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The World of Solem


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Hi guys,

new here and pretty new to 5e. I am just about to start world building for a new campaign which i want to be ongoing and longlasting.

Have decided to use Fantasy Hero/Hero system for the campaign as i wish to build the world from scratch.

Have used many other settings in the past including FR, Dragonlance and Runequest but have never been really happy as thry just were not exactly what I required.

I want Solem to be very classical fantasy (think LOTR or even Narnia) with many of those great fantasy elements hopefully given a slight twist.

Blended with this I want a large dash of dark fantasy influences such as Conan, Warhammer or the Wheel of time novels.

Lastly a grounding in historical events and elements from our own history to give it some needed realism and depth.


Anyway I wanted to post material here regularly so you guys can give me some constructive critisicm and feedback. Also help me a little in building the elements in hero 5th.




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Re: The World of Solem


Ok guys, lets start with some big stuff, this is done from the point of view of what is known by the PC's at game start. Will elaborate with GM info now and then.


The Almighty – The all powerful creator of Solem and the rest of the universe. He resides in Paradise awaiting the souls of those who have led a good and fruitful life on his creation. He also created the Divine Apostles to tend to and maintain his creation of Solem. After the Dark Dimension and the full horror of the Twisted One was discovered many of the Divine Apostles were slowly corrupted by the power and false promises of the Twisted One and abandoned the Almighty for the dark power of Azor-Sith he allowed the remaining loyal Apostles to enter Solem to fight for the good of his creation. Those Divine Apostles who betrayed the Almighty were from then on cursed as the False Prophets of the Twisted One.



The Tears of the Almighty – a name for the ages of Solem’s History. Named because of the sadness and disappointment the Creator has felt towards his creation due to the untold evil and dark events that have taken place in Solem throughout the ages.


The Ages – The long history of Solem is divided into long epochs called “Ages†Solem’s history has thus been split into fifteen separate ages.

They have been split by scholars by important events rather than set periods of time. This was most notably established by the ancient order of knowledge and wisdom The Masters of Time who rumor has it possess the tome “The True History of Solemâ€.





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Re: The World of Solem


Age of Creation – The first age, began when The Almighty shaped the suns and the stars and created the land of Solem by using his own self as the very earth of the land itself. Solem is said to rest in the hands of the Almighty as he watches the land throughout time until the feathers of time itself come to rest and stop their ageless fall.

The act of creating our world greatly weakened The Almighty and he realized he must make and design servants for him to care for and oversee his great work while he rested.

He called his servants the Apostles and created them in his own image. He created many and gave each Apostle a different task to perform. Each Apostle was imbued with a drive and personality to match their allotted task to ensure they had both the will and capacity to carry them out.

With this last act the Almighty slept awaking rarely during the ages to give a verdict on his world and his Apostles.

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The Age of Toil - The second age in which the Apostles began to carry out the Almighty's wishes for his creation Solem. The many Apostles travelled throughout the world and carried out his work due to their ambition and needs.

Creating oceans and mountains, deserts and gardens, cloud and rain.

The Apostles worked long and hard both alone and in concert. They tore and reshaped the very fabric of the Almighty himself and created tall snowcapped peaks and lush jungle valleys. Islands and rivers, Rocks and trees.

Although the Almighty still slept beneath them his Apostles looked around at Solem and were glad. They had toiled long and hard and had endured much hardship to bring together the fruits of the Almighty's labor.

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Re: The World of Solem


The Age of Discovery - After their labours had finished the Apostles began to grow restless. The Almighty still slept deeply beneath their feet and the work he had alloted them was done.

The Apostles began to bicker and quarrell amoung themselves, who was greater? had more skill? who was most beautiful or had the most battle prowess?

and the question on the lips of all the Apostles in the long absence of the Almighty was who was in Command? who should hold sway amoung their number until the Almighty returned.

Slowly a long and dark shadow had fallen over the Apostles. Little by little where their once was harmony now stood strife, where their once was laughter louder than the sea their was now voices raised in anger louder than the greatest storm.

Unknown to the Apostles the world of Solem had come to the attention to an entity of immense power. Power that rivalled the Almighty himself. He was great but he was terrible and his name was Azor-Sith which translated means the Twisted One.

He came for a another time and place of great evil which we now call the Dark Dimension. From this terrible place he sensed Solem's beauty and power and he hungered for it and was greedy in his lust to remake such a place to his own dark image.

He preceived the Apostles and was glad, these were beings he could use for his own dark ends. So slowly in whispered dreams to a chosen few amoung their number he sowed seeds of doubt and despair, or jealousy and pride and of ambition and anger.

