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5th Notes on Size



Well, more of a 'official stance for writer's guideline' than anything....

I have tried asking this a couple of times on the HD2 forum without any luck other than the understanding that HD2 will comply with what the writer's guideline says, so right ot the source!

What is the offical stance on the Size characteristics Notes when Size level are purchased as powers? Should the "Notes" reflect the total size (like every other characterist seems to do) or only give info on the base value?

The issue I have seen is that in HD2 when I create a vehicle with Size levels purchased as powers, added to primary, the final value is indicated properly however the notes associated with the Size only reflect the amount purchased on the characteristic screen (so sans the additional levels puchased as a power). The result is display, on screen and preview, which have notes that do not even match the total value listed. This is unlike any other Characteristic which has notes updated to accurately reflect characteristics bought as powers.

From the discussion tried on the HD2 forum, by belief is this appears to not be considered a bug as much as ambiguity In the Writer's Guidelines, the main reference to notes in the characteristics block says merely '“Notes†lists useful information related to certain Characteristics'. Should the notes here reflect the totals for the characteristic, especially if the power was told to add to the primary value?



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Re: 5th Notes on Size


This isn't a rules question, it's a formatting question. We have a particular way of formatting character sheets for our books, and HD generally follows that. We leave it up to Dan Simon to decide how best to implement that. But you're welcome to come up with alternate character sheets or methods of formatting characters if you prefer.

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