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Clash of the Limitations/Advantages



This is a somewhat complicated question.


There is a character in the Champs game I play in that has the concept of "invisible mentalist". This character is actively afraid of being found out as a mentalist, and her power builds reflect the degree of subtlety she is looking for.


To take an example of one of her powers, she has a low-dice Mind Control. To boost the effectiveness of the power, she has the Cumulative Advantage on it. To maintain her "invisible mentalist" concept, she also has Invisible Power Effects vs Mental Senses (to mask the source of a power use) and Mandatory Effect +20 (to conceal that a power was used at all).


The question which has come up is how these components interact.


It is stated on page 80 of FrED that with Invisible Power Effects, "...the target would not be able to sense the source of an attack (but would, of course, know he had been attacked with a particular Mental Power)." It's clear that nobody can tell where the power use originates from, that part isn't quite what's in question.


However, page 81 then states under Cumulative: "...the target will realize he is being attacked with that Mental Power)." All right, so presumably a target being attacked with that Cumulative, Invisible Effects Mental Power knows that he is being attacked, but not what the source of the attack is.


Now we reach Mandatory Effect. It states on page 81 "...the character must achieve a certain level of effect for the power to have any effect at all."


Thus the question arises. The mentalist must achieve that +20 minimum to hide the use of the power. However, until that minimum is reached over the course of the Cumulative rolling, does the target realize he's being attacked? Does the mentalist's target have those seconds in which she's rolling for her Cumulative effect to think "Hey, something's messing with my mind! I think I'd better--" *ZAP* "--man, did I have some bad Chinese food last night? I'd better take a Tylenol for this headache. Oh, and I'd better drop my gun and turn myself over to the cops now, too." Or does any one of these Advantages or Limitations, or the combination thereof, mean that the attack is being "saved up" and then turned loose on the target in one big no-warning shot?


Hopefully my question's fairly clear. Thanks in advance. :)

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