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I'm sensing something's wrong

Sean Waters

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Re: I'm sensing something's wrong


I had a guy roll a "3" on his Danger Sense roll once... and I was VERY specific to the point that he even knew the emotional state of the guy who was attacking and part of his motivation! :)

Can't say I blame you.

Outside of zen moments like that, I agree. Rarely is DS considered discriminatory in that it gives you detailed information that differentiates the danger. Direction and level of threat is about all I give.

"You feel that you may be in danger" is about the level of detail that I'm used to hearing or giving--also common: "Your danger sense goes on":whistle:

And level of threat is up to interpretation. I look at the attack, quick compare to what I know about the character... 8d6 normal, vs. Vector? Eh... only a mild tingle. 28d6AP? That tingle becomes a "holy jeezy jumpin' jelly beans you are gonna DIE!" type of feeling.

I've been RPGing long enough that even my characters that don't have danger sense usually get a tingle before it gets that dangerous.

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Re: I'm sensing something's wrong


I'm on the side that doesn't see danger sense as a talent or a power but as both. And a wierdly nebulous both at that.


I can see Sean's building it as a power. For Marvel's Spiderman (who is, after all, the root cause of this one) it makes sense Define it, delineate it and have it built as many ways as it pleases you. But a cut down, flat cost danger sense, as a talent, also makes sense, especially for heroic games.


As an example, the pulp hero big game hunter, his subconcious picking up clues concerning the lions den he's going to walk into - a vague smell, odd marks on a tree, disturbed grasses - stuff that wouldn't make gaming it with 'detect' die rolls worth while. But this level of danger sense I feel is best covered by a good GM adding extra explanation or 'trigger' words into the the RP.


Being Hero....you could build that as 'Deduction + 3 to roll (9 points) No conscious control (-2) for a total of 3 points :)

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Re: I'm sensing something's wrong


Being Hero....you could build that as 'Deduction + 3 to roll (9 points) No conscious control (-2) for a total of 3 points :)


Yes you COULD do it that way... but then we'd all have to gang up, come over to your house and shave your hea...


... uh... never mind. Go right on. As you please.










(I can say this, because I am folicularly challenged myself...)

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