next scene Dr. Destroyer


    A Technical Difficulty


    Sanctuary's parties were always good ones. In that neutral ground, heroes and villains mixed freely, and music played softly. Gem (dressed in her strange alien armor) had never been to Sanctuary. She was amazed at the hidden technologies, advanced beyond conception. New to heroism (a physicist in her other-life), she recognized that she had a lot of work to catch up on, to fully understand all the technical underpinnings of heroic culture.


    Food offered a start: the side-board and bar bulged with green shrimp, orange pulp, blue petals and a host of colors and smells ranging from hot to savory to sickly sweet. (She doubted any one of them came from Atraxa, home of her suit). Those who tasted the exotic wines and delicacies from who knows how many planets first tested them under the Biological Compatibility Matrix (just above the bar) to insure that toxins did not trouble throats, stomachs or any other gustatory apparatus.


    A sudden hush. The music cut off in mid-note (too bad; she liked Miles Davis). She turned, and saw a figure dressed in extraordinary armor, which contained the faintest suggestion of millitary grace. She'd seen him before, on the Nightly News, and he always meant trouble. Dr. Destroyer.


    "Greetings, lesser ones!"


    The sound of arrogance crystalized. He sounded even more arrogant in person than on television; some notes simply didn't translate over the airwaves and microphones of the media. "How much of that is armor, and how much is him?" she wondered.


    Dr. Destroyer had everyone's attention. No one knew what he'd do next, though she understood (through Volt) that even he didn't start trouble here.


    Then, he took off his helmet. People called out names of various heroes in the community.





    "Merry Andrew?!"

    "Dark Hawk?"


    She saw . . . nothing. No face. Nothing but a blank space without eyes. It looked like a Dark Lord of Mordor, a shadow, or perhaps the starless reaches of deep space. Cold. Unforgiving.


    "How can that be?" she thought.


    Everyone continued to call out names. "Volt!" "Mirror-mask!" "Firewing!"


    A moment later, Dr. Destroyer strode over to *her.*


    "And you," said he, the arrogance muted, but somehow concentrated on a single focal point. "Whom do you see?"


    The faceless space disturbed her more than the sound of his voice. She wished she had the ability to lie, almost a name came to her lips, but she couldn't say it.


    "No one. No one at all."

    "Intriguing. You represent my one failure in this test. This must be seen to . . . but not here." He turned, and left Sanctuary.


    Her bones iced, and her blood stilled. "Great," she thought. "Just great. I've *intrigued* him . . . and that's not good."

  8. Re: WWYCD: Welcome Divinity?


    Justicar: "You guys must not have read my résumé carefully enough. I'm a Roman Catholic priest in my day job. You're offering me virtually unlimited power? Jesus Christ had a phrase when that kind of power was offered to Him - 'Satan, get thee hence!' In other words, get lost."


    I love that response as well!

  9. See how this fits.


    You're patrolling the streets late at night, looking for a villain's new hide-out. (Even group leaders do grunt work on occasion, just to keep in practice.)


    The night seems misty. No moon, total darkness---or that peculiar light pollution characteristic, when the night sky seems to hold a coppery light. Visibility is low, and even with super-senses, you're less than sure about small details.


    In the misty night, you think you hear something: strong arms then seize you from the back, and even if your vision is 360 degrees, you still have a blind spot somewhere. If you're in a suit, the creature's torn a jagged hole where the attack occurs. You see an animalistic shape, smell rank breath, and needle-sharp incisors pierce your jugular. You black out as he drains you.


    You wake later, on the street, feeling depleted.


    This is no normal bite, however. Spells will not immediately throw it off. You are now dependent on blood to survive. You are now a vampire. (You are also quite undead.) What would your character do?


    Blade: "Merde! I'd best avoid L'homme loup. [His former mentor.] He'd kill me." Then he'd go back to the base, start researching how to end this fix, and line his

    windows with black material to block the sunlight---to give him more protection against daylight. He'd feed on small-time criminals, esp. killers.


