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Mind Control awareness


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This past weekend, I had a villain NPC mind control one of the PCs (Centurion), telling him to not attack the NPC's allies (who were in the midst of a battle with the PCs). Another character asked Centurion why he wasn't attacking the bad guys. He responded with something to the effect of 'Because I don't have psi dampeners' (basically implying that he's being controlled).


As the GM, I ended up telling him that while he'll remember that he's being controlled and he'll know that his actions are not his own, that I wouldn't allow him to basically blurt out that he's being controlled.


Now, I know that there's an added difficulty of having the Mind Control go off undetected (which was not done), but for future reference, who was correct in this situation?

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Re: Mind Control awareness


It’s a tricky call. If the person doing the mind control did not specifically bar him from reveling that he was being influenced then the player could make a case that he could tell his friends what is going on.


OTOH letting players just blurt out they are mind controlled seems to greatly diminish the usefulness of the mind control power. Personally I think you did the right thing in not letting him tell. Others may have a different opinion.

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