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Mental paralysis vs. ... part deux



This is a followup on my "Mental Paralysis vs. Desolidification" posting from yesterday...


Does your previous response mean that the entangled target could use, say, flight if that power involved no actual use of their muscles. I'm thinking of something like the "Tuning" flight used in the movie "Dark City" where the flight is performed entirely through force of will.


For other forms of flight, ones that require the use of wings, or pressing a button on a jet pack, etc. the victim is obviously stuck. If the "force of will" flight is allowed, what about a flight that is activated mentally and is controlled by leaning one direction or another? Could such a person, if mentally paralyzed, activate the flight? If they could, they would presumably not remain in the air for very long seeing as how they would have no control - but it might enable them to come crashing down a couple of inches from where they started.

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1 answer to this question

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Re: Mental paralysis vs. ... part deux


I can't give you any uniform answer, because it's all going to depend on special effects, common sense, dramatic sense, and other considerations -- it's a GM's call. In much the same way that a character in handcuffs could still fly using some special effects of Flight, one caught in a Mental Paralysis might sometimes be able to fly, too.


The important thing to keep in mind here, I think, is that Mental Paralysis is not also Mind Control. It isn't a power with the effect of "target cannot do anything." It's just a Mental form of Entangle, and in most cases standard Entangle rules apply.


Hope that helps! If not, please post another follow-up and I'll try to explain further. ;)

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