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Let's destroy Detroit!


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Hi all,


I'm running a Champions campaign set in Detroit, early 1992, mere months before the dreaded Battle. Of course the campaign is going to culminate in the Battle itself.


There are bits of info about the Battle strewn throughout Champions books and DH issues, but I need more to build a worthy ending.


- Who shows up, and what do they do?

- Who goes toe-to-toe with the Doctor, and who just keeps to damage control?

- What's happening meanwhile in space?


Suggestions? Story seeds? Characters? Compelling tales of selfless heroism and vile villany? I need them all! :)




P.S.: Please notice that I'm purposefully not volunteering any information about the PC group at this time. ;)

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My campaign is run out of Chicago and uses the Peacekeepers mentioned in Champions Universe. Theorizing that due to Detroit's proximity to Chicago, the Peacekeepers and several independent heroes were amongst the first one's to respond when things hit the fan. The result: the team suffers severe losses, but two new heroes emerge from the ashes to bolster the ranks of the Peacekeepers. As per my timeline:


The Battle of Detroit: Due to the team's proximity to Detroit, Chicago's heroes are among the first to respond to the crisis. Dynaman, The Comet II and The Sting perrish heroically and Turbo is permanently crippled in the conflict. Wildfire, stricken with grief, retires from the team. Dwarfstar and Windstorm, heroes created in the Battle of Detroit, will replace her. Masses of refugees of the ravaged Detroit flock to Chicago. The city barely manages to keep up with the sudden population increase.


I have stats for all the characters mentioned. If your interested, please mail me and I'll be happy to provide them for you. lanceskijr@yahoo.com

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