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Urban Fantasy Creature: Afreet


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Val Char Cost
18 STR 8
18 DEX 24
15 CON 10
20 BODY 20
10 INT 0
10 EGO 0
16 PRE 6
16 COM 3
4/13 PD 0
4 ED 1
4 SPD 12
7 REC 0
40 END 5
40 STUN 3
6" RUN02" SWIM03 1/2" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 92
Cost Power END
20 Fire Shield: HKA 1d6 (1d6+1 w/STR), Damage Shield (Offensive; +3/4), Continuous (+1) (41 Active Points); Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (Cosmetic Transform to horribly burned person; -1)
18 Gunfire: RKA 1d6, Uncontrolled (+1/2), Continuous (+1) (37 Active Points); OAF (Gun; -1)
19 Burnout: RKA 3d6, Explosion (+1/2) (67 Active Points); 1 Charge (-2), No Range (-1/2)
15 Small Object Burn: Missile Deflection (Bullets & Shrapnel)
Powers Cost: 72
Cost Skill
Everyone Skills
0 1) Acting 8-
0 2) AK: Downtown 8-
0 3) Climbing 8-
0 4) Concealment 8-
0 5) Conversation 8-
0 6) Language: English (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)
0 7) Paramedics 8-
0 8) Persuasion 8-
0 9) Stealth 8-
0 10) TF: Small Motorized Ground Vehicles
3 Bureaucratics 12-
3 Combat Driving 13-
1 Computer Programming 8-
3 Criminology 11-
3 Deduction 11-
1 Forensic Medicine 8-
2 PS: Police Detective 11-
3 Shadowing 11-
Skills Cost: 19
Cost Perk
3 Computer Link: Police Database
2 Fringe Benefit: Local Police Powers
Perks Cost: 5
Cost Equipment END
25 .44 Magnum: RKA 2d6, +1 Increased STUN Multiplier (+1/4) (37 Active Points); Real Weapon (-1/4), 4 clips of 6 Charges (-1/4)
5 Kevlar Vest: Armor (9 PD/0 ED) (14 Active Points); Activation Roll 9- (Only protects hit locations 11-13; -1 1/2), Real Armor (-1/4)
Equipment costs shown above are for reference only, and are not included in Total Cost.
Val Disadvantages
5 Distinctive Features: Unusual smell, high body temperature (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Uncommonly-Used Senses)
10 Psychological Limitation: Capricious (Common, Moderate)
10 Psychological Limitation: Likes to shoot things. A lot. (Common, Moderate)
15 Social Limitation: Subject to orders of the summoner (Occasionally, Severe)
20 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN Water (Common)
Disadvantage Points: 60

Base Points: 75Experience Required: 53Total Experience Available: 53Experience Unspent: 0Total Character Cost: 188

Height: 1.77 m Hair: Black
Weight: 80.00 kg Eyes: Redish Brown

Afreet generally look human, but have several distinctive features. They tend to be very attractive, although they smell, vaguely of burning meat, and their skin is always abnormally hot; someone shaking hands with an afreet will notice immediately.


Caucasian afreet often have very pinkish skin, coppery red or stawberry blond hair which stands up and almost appears to move around like a flame. Non-caucasian afreet have jet black hair and reddish-brown skin.


Afreet are impulsive, often behaving capriciously and, more often than not, cruelly. Most Afreet seem to have an unusual fascination with guns especially because of English-language slang about firepower and firefights. They wryly play with such phrases.


Having said that, Afreet are creatures of few words. Given a choice between negotiation and gunfire, they'll choose gunfire every time.


"'Opposing fire'. An interesting turn of phrase, don't you think?"


Afreet are elemental creatures of fire summoned into human form. Their names come from arabic legends, but they are very different than Afreet of legend. When someone dies by fire, their bodies become target vessels for Afreet who have been summoned to our plane by a spellcaster. Often, the Afreet take the bodies of firefighters or police.


Once the Afreet has inhabited a body, it often resume parts of the deceased person's life. The Afreet may, for example, return to a police job, but separate from family members who may notice the host's sudden personality change.


The Afreet have a variety of fire-based powers at their disposal. The most commonly used power is their "gunfire". They will "shoot" someone with a gun, and the victim bursts into flame upon being hit. These flames can be extinguished with water.


Afreet can use a form of missle deflection in which they cause knives, arrows and/or bullets to burst into flames before having a chance to affect them.


If necessary, an Afreet can burst into flames and attack an opponent, but they are hesitant to do so -- the flames burns off the skin of the bodies they inhabit, and it takes them several hours to regenerate.


As a last-ditch defense, the Afreet can explode into a ball of fire. The bodies they possess are not immune to this effect, and this may have the effect of killing their host bodies.

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