He slowly revealed himself to his chosen few and told them he was a being of even greater majesty than their sleeping master. He began to teach them dark things, knowledge best forgotten and was worshipped by those Apostles eager for some direction and use to their existence.

Over time and careful not to reveal himself to the rest of the Apostles he taught them dark magics which would both corrupt their hearts and allow him to breach the gap between the Dark Dimension and his lofty prize Solem.




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Re: The World of Solem


Scarred Wastes – A huge desert where the very earth itself has mutated under the Twisted One’s power and greed. Many strange things occur in the Scarred Wastes and it is well known that no fair plant or flower grows within it’s evil borders. Many foul things lurk within its blasted hills and deserts and the followers of the Twisted One use it as a foul base to launch attacks on the fair peoples of its borders.

Many are the strongholds of the twisted one within the evil desert. It is usedas the breeding ground for his foul armies and many evil deeds and warped magics are perfomed within its borders.




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Re: The World of Solem


Greenfields - Greenfields is the green and pleasant land of the Hobbits of northeast Solem. It is a beautiful peaceful land of rolling hills, peaceful farms and beautiful rivers. Its primary inhabitants are the Hobbits of Greenfields who dominate the realm in their quiet and unassuming way. There are also small communities of men who the Hobbits call “The Big Folkâ€. Greenfields unknown to the hard working and peaceful Hobbits is protected from danger by the Finar Elves, the Druids of First Wood and the Rangers of Northern Corinia.




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Re: The World of Solem


Greenfields Geography - Greenfields is a loose collection of farms and villages and three major town’s which together total the vast majority of the Hobbit population of Solem. These settlements are structured around the flowing waters of the Blueclear River and is bordered by the First Wood to the south, the North Marches to the north, the Plain of Vesta to the west and Finar Forest to the east.




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Re: The World of Solem


The Blueclear River -Running all the way from the Titanshield mountains of the frozen north until reaching the sea at the Bay of Teclar in the south the Blueclear river is both the longest and biggest waterway of northwestern Solem. It’s passage through Greenfields provides the life blood of the community and much trade and fishing is done on it’s wide clear and slow running water.

It makes the soil around the river perfect for farming of all types and this is exploited to the full by the industrious Hobbits of Greenfields.

The river is generally both wide and safe to cross by both boat and ferry. It is has two major brides crossing it within the Greenfields area called the Ham Crossing and Bulor’s Bridge.




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Apple Falls – One of the most important villages of Greenfields, Apple Falls is the biggest provider of Apples in Solem with many leagues of apple orchards surrounding the small village in all directions. The village is run by Gror a Dwarven Merchant who has much more to him than meets the eye. The village is the home of the player characters.




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Goldcorn - Goldcorn is the largest town within Greenfields and is the area’s nominal capital of sorts with both the Major’s chambers and the Chief Sheriff’s office both within the town. The town is known for its wealthy and important inhabitants and it is well known that a Hobbit who buys a hole in Goldcorn has become officially respectable.

Many important families such as the Tailor's and Riverns make up a large percentage of its population and here more than anywhere else in Greenfields "Big Folk" are frowned upon.


Goldcorn is also known as a center for trade within Greenfields and holds many busy market days where the farming hobbits seel their local wares and produce.




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Re: The World of Solem


GoodFishing - Located at a spot where the Blueclear river is teeming with fish of all types and sizes from Bluesnappers to Large firm Cror fish the village of GoodFishing has provided Greenfields with much of its fresh watrer fish supplies for generations.

also used as a busy stop off point on the river in both directions Goodfishing is probably the most likely place in Greenfields you will find a outlander from the north or south and many big folk make their home in Goodfishing.


Goodfishing is also the home of the Famous Three a very famous (locally) group of Hobbit friends who went off in search of adventure 20 years ago and came back laden with gold and jewels. Tales of their adventure abound especially with the younger Hobbits. Nonetheless they are somehat looked down upon and not entirely trusted for being a bit "cracked" by the more serious older Hobbits of Greenfields especially within Goldcorn who look down their noses generally at the Hobbits of the other villages.




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Re: The World of Solem


The Ham Crossing - An old wooden bridge across the Blueclear river in the south of Greenfields. It is called the Ham crossing as their are many pig farms in the area mainly owned by the Boggins family the most famous pig farmers throughout Greenfields.

A small hamlet has grown up around the bridge built around a famous Tavern there called the Singing Piglet. This has the best reputation for both cider and pork and apples suppers within Greenfields. Its owner Maro Boggins is known to travel far and wide in search of vitals for the tavern and is said to know a great amny strange people.




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Re: The World of Solem


Well you certainly have a good start. I can definitely see some of your influences. A lot of people seem to have a beef with a Tolkinesque world, but I always thought that the players (including the GM) are what makes a world unique. Keep up the work and see how it plays out.


