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Team for review: The Justice Watch

Snake Gandhi

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I'm playing in a game here soon, and since I'm the only one with HeroDesigner I get to type everyones characters up. I figured since I'm gonna have everyone's sheet, might as well post them here for you folks to look at and give your opinions on. first off, a little background on the team.


The GM says he's using the Champions universe pretty much as is, the only changes he says he's making are the addition of two teams; Euroguard, a longstanding team based out of Paris formed in response to Eurostar and the growing super threat, and the Justice Watch, formed by the former leader of Euroguard and the worlds premiere superhero to tackle global threats that are too much for most teams to handle. Characters are built on 800 points (650 +150), with the exception of the two leaders who took 50 more points of Hunteds to show their status as major superheroes. Here's a basic rundown on the team members, and then I'll post the character sheets as I get them.



Sentinel: Sent from the future by his parents to avoid a cosmic invasion, Tom Anderson has powers and abilities far beyond those of normal men. The first of a new generation of superheroes, Sentinel is the World's Finest hero.


Tom is modest, and sometimes uncomfortable with his role, but he is devoted to the idea of justice and freedom.


Union Jack: A soldier in WWII, Jack nearly died, but his life was saved by a radical new treatment that not only cured him, it left his body in perfect physical shape. He became Union Jack, the shield-bearing superhero and symbol for the United Kingdom. For decades he lead the way, even going so far as to found Euroguard, but the teams poltics and backbiting finally got to him, and he left the team to help found a new and better team.


Jack is a cynic and a smart-***, but deep down he still believes in an idea. And he also happens to be the finest tactical mind on the planet and one of the best hand to hand fighters walking around.


Osprey: Marta Vieira Da Siolva was born with her amazing wings. A chance meeting with Union Jack helped put her find her path. She bugged the man until he gave her a chance. After some intense training, she's ready to prove her worth.

Tomorrow Man: The richest and smartest guy on the planet, Simon carried the weight of the world on his shoulders. Finally, he set out to do something special. A few months and a few billion later and he had the Tomorrow Suit, a powerful and flexible suit capable of astonishing things. When he heard of the new team forming, he was quick to sign up, nd he brough along his vast resources to help.


Luminal: A science nerd, Madison was working as an assistant in a lab when a tragic accident happend. Two scientists where killed, but somehow she recieved amazing powers, the ability to control light itself. For the first time Madison felt she had a chance to be special, to be famous, but her first supervillian encounter was almost her last. Fortunately Sentinel arrived, and after seeing her potential he invited her to join the new team, thinking there was no better place for her to learn and improve.


Silver Spectre: A wealthy man, Randal Immerson has devoted his life to justice, and once he realized that the authorities couldn't always provide it, he began. He learned many exotic techniques from masters all over the world, and his natural intellect and will combined with the mental and mystic forces at his command make for a formidable weapon against evil.

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Re: Team for review: The Justice Watch


Here's my character, Sentinel. He's a basic Superman homage, with the exception of the lack of any heat vision ( I never knew how tight 850 points could be:))


Note, I have to thanks Chuckg and metaphysician for his defense, as they thought of it first.



Player:Donald Stone 

Val	Char	Cost
120	STR	110
26	DEX	48
50	CON	80
30	BODY	40
18	INT	8
25	EGO	30
50	PRE	40
20	COM	5

