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Sorry Steve, you must be sick of OIHID questions, but...



Hello. I just have to ask, because I'm having a little teensy problem with how "Instant Change" works. I understand that it is now an 7-pt "Cosmetic Transform" power. It says that it merely changes the characters clothing from civvies to costume, and vice versa. Pretty much a cosmetic change only.


Now, I have a character who is my version of Captain Marvel. She worships the God Hephaestus. She was a normal human, whose talent and dedication to her craft (blacksmith/armorer/weaponsmith) has caught the Lame God's attention. When she invokes her God (Incantation), she transforms into his avatar, wearing magic armor and wielding a nasty magic hammer (Bought as Foci). But, this is more than a cosmetic/costume change, as she also grows stronger, more dextrous, tougher (etc, etc). She still has all her knowledges and skills and talents as her normal form, with the addition of physical stuff (powers, above-normal characteristics, all "OIHID"). I think this is more than a cosmetic change, but I don't see her as a multi-form character either.


If this change does more than just alter the way she looks, would it be a Minor Transform instead? Or Major?


I just have trouble getting around the way Instant Change is written up as a Cosmetic Transform.


I apologize if I'm treading old ground here, but I would appreciate your input.



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