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Power Construction Question

Lord Hobie

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Re: Power Construction Question


Assuming the effect of "forget me" is intended to be imediate, the best way to do it is make the character invisible. When he does something, you remember what he does, but you don't remember him or him doing that thing. Invisibility to All Sences (50 active pts) (0 END +1/2, Persistant +1/2) (Always On -1/2, Not Usable Against Characters With 10 or More Mental Defence or 20 or more EGO -1/2, Characters That Encounter Him Make an EGO Roll -3 One Hour Later And If Successful They Remember Seeing Him And What He Did -1/4). The last limitation creates the effect of "now I remember seeing him..."


Using Mind Control with an area of effect that covers anyone within a line of sight would mean a radius of maybe 1/4 mile or 1 mile. And that would be extremely expensive and overly complicated. But even that would not cover people with telescopic vision, clairscentience, or other special sence powers. What if he is in a stadium filled with 10,000 people or in front of a news camera with an audience of 1 million people? Obviously you can't make attack rolls for each of them and its extremely expensive to have the area effect be planetwide to cover any tv audience. And your forgeting about the automatic Breakout Roll everybody gets. A large group of people with no mental defence and ordinary EGO will not be affected by his "forget me" power. Invisibility solves all these problems.


And Darkness around him doesn't work very well either. They will see that there is a darkness effect. People tend to notice a strange darkness effect and they will pay attention to it. They will see the darkness moving around like maybe there is a person in there. If someone wants to they can just attack whoever is in the darkness effect with an area effect attack. invisibility works beter here too.


Now if your character attacks with a weapon they will see the attack, because invisibility doesn't cover that. So you may want to get IPE on his attacks if you are concerned about this. IPE to all sences is a +1 advantage.

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