16	PD	-8
16	ED	6
6	SPD	24
34	REC	0
100	END	0
115	STUN	0

6"	RUN	0
2"	SWIM	0
24"	LEAP	0
Characteristics Cost: 383

Cost	Power
20	1)  Damage Resistance (16 PD/16 ED), Hardened (+1/4) (20 Active Points)
30	2)  Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50%
12	3)  Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, +25% (15 Active Points); Not in the presence of Inothium (-1/4)
30	4)  Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50%
12	5)  Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, +25% (15 Active Points); Not in the presence of Inothium (-1/4)
23	6)  Absorption 4d6  (Energy, Stun, Body, END, Absorption Cap), 4 powers simultaniously (+1) (40 Active Points); Only Restores To Starting Values (-1/2), Not in the presence of Inothium (-1/4)
23	7)  Absorption 4d6, 4 powers simultaniously (+1) (40 Active Points); Only Restores To Starting Values (-1/2), Not in the presence of Inothium (-1/4)
5	8)  Lack Of Weakness (-5) for Normal Defense
32	9)  Knockback Resistance -16"
15	10) Mental Defense (20 points total)
22	11) Life Support  (Eating: Character only has to eat once per week; Safe Environment: Zero Gravity; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing; Sleeping: Character only has to sleep 8 hours per week)
56	Flight: Multipower, 70-point reserve,  (70 Active Points); all slots Not in the presence of Inothium (-1/4)
6u	1)  Flight 28", Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (70 Active Points); Not in the presence of Inothium (-1/4)
3u	2)  Flight 10", MegaScale (1" = 100 km; +3/4) (35 Active Points); Not in the presence of Inothium (-1/4)
3u	3)  Faster-Than-Light Travel (2 Light Years/hour) (38 Active Points); Not in the presence of Inothium (-1/4)
Super Senses
12	1)  High Range Radio Perception (Radio Group)
3	2)  Ultrasonic Perception (Hearing Group)
10	3)  Microscopic ( x100) with Sight Group
10	4)  N-Ray Perception (Sight Group)
6	5)  +4 versus Range Modifier for Sight Group
9	6)  +3 PER with all Sense Groups
17	Implanted Communication Chip: Mind Link , One Specific Mind, Any distance, No LOS Needed, Number of Minds (x8) (35 Active Points); Only With Others Who Have Mind Link (-1)
Powers Cost: 359

Cost	Skill
3	Acting 19-
3	Breakfall 14-
3	Combat Piloting 14-
3	Conversation 19-
3	KS: Literature 13-
5	KS: The Superhuman World 15-
3	Navigation (Air, Land) 13-
3	Oratory 19-
3	Paramedics 13-
5	Power:  Superstrength 15-
3	PS: Writer 13-
3	Tactics 13-
3	Teamwork 14-

20	+4 with HTH Combat
8	Penalty Skill Levels:  +5 vs. OCV penalty with Pulled Punch
Skills Cost: 71

Cost	Perk
10	Donation for Sanctuary
18	Reputation:  Champion of Justice (A large group) 14-, +6/+6d6
4	Contact:  President of the United States (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has very useful Skills or resources, Contact limited by identity) 11-
5	Contact:  Golden Avenger (Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has very useful Skills or resources) 11-
Perks Cost: 37

Total Character Cost: 850

Pts.	Disadvantage
25	Susceptibility:  Inothium, 3d6 damage per Phase (Uncommon)
20	Social Limitation:  Secret ID (Frequently, Severe)
10	Dependent NPC:  Jenny Street, Girlfriend 8- (Normal)
20	Psychological Limitation:  Code vs Killing (Common, Total)
15	Psychological Limitation:  Takes his position as a rolemodel seriously (Common, Strong)
10	Psychological Limitation:  Altruistic (Common, Moderate)
15	Hunted:  VIPER 11- (Less Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)
10	Hunted:  Crowns of Crim 8- (As Pow, Harshly Punish)
10	Hunted:  Gravitar 8- (As Pow, Harshly Punish)
10	Hunted:  Firewing 8- (As Pow, Harshly Punish)
10	Hunted:  Holocaust 8- (As Pow, Harshly Punish)
15	Hunted:  Terror, Inc 11- (As Pow, Harshly Punish)
5	Hunted:  The Ultimates 8- (Less Pow, Harshly Punish)
5	Hunted:  Mechanon 8- (Less Pow, Harshly Punish)
20	Hunted:  Dr Destroyer 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)
Disadvantage Points: 200
Base Points: 650
Experience Required: 0
Total Experience Available: 0
Experience Unspent: 0


He's fairly invulnerable to convention damage, but he can be hurt by exotic attacks and his own 'kryptonite'.

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Re: Team for review: The Justice Watch


Appearance: Tom is a very handsome guy, about 6'4". Tom is big, but not 'body builder' big. In costume he wears a red body suit with a stylized S on the chest, blue boots, and a blue cape. In his secret ID of Tom Anderson, writer of mysteries and detective novels he sticks to casual sloths, khakis and button up shirts mainly.


Personality: Tom believes that its his responsibility to use his amazing powers to protect the people of earth. He is a very modest man, and is some what uncomfortable with the way some folks idolize him. However, he knows he is a role model for lots of people the world over, and he tries his best to be a good one


Quote: "Let's do this peacefully. I'd prefer not to hurt you."


