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Distance Shoved



The description of Shove in Ultimate Martial Artist (p. 149) says that "For every 10 STR in the Shove maneuver, a character can push a target back 1"; thus, at even its lowest level a Shove moves its target back 2"."


I'm not entirely sure what "STR in the Shove maneuver" means. Is it


a) the STR bonus given by the maneuver (+15 for the Shove in the table on p. 9),


B) the sum of that and the character's STR (plus any other applicable bonuses), or


c) something I haven't thought of?


For example: A character with STR 20 successfully uses the Shove from the table on p. 9. Does he push his opponent 2" (1" for the basic effect of Shove plus 1" for the +15 STR in the maneuver) or 4" (1" as above plus 3" for his STR 20 plus the 15 STR from the maneuver)?

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Re: Distance Shoved


It means 1" for every 10 STR the character applies as part of the Shove. Typically this means his own STR, plus the bonus STR from the maneuver (and any Extra DCs bought for Martial Arts, etc.). In your example, the character's applying 35 STR (base STR 20 plus +15 STR from the maneuver), so the target is Shoved back 3".

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