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More on Adjustment power recoveries



Your answer to a recent Drain question indicated that each Drain, even from the same attacker, recovers separately. So if The Leecher hits Heroboy with his STR Drain four times over the course of the Turn, Heroboy recovers 20 STR in post segment 12. (Assuming no delayed return rate, and standard recovery method).


Does the same apply to positive Adjustment powers? For example, Boosterman has Absorption (Energy Damage to Stun), and is hit four times with Blastergirl’s EB over the course of the turn, absorbing 32 Stun points. In post segment 12, does Boosterman lose 20 of his absorbed Stun, or 5? (Still assuming no delayed return rate and standard method).



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Re: More on Adjustment power recoveries


Yes, the same thing applies to positive Adjustment Powers, though the GM may want to grant an exception in the case of Absorption, since a single Absorption roll might "boost" the character from multiple attacks. In that case it might make more sense to lump all the points gained from a single Adjustment roll into one unit, and have that unit lose points at the rate of 5 per Turn (or whatever).

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