Background: 26 years ago a couple living on the outskirts of Montana where siting on their porch enjoying the night, and each other. Suddenly, something rocketed out of the sky and landed with a terrible BOOM in the field next to their house. The husband went to investigate and discoved the strangest thing. A ship. No bigger than a refridgerator, it lay in the crater smoking. As the man looked on, the ship opened and revelaed an infant laying inside. Not sure what to do, the man took the infant out of the ship and into his house. After some discussion, the couple decided to keep the baby as their own, and the husband buried the ship where it lay. Before long though, the couple realized that this was no ordinary baby. He was strong, stronger than the husband even, and a small accident showed them that he was incredibly tough. Still, they loved the boy with all their hearts.


Years passed, and Tom grew. And so did his powers. By the time he was in high school he learned he could fly, and by then his strength was to much for them to measure. Still, Tom was a good boy, and he did his level best to help out around the house. Still, come night time he would float up to the roof and look up at the stars wondering, where was he from, what was he here for, and what was he supposed to do. On his 18th birthday, his father surprised him by taking him into the field where he had landed and pointing out where his ship was buried. Tom had always though the ship was gone, so finding it here after all this time was a shock. he quickly uncovered it and looked inside.


What he found was nothing. Every system on the ship no longer worked, and there was nothing in the ship to tell where it had come from. Finally, just as tom was giving up hope, he found a small cube in a crevice of the ship. as he picked it up, a blue image appeared from the top of the cube. it was the image of a man and a woman. It was his birth parents. They told him a tale. he was not from another planet like he had believed, he was from the future. 1,000 years from the future to be exact. His parents had lived on a peaceful world, a paradise. Then the day came when a great evil attacked their world. they fought, but it was a hopeless battle. In a last act of love, the two parents had placed their child into the small ship and aimed it for a nearby cluster of temporal anomalies. The ship was to transport through time and land on the nearest suitable world, a world their son could live a happy and peaceful life. As the image faded, the two figures told the son that they would never see that they loved him dearly, and the were sorry they would never get to see him as a man. Wiping the tears from his eyes, Tom put the cube away and covered the ship again. For weeks Tom sat deep in though, wondering what it was he was supposed to do. He took to taking to the skies, traveling the globe. He didn't know what he was looking for, just that he'd know it when he found it. He finally found it in California. As he was flying by he saw the Spacecraft Challenger, one of the countries newest spacecraft designed to be re-used, coming in for a landing. tom was about to move on when one of it's engines exploded. it began bareling out of control, spiralling towards the earth. Without thinking, Tom raced over to the ship and grabbed it from below. He gently straightened out it fall and carried it to the ground. As it touched down, a wave of people rushed toward the ship to see the mysterious person who had just saved the ship. In a blur Tom took of.


When he got home, he talked with his parents. They'ed seen what had happened on the news, and they figured out pretty quickly that it was their boy doing it. Tom said that for the first time, he felt like he was doing something right, something he was made to do. His folks asked him if he intended to keep doing what he'd done and he said yes. With a laugh, his father said that in that case, he'd need something to wear.


7 years later, and Sentinel is the world's most well know superhero. There are few villians he hasn't faced down. Most of them fear him, some of them hate him. He still visits his folks once a week, and while he has an apartment of his own he still considers that little house in Montana his home. Otherwise, not much has changed in Tom's life, with the exception of Jenny.


He met Jenny 3 years ago, which is odd as he doesn't get out much. He was instantly drawn to her, and she was able to see the good guy behind the shy exterior and the frequent disappearing acts. They've been together for two years now, and he's debating what to do. He loves her, he knows that, but he's not sure if he should marry her, what with him being the worlds most hunted man and all that. He hasn't told her about Sentinel yet, but he wants to.


As for the Watch, that is all Union Jack's fault. He met Jack a couple years ago, and depite their many differences the two became friends. Jack lead Eurogaurd for the longest time, but he'd grown sick of dealing with the politics and the beaurocracy. As a joke, Tom suggested they form a new super group, and Jack jumped at it. He tried to tell the guy he was kidding, but Jack never takes no for an answer. He called up a few people he trusted, and together they formed the nucleaus of the Justice Watch.


Powers/Tactics: Sentinel is fast, very strong, and nigh invulnerable. His usual tactic is to present himself as an easy target and spot off a Pre attack. One, this tends to slow the bad guys down a little, and can put some of them out of the fight. Two, it makes him the biggest target, and he'd rather the bad guys shoot at him that anyone else. other than that he ususal targets the most powerful person on the opposing side and tries to take them out of the fight.


Campaign Use: Sentinel is mayhaps the strongest and toughest person on the planet earth. He has the strength to move mountains and the power to withstand an atomic blast. But more importantly he is the moral center of the superhero community. He has always fought for what was right, no matter what, and his presence is such that most of the world looks up to him.

