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About This File

My take on a modern 'beginning hero' version of Superman for 6e - (Heavily Influenced by the 80's Byrne reboot & DCAU versions). Recently updated VPP HA slots to incorporate correct 6e rules for AOE Accurate and damage adding. Also added new HTH Reflection, Self Only Barrier, Desolidification (as Invulnerability) and Entangle slots.


For my favorite 6e export see:



Here are two exports created by killershrike that shows the bio section option from within HD:




Here is another export with click to hide features in a very functional but plain black & white format:


Export previews no longer working due to HeroCentral being down for the count:



For this and other 400 point 6e JLA members see my forum thread:



last edited 2/17/15

corrected spelling mistakes and added 4th export example.

User Feedback

Recommended Comments

Mark Visher


I would like to know if I can create characters not just the stats but a character that I can see with my own eyes

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