    Gem: "I've always been a night owl, but this is ridiculous." She realizes she can't go home until she is cured, for she would surely attack her family. She'd set up a lab, and start researching, compiling a list of the best experts on blood chemistry, and the like. Her approach: vampirism is a disease.


    Raptorian: "Great. Not only do I turn into a raptor, I turn into a blood-sucking raptor. And there is no way Father Markland will let me into Mass. Olorin? OLORIN?? I'm in trouble!"

  10. Re: Politics or not


    Some very interesting political scenarios (six super nations) the one with three political parties (Liberty, Equality, and Security). This kind of world-building can be fun.


    Blade once masqueraded as a liberal, making a very convincing speech, but his own political leanings tended to be more libertarian. Disguise was one of his skills, so he was able to pull things off with panache. The character he was playing was an out-of-town activist, and after the appearance, he disappeared.

  11. This may or may not fit your campaign, and I'm no GM, so here goes.


    It's actually quite simple. You have been taken to the top of a mountain, in the middle of a volcano, by a seashore, or orbiting your home planet by beings of great power. You can't see them very well, but since they know your mind and favorite locations for relaxation, the location is yours to imagine. One of the figures becomes clear, and you see a noble and extraordinarily striking being. Female characters will see males; males will see females. The others are shrouded in mist, but you might see shapes, colors and clothing, on occasion as the mist thins.


    A warm, inviting voice intones:


    "We have seen your power, your integrity, your virtues. We hold extraordinary power; some have, in your past, regarded us as divine. That may---or may not---be true, but we have determined that you hold great value. We would hereby make you one of us, in effect, a god. Do you accept?"


    Blade would sit in silence for a moment, not sure he heard the speaker correctly.

    Then, he would burst into cynical laughter. "Yeah, right. Pull the other one . . . I think I'll go sharpen my knives."


    Gem: "Seriously: Have you lost your mind? I've got a family. Husband? Kids? You do remember what that means? Or have you forgotten? If you have, you're not worth joining. If you haven't, you're stupid."


    Then, a twinkle enters her eye . . .


    "On the other hand, if you have a sense of humor . . . Can you make me the goddess of science? No, no! Just joking!"


    "In case you haven't quite gotten it, N-o spells no, that's the way it has to go. I'll be leaving now."


    Raptorian: "Absolutely---not! You should know---if you are gods---that I'm a good Catholic boy, and therefore cannot believe in you, let alone, accept your offer. Take me back where you found me. Is that clear enough for you?"

  12. Re: WWYCD "super" registration


    Blade: "I gave up French citizenship for *this?* [bronx cheer.]


    Gem: "Well, I can go back to normal life and give up the suit to whoever wants it. I have a family to consider. Being a hero's nice, but I'm a scientist at heart, and unfortunately, most scientists work under government contract at some time or other."


    Raptorian: "I ain't much of a lawyer, but I don't think this sounds right. I normally follow the law, but there are times when laws should be ignored."

  13. Re: WWYCD: The Coverup


    Blade is very good at keeping secrets. He'd not be happy about the city's destruction, but after a year, he'd just patrol the streets and make sure there's not a lot of looting (which there might have been to start with). And sharpen a lot of knives (perfectly crafted, of course).


    Gem is a scientist (in an alien suit). After sifting through evidence, she'd say, "you don't know what really happened. No point in stirring up ashes now. Concentrate on rebuilding."


    Raptorian (as human): "Too late now to go yakkin'. Zip the lip."

    (As Raptor): "ZZZZ!" (Starts flying toward the sidekick.)

  14. Re: WWYCD The aliens are here


    We're not sure he's *quite* human, but Dr. D. is at least from Earth. Let's just hope that when the team negotiates with him that they employ the trickiest of all lawyers: Super-Solicitor, who (of course) is a refugee from Q'onoS (the Klingon homeworld). Nothing scarier than a Klingon lawyer!

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