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Re: Team for review: The Justice Watch


Here's Osprey, our flying speedster.



Player: Nicki Rustio

Val	Char	Cost
40	STR	30
40	DEX	90
25	CON	30
25	BODY	30
16	INT	6
22	EGO	24
20	PRE	10
20	COM	5

18/27	PD	0
15/24	ED	0
10	SPD	50
13	REC	0
70	END	10
68	STUN	10

6"	RUN	0
2"	SWIM	0
8"	LEAP	0
Characteristics Cost: 295

Cost	Power
60	Wings: Multipower, 90-point reserve,  (90 Active Points); all slots Restrainable (-1/2)
6u	1)  Tactical Flight: Flight 36", Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (90 Active Points); Restrainable (-1/2)
3u	2)  Super-sonic Flight: Flight 10", MegaScale (1" = 100 km; +3/4), Can Be Scaled Down 1" = 1km (+1/4) (40 Active Points); Restrainable (-1/2)
4u	3)  Wing  Thrust: Telekinesis (30 STR), Area Of Effect (10" Cone; +1) (90 Active Points); Only to Push Away (-3/4), Restrainable (-1/2)
15	Steeled Gauntlets: Hand-To-Hand Attack +6d6 (30 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), OIF (-1/2)
20	Steeled Talons: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6 (4d6 w/STR) (30 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)
16	Casual Dodging: +4 with DCV (20 Active Points); Only while flying (-1/4)
96	Sonic Shriek: Energy Blast 12d6, Area Of Effect (13" Cone; +1) (120 Active Points); Incantations (-1/4)
30	High Pitched Shriek: Hearing Group Flash 6d6, Area Of Effect (15" Cone; +1 1/2) (45 Active Points); Linked (Sonic Shriek; -1/2)
28	Knowing the Air: Spatial Awareness (Unusual Group), Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Range, Telescopic:  +20 (42 Active Points); Only for objects in the air (-1/2)
8	Eagle Eyes: +4 PER with Sight Group
6	Far Sight: +4 versus Range Modifier for Sight Group
32	T-Tech Force Field Belt: Force Field (10 PD/10 ED), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (40 Active Points); IIF (-1/4)
17	Implanted Communication Chip: Mind Link , One Specific Mind, Any distance, No LOS Needed, Number of Minds (x8) (35 Active Points); Only With Others Who Have Mind Link (-1)
Powers Cost: 341

Cost	Martial Arts Maneuver
5	Flying Dodge:  1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +4 DCV, Dodge All Attacks, Abort; FMove
5	Flying Grab:  1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, -1 DCV, Grab Two Limbs, 50 STR for holding on; FMove
3	Flying Tackle:  1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, -1 DCV, 8d6 +v/5 Strike; You Fall, Target Falls; FMove
5	Passing Disarm:  1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -1 DCV, Disarm, 50 STR to Disarm; FMove
5	Passing Strike:  1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, 8d6 +v/5; FMove
5	Passing Throw:  1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, 8d6 +v/5; Target Falls; FMove
1	Weapon Element:  Fist-Loads
Martial Arts Cost: 29

Cost	Skill
3	Acrobatics 17-
3	Breakfall 17-
3	Combat Piloting 17-
3	AK: Brazil 12-
3	KS: The Superhuman World 12-
3	KS: Catholicism 12-
3	Language:  English (fluent conversation; literate)
0	Language:  Portugese (completely fluent; literate) (4 Active Points)
6	Navigation (Air) 14-
1	Paramedics 8-
3	PS: Student 12-
3	Systems Operation (Air/Space Traffic Control Systems, Broadcast Communications, Cellular and Digital, Radio, Satellite Communications, Telephone Communications) 12-
3	Teamwork 17-

8	+4 with Flight
10	+2 with HTH Combat
Skills Cost: 55

Cost	Perk
10	Donation for Sanctuary
2	Reputation:  Winged superhero (A large group) 11-, +1/+1d6
Perks Cost: 12

Cost	Talent
18	Combat Luck (9 PD/9 ED)
Talents Cost: 18

Total Character Cost: 750

Pts.	Disadvantage
15	Psychological Limitation:  Code vs Killing (Common, Strong)
10	Psychological Limitation:  Catholic (Common, Moderate)
15	Psychological Limitation:  Puts others before self (Common, Strong)
15	Distinctive Features:  Giant Wings (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
10	Enraged:  Innocents are killed (Uncommon), go 11-, recover 14-
15	Social Limitation:  Public ID (Frequently, Major)
20	Hunted:  VIPER 8- (As Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Harshly Punish)
Disadvantage Points: 100
Base Points: 650
Experience Required: 0
Total Experience Available: 0
Experience Unspent: 0


She pretty fun, and with a 17 DCV while flying she pretty tough to hit.