Corinia? Weird that the primary continent in my own fantasy world has the name Corinareth. I guess sick (er, great) minds think alike. In any event, good luck on your development.

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Re: The World of Solem


Thks Nolgroth,

will certainly continue, yep many of the influences especially in certain areas of the world are very clear indeed and thats just how i want them.

The Corinthian Empire is a very big deal indeed within Solem and it's always quite spooky when someone else comes up with a name your have used yourself independently, great minds think alike lol.




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Re: The World of Solem


Bulor's Bridge - The northern crossing of the Blueclear River so called after the most famous Sheriff in Greenfields history who remained Sheriff for over thirty years.

The bridge stands over a rare piece of fast flowing and dangerous water and stands on the edge of the border of present day Greenfields although in the past it was well within the northern border.

The bridge is now often guarded by groups of Corinian Rangers as over the last twenty years raids from groups of highwaymen and brigands from the North Marches have become common news as Hobbits are seen as easy marks and profitable victims.

Consequently the Hobbits now shun the area and this has been encouraged by the rangers who have also started pervasive rumours that the bridge is also haunted by a particularly fearsome highwayman called Johnny Black (this is totally false, Johnny Black does exist but comes from a totally different part of Solem, the home loving Hobbits are still scared witless by the stories however.)




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Re: The World of Solem


The Sheriff's of Greenfields - The laws of Greenfields are enforced by the local Sheriff organisations. Each male Hobbit has to serve one year terms (full pay of course) on their 30th, 40th, 50th, 60th, 70th, 80th, and 90th birthdays. This means each male hobbit serves a total of seven years with the Sheriffs over their lifetime.

All male Hobbits must serve unless they have been convicted of a crime in which case they are banned from serving for life. Serving with the Sheriffs is seen as a very prestigious event in a Hobbits life and they serve the terms enthusiastically.

There are six formal grades of authority within the Sheriffs and they are normally based on age but great ability is also taken into account. They are, Constable, Sheriff, Sergent, Captain, High Sheriff, Sheriff of Greenfields.


The Sheriffs perform a dual function of both a police force and local militia/military. so they are trained in many skills such as tracking, wilderness lore, investigation and questioning, Greenfields law, millitary tactics, combat skills such as short bow, sling and short sword and many others.

This training goes on for most of the first yearly term as a constable and continues later into the other terms to a lesser extent.


Serious crime is very rare, such as violent crime of any sort but the Sheriffs do have their hands full with petty thievery and pilfering which can be very common with Hobbits who have a reputaton as being "light fingered" at the best of times.

The other major duty is to protect the borders of Greenfields and to scout for danger beyond the borders. In this the Sheriffs of Greenfields are helped greatly by the Rangers of Northern Corinia with which they have a strong alliance.

The Sheriff of Greenfields is held in very high esteem second only in importance to the Major. The post is elected once every decade by election from the best candidates from the five High Sheriffs.




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Re: The World of Solem


Greenfields Crime & Punishment - After a Sheriff of Greenfields reaches his 100th birthday he officially retires from active duty and instead becomes a Crow Court Judge (so named after the famous flock of Crows that have lived in the Goldcorn

Court buildings for over 300 years).

A Crow Court judge serves the people of Greenfields for their lifetime and are situated amoung the main towns and villages. There are currentlly Nine Crow Court Judges currently living and they remain mostly unused as the level of crime is so low.

Most petty thefts are usually sorted out amicably or by the Sheriffs. Rarely does a case of petty theft come before the Crows.

This means that the position has become mainly a cerominial one, with the judges being held in high esteem as elder statesman community leaders.


When a crime of theft does come before the Crows their is a set tariff of punishment laid down by the crows. The defendent if found guilty has to pay a fine of Silver Pennies directly to the victim of their theft. The amount is set by the judge and is either 3,5 or 7 times the amount judged to have been stolen (as assessed by the judge in silver pennies). These amounts are used as a sliding scale by the judges depending on the seriousness and circumstances of the theft.

it has often been known with lower amounts for the judge to award the amount to the Mayor's office to help with his yearly budget. This is done to encourage Hobbits to settlle their differences without resorting to Crow Justice and as a deterrent works quite well.


Violent crime is another matter and luckily very rare amoung Hobbits.More often the accused being a Dwarf or one of the Big folk.

When found guilty of a violent crime of any sort the criminal is banished from Greenfields for life. their name and description is then given to the Sheriffs who escort them to the border and see them on their way. If the miscreant ever tries to return then they are refused at the borders. there are only three incidents in recorded history of a Hobbit being let back into Greenfields after a violent crime. This is called "the Crow's Pardon" and must be agreed on by all living crows.




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