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Re: Team for review: The Justice Watch


Appearance: Marta stands about 5' 9", and is in incredible shape. She's got coco brown skin, long brown hair, and amber eyes. Her most distinctive feature is the set of wings growing out of her back, very much like birds wings with mostly white feathers, brown at the tips. In her off time she prefers jeans and t-shirts, unless she's going out, then it's whatever is fashionable and lets her dance.


In the field she wears spandex tights and a spandex top that leaves her arms (and belly) uncovered. She wears boots and specially made metallic gauntlets on her hands. She also wears a custom designed and fitting Force Field Belt, which is why she doesn't bother with any type of armor.


Personality: Marta is a good Catholic girl. She polite, funny, and has enormous energy. For the longest time she didn't know why she was different, but now she knows its to help people. She knows she's different, and she want to use it to help make the world a better place.


Quote: "Remember what the jackalope says friend. Fast as fast can be, you'll never catch me."


Background: Marta Vieira Da Siolva was born in a small town in Brazil. Born with her unusual wings, her parents thought she was a gift from god. She grew up in a very poor catholic household, and as such her faith became very important to her. Her life changed when Euro-Guard followed the villianous Eurostar to Brazil. The villians escaped, but after meeting such a special girl Union Jack, leader of the team, asked her if she'd like to come to Englnd. He said he knew some folks at Oxford, and if she wanted he could get a smart girl like her accepted. Marta was nervous about leaving home, especially with her special status, but her family convinced her that better things where waiting out there, so she reluctantly agreed.


2 years later, and Marta is lost. She's doing well at school, and after some time the student body adjusted to the 7 foot wings on her back, but she was lost. She really didn't know what she wanted to do with her life. She had always thought she was here to do something special, not some normal everyday job. Finally, after some thought, she hit on it. She wanted to be a superhero.


Marta had kept in touch with Union Jack, and she went to see him. He was happy to see her, but he told her that unfortunately he wasn't authorized to let some rookie superhero on to the Guard, much as he might like to. Jack smiled and said that, strange as it was, he was leaving the Euro-Guard to help found a different team, one that could use a bright, enthusiastic, and, well, damn pleasent girl. He told her flat out that it was incredibly dangerous, and it would take a lot of training on her end before he even let her out in the field. Undaunted, she agreed.


A quick trip later, and they where standing in Sanctuary, the newly christened (and only halfway complete) headquaters of the Justice Watch, or the Watch for short. Jack introduced Marta to the other founding members, Sentinel and Tomorrow Man. Marta was kind of nevous, as these where famous superheroes, but Sentinel's kind mile and Tomorrow Man's sense of humor put her at ease. After getting things set away, Marta's training began.


Jack helped her with her combat training, and Sentinel took her for her first real flight. On her first time out, she suprised everyone by breaking the sound barrier. No one thought she could move that fast, but everyone quickly learned she could move a lot faster. As the weeks went by, Marta discovered that her wings could propel her at supersonic speeds, and that her reflexes and muscles where also enhanced. Marta also learned that she could scream with incredible force. She found that she could move a good deal faster than Jack, and that even in mediocre shape she was stronger than he was as well. But Marta didn't stay in mediocre shape for long. She hit the gym hard, and when she wasn't praticing her fighting skills with Jack she was getting used to swooping through the skies. Tomorrow Man fitted her with one of his patented Force Field belts, identical to the one Union Jack wore, though it was less than nessesary what with her being so fast and so agile. Months went buy, till finally Jack and Sentinal were convinced she could handle herself.


Powers/Tactics: Osprey can fly very fast and is incredibly agile. She normally sticks to using her speed and agilty to wear down the opposition with her specific martial art, which is based on moving fast and striking while passing. (she came up with it from watching how hawks and other birds of prey function). Marta prefers to keep moving, as she knows she's a lot harder to hit that way. She also seems to have a sort of 6th sense about air currents, ahe can find and track nearly anything thats moving through the atmosphere.


Her Shriek is is very good at incopacitating large groups of people, and if she's not careful she can cause some real destruction with it.


Campaign Use: Marta is new to the hero biz, but she's commited to doing whats right.

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